OT: Thon


Jul 5, 2001
I feel like a crumb posting this but I dug into 4 diamonds which is the recipient of the Thon fundraiser by PSU. Let me start by saying the job done by PSU students is incredible but it appears the money is not necessarily going to sick children and their families. Only 19% goes to sick children and their families. 9% goes to administration. 33% goes to research and a whopping 39% goes to endowment.

Who gets the administrations payments, research and endowment money? Penn State Medical center. Someone please tell me I am missing something here.
I feel like a crumb posting this but I dug into 4 diamonds which is the recipient of the Thon fundraiser by PSU. Let me start by saying the job done by PSU students is incredible but it appears the money is not necessarily going to sick children and their families. Only 19% goes to sick children and their families. 9% goes to administration. 33% goes to research and a whopping 39% goes to endowment.

Who gets the administrations payments, research and endowment money? Penn State Medical center. Someone please tell me I am missing something here.
You are not missing anything. This has been documented here before many times.
Perfect example of why State Penn can generate donations and sell tickets. They get the entire state supporting them, with no questions asked. Pitt can't even get people in Oakland to support them.

And yes, thon is mostly a scan to help build up their hospital system.
I worked at a school district that did a thon event. I question the organizer as to way they would support an organization miles away?
They have a very good hospital right in there back yard and refused to support it. Why
Organizer was a pervert grad, I guess that had something to do with it
I worked at a school district that did a thon event. I question the organizer as to way they would support an organization miles away?
They have a very good hospital right in there back yard and refused to support it. Why
Organizer was a pervert grad, I guess that had something to do with it

It's simply because they are the state football team, and people have a cultish pride for football teams (except for Pitt). Sort of like, if the Steelers opened their own hospital and started fundraising for it. Would make zero sense for them to do that, but many people in western PA would blindly give to it with no questions asked. Not all that different from people not accepting that Paterno could have done something much sooner about Sandusky raping young boys.
I feel like a crumb posting this but I dug into 4 diamonds which is the recipient of the Thon fundraiser by PSU. Let me start by saying the job done by PSU students is incredible but it appears the money is not necessarily going to sick children and their families. Only 19% goes to sick children and their families. 9% goes to administration. 33% goes to research and a whopping 39% goes to endowment.

Who gets the administrations payments, research and endowment money? Penn State Medical center. Someone please tell me I am missing something here.
Been known for years.
I worked at a school district that did a thon event. I question the organizer as to way they would support an organization miles away?
They have a very good hospital right in there back yard and refused to support it. Why
Organizer was a pervert grad, I guess that had something to do with it
“Something” to do with it? It is everything to do with it. They get caught up in it while at PSU, which is fine since they go there. But the line between “helping kids” and PSU culture is so blurred by the social aspect and Greek stuff. So when they get jobs at a school miles away they can’t help themselves. A noble idea of “helping kids” is, in their minds, inseparable from their self righteous PSU attitude. I would even say that that the charitable intent is relegated to moral window dressing for another opportunity to display their “We Are” arrogance.
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I worked at a school district that did a thon event. I question the organizer as to way they would support an organization miles away?
They have a very good hospital right in there back yard and refused to support it. Why
Organizer was a pervert grad, I guess that had something to do with it
Other than raising money, Penn State helps organize this for schools making it easier to start a Mini-THON. It's a great recruiting tool for highly motivated students as well. However, like you I prefer when schools support local organizations. I know of at least one that has a dance marathon for Children's.
So with all of this THON negativity, what are Pitt students doing to raise millions? Honest question.
So with all of this THON negativity, what are Pitt students doing to raise millions? Honest question.
Also an important take. The effort undertaken by the PSU students for this is completely commendable and should be celebrated. The use of the funds however is under some understandable question.
Also an important take. The effort undertaken by the PSU students for this is completely commendable and should be celebrated. The use of the funds however is under some understandable question.

Yeah but it's easily retrieved information that only a small percentage goes to actual sick kids.

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