OT: WTAE and DirecTV.....


Board of Trustee
Gold Member
Mar 16, 2004
Right after the ball dropped, poof!, WTAE disappeared. I guess Hearst broadcasting could not come to an agreement with DirecTV. Wonder how long it will take them to capitulate (Hearst that is). I read it affects 28 markets.
Same thing happened here in Central PA with WGAL. I'm actually conserdering a switch to Sling TV. Anybody have experience with this?
Wpxi is back for the game. I bet ware will be back before the college game tomorrow.
I had to suffer through watching the steeler game on Christmas with an he antenna and it the worst tv experience of my life.
LOL. Just read a funny tweet to the effect that Mariah was saved by tOSU tonight for having the worst performance.
Another funny comment involved the controversy re: Stanford RB Christian McCaffrey not showing-up for his team's bowl game. Meanwhile, the entire tOSU team didn't show-up for theirs....
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