That's the game that started to make Mike McQueery a legend.Rumor has it Mike had a big bet on the game and that pass he threw covered the spread,Mike wins.Mike supposedley wasn't suppost to throw that pass. That Mike he's quite the guy.
Slider look up the point spread on that game and come to your own conclusion !It not a rumor that McQueery was a better in college and afterwards. I just don't like men that run away when a kid is in trouble.Plus the scumbag shoots deer over bait,he's a man's man!bwdik
It was something like "I didn't think you played like that" from Graber then the Reverend Jim JonesPa went off with the BS a true sportsman he was.I can’t make out anything before “Bullshit” can anyone tell me what was said at the beginning?
That's the game that started to make Mike McQueery a legend.Rumor has it Mike had a big bet on the game and that pass he threw covered the spread,Mike wins.Mike supposedley wasn't suppost to throw that pass. That Mike he's quite the guy.
Slider look up the point spread on that game and come to your own conclusion !It not a rumor that McQueery was a better in college and afterwards. I just don't like men that run away when a kid is in trouble.Plus the scumbag shoots deer over bait,he's a man's man!bwdik
He died too early. Should be in jail. He got off easy.Juck Foe.
H2P !!!!!
It was something like "I didn't think you played like that" from Graber then the Reverend Jim JonesPa went off with the BS a true sportsman he was.
Here's the thing though. If that truly was an audible called by McQueary then when Grabber said "I didn't think you played like that" why wasn't Paterno's response something along the lines of "hey, I'm sorry about that, that wasn't the play we called, the kid did that on his own. That wasn't what I wanted him to do." Because that completely diffuses the whole situation. Instead Paterno goes off on Graber. Because it never even occurred to Paterno that McQueery had done something that he wasn't supposed to that was clearly unsportsmanlike. Because he did exactly what he was supposed to do, and it didn't bother Paterno even a wee little bit.
Because ultimately Paterno was full of shite
That's the game that started to make Mike McQueery a legend.Rumor has it Mike had a big bet on the game and that pass he threw covered the spread,Mike wins.Mike supposedley wasn't suppost to throw that pass. That Mike he's quite the guy.
So what your really saying is you're gullible & take hear say, rumors and innuendo as facts ... interesting