I have friends with advanced college degrees all making well into 6 figures , who enjoy WWE, including driving to Philly for Wrestlemania .

In college I went to Monday Raw and I have to say it was very entertaining.
So, I see the appeal
This brings up another one of my ideas. Modern-day gladiator fighting. Have it in a country which doesnt have any regulations. Winner gets $50 million. Loser's family gets $25 million.
That’s how UFC started , to be honest
No weight classes just dudes beating the crap out of each other , with no eye gouging being the only real rule
I have friends with advanced college degrees all making well into 6 figures , who enjoy WWE, including driving to Philly for Wrestlemania .

In college I went to Monday Raw and I have to say it was very entertaining.
So, I see the appeal
I went to one about 12 years ago when they taped a raw and smack down on the same night (it was over Christmas so they didn’t do a live show). My kids were young and liked it so I took them. We were at the arena for about 5 hours. I slept through large chunks of it. The only thing I found interesting is how they switched the set from Raw to smack down in the blink of an eye. About 40 employees came from behind the curtain while a match was taking place and started switching everything over. It was as organized and orchestrated as a nascar pit crew.
I thought they did an excellent job with the Bloodline and Cody Rhodes story line. The Rock brought it up to another level. He is just an unbelievably fun person to watch.

I like that they've recently had some shows where the screen was less prominent and he wrestler entered into the arena instead of coming out from below a giant screen that takes up 1/4 of the space. Not sure if they are sticking to that but it reminded my of the old school entrances.

I really watch very little now, but I did catch some of the WrestleMania build with Rhodes and bloodline. Best buildup since 2014 Daniel Bryan and the Yes movement. Not only a good build-up, but a great main event to follow the hype. Maybe it was the Triple H influence. Had more of a big fight feel. I usually don't think cursing is necessary in pro wrestling (kind of a cheap way to get heat), but with Rock it helped add to the realism.
I really watch very little now, but I did catch some of the WrestleMania build with Rhodes and bloodline. Best buildup since 2014 Daniel Bryan and the Yes movement. Not only a good build-up, but a great main event to follow the hype. Maybe it was the Triple H influence. Had more of a big fight feel. I usually don't think cursing is necessary in pro wrestling (kind of a cheap way to get heat), but with Rock it helped add to the realism.
You were overrated as a wrasslin manager.
The 80s/early 90s was the best because it was very kid-oriented and you had the good vs evil element and the cartoon characters. Now, the characters are just like "regular people." Like Jimmy Smith is wrestling Steve Johnson. Ok, the stage names are a little more creative than that but it just seems like a Fake UFC. Who would watch that? In the old days, you'd have these cartoonish beefs and storylines that were really exciting for kids. Nowadays, you dont have that but its popularity seems to be at an all-time high.
You're not allowed to have some of the characters they had, Iron Sheik with an Iranian flag, the Ugandan Giant. they had Russians, Nazis, Gays all to be made fun of, would be too offensive today :)
Wrestling fans do hide it a lot. Maybe because there’s some embarrassment? I don’t know. But I guarantee you if you wore a wrestling shirt out in public you’d get comments on it.
Back in the 60s, in the Bruno Era it looked and felt real, adult males including my dad watched it and thought it was real, then gradually the fakeish characters ramped up
Back in the 60s, in the Bruno Era it looked and felt real, adult males including my dad watched it and thought it was real, then gradually the fakeish characters ramped up

NWA kind of maintained that through at least the mid-80's. Like it would be Flair vs Dusty Rhodes battling in a one-hour match that included a bunch of arm bars and whatnot, lol.

But once the WWF started in 1980, it became way more focused on the sports entertainment element. And then it bought out the territories and blew up with Hulk Hogan, and that was about all she wrote - everything else just started to emulate that at least to some extent.

The Golden Era in WWF (1980 - 1993) will always be my preference.

The New Generation (1993 - 1997) had some things I really liked, but a lot of it sucked - I think it was the personalities that were just lacking or something.

Attitude Era - I mean, I would go on and off with it from like 1997 - 2000. I can't deny that the personalities were huge. It just felt like they kept recycling the same guys in the main events, and the pageantry was lost. But obviously this is considered the apex era for professional wrestling. I probably feel similar toward this and what came after as your dad does about what proceeded Bruno and company.
NWA kind of maintained that through at least the mid-80's. Like it would be Flair vs Dusty Rhodes battling in a one-hour match that included a bunch of arm bars and whatnot, lol.

But once the WWF started in 1980, it became way more focused on the sports entertainment element. And then it bought out the territories and blew up with Hulk Hogan, and that was about all she wrote - everything else just started to emulate that at least to some extent.

The Golden Era in WWF (1980 - 1993) will always be my preference.

The New Generation (1993 - 1997) had some things I really liked, but a lot of it sucked - I think it was the personalities that were just lacking or something.

Attitude Era - I mean, I would go on and off with it from like 1997 - 2000. I can't deny that the personalities were huge. It just felt like they kept recycling the same guys in the main events, and the pageantry was lost. But obviously this is considered the apex era for professional wrestling. I probably feel similar toward this and what came after as your dad does about what proceeded Bruno and company.
What a nerd response...I kid I kid...(sort of...)
You're not allowed to have some of the characters they had, Iron Sheik with an Iranian flag, the Ugandan Giant. they had Russians, Nazis, Gays all to be made fun of, would be too offensive today :)

Yea, a lot of their stereotypes were very stereotypical. They couldn't do that today but as a kid it was fun to see these cartoon characters. Now, I dont get it. Its just one dude fake fighting another dude. There's no good and evil element so its hard for me to understand why its so popular.
NWA kind of maintained that through at least the mid-80's. Like it would be Flair vs Dusty Rhodes battling in a one-hour match that included a bunch of arm bars and whatnot, lol.

But once the WWF started in 1980, it became way more focused on the sports entertainment element. And then it bought out the territories and blew up with Hulk Hogan, and that was about all she wrote - everything else just started to emulate that at least to some extent.

The Golden Era in WWF (1980 - 1993) will always be my preference.

The New Generation (1993 - 1997) had some things I really liked, but a lot of it sucked - I think it was the personalities that were just lacking or something.

Attitude Era - I mean, I would go on and off with it from like 1997 - 2000. I can't deny that the personalities were huge. It just felt like they kept recycling the same guys in the main events, and the pageantry was lost. But obviously this is considered the apex era for professional wrestling. I probably feel similar toward this and what came after as your dad does about what proceeded Bruno and company.
I think the craziness started with who I consider the GOAT, the Nature Boy Ric Flair in the late 70s, I remember I was in high school and remember being drawn to his crazy videos with the private jets and limos and a girl on each arm, WOOO! and the Rolex and $600 alligator shoes, WOOO! :) and thinking this guy is full of crap, but it's really funny, I need to see his next interview, meanwhile my dad hated it, he wanted serious guys like Bruno and Dominic DiNucci, LOL! That was like the beginning of the end of wrestling where they tried to act like normal people.
I have friends with advanced college degrees all making well into 6 figures , who enjoy WWE, including driving to Philly for Wrestlemania .

In college I went to Monday Raw and I have to say it was very entertaining.
So, I see the appeal
I fit that category and loved it. Also add that those tickets are not cheep. Hundreds just to sit in the upper deck. Ive been to several Wrestlemanias, some of the best sporting events I’ve ever been to.
I think the craziness started with who I consider the GOAT, the Nature Boy Ric Flair in the late 70s, I remember I was in high school and remember being drawn to his crazy videos with the private jets and limos and a girl on each arm, WOOO! and the Rolex and $600 alligator shoes, WOOO! :) and thinking this guy is full of crap, but it's really funny, I need to see his next interview, meanwhile my dad hated it, he wanted serious guys like Bruno and Dominic DiNucci, LOL! That was like the beginning of the end of wrestling where they tried to act like normal people.

Hey now! They were $600 lizard shoes...

Haha, but I don't think he was doing those interviews until the late 80's (at least those specific ones). I mean, I guess there was always at least some silliness. I've seen Macho Man give some pretty coked up interviews in Memphis, which would have been the 70s or early 80s I think.
I haven't watched WWF WWE decades. That said iron claw was really well done. Not to change the subject but a really well done movie.
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Hey now! They were $600 lizard shoes...

Haha, but I don't think he was doing those interviews until the late 80's (at least those specific ones). I mean, I guess there was always at least some silliness. I've seen Macho Man give some pretty coked up interviews in Memphis, which would have been the 70s or early 80s I think.
No, he had videos like that in the 70s or at least early 80s, I clearly remember a clip "a day in the life of Ric Flair" watching it at a house of a friend I haven't seen since at least 1983, so he did start the videos like that earlier than late 80s.
Attitude Era - I mean, I would go on and off with it from like 1997 - 2000. I can't deny that the personalities were huge. It just felt like they kept recycling the same guys in the main events, and the pageantry was lost. But obviously this is considered the apex era for professional wrestling. I probably feel similar toward this and what came after as your dad does about what proceeded Bruno and company.

The personalities in the attitude era were some of the best ever with the Rock & Austin. But I kind of lost interest since Vince went with the raunchy crap, and supposed humor that was the furthest thing from being funny. The talent could have still been incredibly over without resorting to all the low brow stuff.
NWA kind of maintained that through at least the mid-80's. Like it would be Flair vs Dusty Rhodes battling in a one-hour match that included a bunch of arm bars and whatnot, lol.

But once the WWF started in 1980, it became way more focused on the sports entertainment element. And then it bought out the territories and blew up with Hulk Hogan, and that was about all she wrote - everything else just started to emulate that at least to some extent.

The Golden Era in WWF (1980 - 1993) will always be my preference.

The New Generation (1993 - 1997) had some things I really liked, but a lot of it sucked - I think it was the personalities that were just lacking or something.

Attitude Era - I mean, I would go on and off with it from like 1997 - 2000. I can't deny that the personalities were huge. It just felt like they kept recycling the same guys in the main events, and the pageantry was lost. But obviously this is considered the apex era for professional wrestling. I probably feel similar toward this and what came after as your dad does about what proceeded Bruno and company.
Flair and Dusty never really went an hour, they'd go 45ish minutes and say it was an hour. Yeah it was mostly arm bars since Dusty was a fat slob, but his talking brought people to the building so it didn't really matter how he was in the ring.
Back in the 60s, in the Bruno Era it looked and felt real, adult males including my dad watched it and thought it was real, then gradually the fakeish characters ramped up
Bruno was teaming with Battman a dude with a potbelly dressed like Batman in 1967, they were doing wacky stuff back in the day and anyone over 8 years old and under 78 years old knew it was a show. Now at the Civic Arena and other places there were some guys who thought it was real because they were influenced by their friends Jack, Jim, Johnny or their Old Grand Dad.
Flair and Dusty never really went an hour, they'd go 45ish minutes and say it was an hour. Yeah it was mostly arm bars since Dusty was a fat slob, but his talking brought people to the building so it didn't really matter how he was in the ring.

Well, time variances aside, I think they mostly tried to keep things looking semi-realistic. Whereas Hogan matches typically followed the same formula, which would culminate in him getting whooped on for the majority of the match prior to taking a finishing maneuver, Hulking up, taking two punches, blocking the next, delivering three punches, throwing the dude off the ropes, delivering a boot, dropping the leg, getting the pin, and posing for ten minutes as the credits rolled.

That's why matches such as Savage vs Steamboat at WM3 stood out so much in the WWF.
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The funny thing was eye gouging was illegal but they would not disqualify a fighter if he eye gouged.

I liked early UFC when it was more of a street fight style. But the competitors learned really quick that you needed to have more of a defensive strategy. I stopped watching UFC probably for a lot of the reasons people dont watch soccer. Too defensive. Afraid to make a mistake. Not enough offense. Most matches are just grappling and to me, that's really boring.
Bruno was teaming with Battman a dude with a potbelly dressed like Batman in 1967, they were doing wacky stuff back in the day and anyone over 8 years old and under 78 years old knew it was a show. Now at the Civic Arena and other places there were some guys who thought it was real because they were influenced by their friends Jack, Jim, Johnny or their Old Grand Dad.
True, but the overall thing wasn't overrun with crazy characters until the 80s, they actually let a super boring dude, Bob Backlund be the champ after Bruno for God sakes :) Him and Bruno gave off a vibe that it was serious and not fake.
I liked early UFC when it was more of a street fight style. But the competitors learned really quick that you needed to have more of a defensive strategy. I stopped watching UFC probably for a lot of the reasons people dont watch soccer. Too defensive. Afraid to make a mistake. Not enough offense. Most matches are just grappling and to me, that's really boring.

While there can be lay and pray and leg humping matches that can bore one to tears, to say that most are grappling once again shows how often you proclaim to know something but are actually clueless.

And sometimes the grappling can be interesting once you have some idea what you’re watching as long as they’re trying to advance and/or go for submissions.
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Personally I don’t understand how it does so well. The attitude era was great and the NWO angle before it was great in the mid 90’s. But even then the matches all sucked and most adults only watched for the storylines and personalities. Or in the WWE’s case, how far were they going to push the envelope this week? Wasn’t there a skit where mark Henry conceived something bizarre with Mae Young? Matches are only good for beer runs, bathroom breaks and fast forwarding if you are watching a recording. But now, all the storylines have all been done before (the bloodline was good however). All the wrestlers bring nothing fresh or new. One guy appears to be a stone cold knockoff and rock wanna be (LA Knight) rolled into one. It’s not creative. I don’t understand why they sell out arenas every week. Unless the average lifespan as a fan is 10 years before they’re bored and then they just get replaced with a new fan for 10 years.
Unless the average lifespan as a fan is 10 years before they’re bored and then they just get replaced with a new fan for 10 years.
THIS^^^, I think a lot of people, myself included, get a kick out of it for a while, for me it was like late 70s-early 90s and then got bored with it.
Personally I don’t understand how it does so well. The attitude era was great and the NWO angle before it was great in the mid 90’s. But even then the matches all sucked and most adults only watched for the storylines and personalities. Or in the WWE’s case, how far were they going to push the envelope this week? Wasn’t there a skit where mark Henry conceived something bizarre with Mae Young? Matches are only good for beer runs, bathroom breaks and fast forwarding if you are watching a recording. But now, all the storylines have all been done before (the bloodline was good however). All the wrestlers bring nothing fresh or new. One guy appears to be a stone cold knockoff and rock wanna be (LA Knight) rolled into one. It’s not creative. I don’t understand why they sell out arenas every week. Unless the average lifespan as a fan is 10 years before they’re bored and then they just get replaced with a new fan for 10 years.
LA Knight is a nostalgia act. It works! Half the wrestlers these days are just boring athletic guys who can't act. Doing a Rock impersonation is much better than being the 25th athletic guy who isn't interesting.

What really showed when the Rock came back for a few months was how devoid of charisma the modern guys are. Cody Rhodes is THE guy for WWE right now and Rock made him seem like just another guy. The product is too sanitized and well polished today. Even when I knew it was fake as a child there was an edge to it. It still FELT like the guys actually hated each other even if I knew the match was fake. That is long gone.
Well, time variances aside, I think they mostly tried to keep things looking semi-realistic. Whereas Hogan matches typically followed the same formula, which would culminate in him getting whooped on for the majority of the match prior to taking a finishing maneuver, Hulking up, taking two punches, blocking the next, delivering three punches, throwing the dude off the ropes, delivering a boot, dropping the leg, getting the pin, and posing for ten minutes as the credits rolled.

That's why matches such as Savage vs Steamboat at WM3 stood out so much in the WWF.
Flair matches had a formula, even Bret Hart who criticized Flair for being too formulaic was also pretty formulaic.

While there can be lay and pray and leg humping matches that can bore one to tears, to say that most are grappling once again shows how often you proclaim to know something but are actually clueless.

And sometimes the grappling can be interesting once you have some idea what you’re watching as long as they’re trying to advance and/or go for submissions.

I dont know. I used to watch it quite a bit but gave it up about 10 years ago. Looked too much like NCAA wrestling for my liking. That can be entertaining for some but foe me, I want to see a street fight.
I dont know. I used to watch it quite a bit but gave it up about 10 years ago. Looked too much like NCAA wrestling for my liking. That can be entertaining for some but foe me, I want to see a street fight.
There are definitely cards that can be boring with not enough striking. I won’t deny that - it happens. But saying most fights are grappling is just flat out wrong.
LA Knight is a nostalgia act. It works! Half the wrestlers these days are just boring athletic guys who can't act. Doing a Rock impersonation is much better than being the 25th athletic guy who isn't interesting.

What really showed when the Rock came back for a few months was how devoid of charisma the modern guys are. Cody Rhodes is THE guy for WWE right now and Rock made him seem like just another guy. The product is too sanitized and well polished today. Even when I knew it was fake as a child there was an edge to it. It still FELT like the guys actually hated each other even if I knew the match was fake. That is long gone.
Yep, no one is good on the mic anymore. The Attitude Era was loaded with stars and this current roster would be mid carders at best.

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