No, it was completely off base. You did a quick google search and saw that he suffered from a disease nearly 15 years ago. You speculated that this disease may have had something to do with a professional decision - to which you were not privy and you don't understand - that occurred today. He's successfully run several large hospitals since 2004, including turning around one that was in such bad shape that its mere survival, let alone comeback, was deemed impossible. There were no facts at all that supported your claim of a potential recurrence of "personal demons." Indeed, all available facts suggested the opposite. You posted it because it was sensational.
I will add that not only are you incorrect, that kind of speculation is seriously damaging to people who struggle with dependency. People don't seek treatment because they fear that once their problem is public, they will be labeled as a reprobate even 15 years later. They don't get the help they need and the problem gets worse and does additional damage to them and the people around them.
There was no reason to dig up a 15 year old personal issue and try to tie it into a career which been extremely successful. Especially with respect to a loyal Pitt guy who gives a lot of his time and money to the school.