It depends on what Pitt uses it for. Being a tax exempt organization doesn't mean that every property you own is tax exempt, the use of the property is considered. If it's used for purely commercial activity it will be taxed, for example. In this situation, it's overwhelmingly likely that if Pitt gets this property (this building is part of a bankruptcy proceeding so a federal bankruptcy judge has to OK the sale and the creditors, including local taxing bodies like the city etc. get a say too) Pitt will work out a payment in lieu of taxes (Pilot) with the School District, the City and the County.
I would like to see Pitt acquire this property simply due to location and logistics.
However....if Pitt does get this building, does it not become tax exempt? I dont know the answer but I would think that becomes an issue?
And curious what you would do with this building? If there is a fitness center, pool, bowling alley....I would think high end condos in the heart of Oakland makes sense.