That is patently untrue and hate to break this to you, but Turzai will keep that office as long as he wants it. (Pay attention to the ZEROED OUT IN HIS VETOES.)
"State Rep. Keith Gillespie, R-Hellam Township, estimates that 23 percent of the general appropriations bill remains undone following the governor's partial veto and that "those things need to be reconciled."
That's in addition to as many as five code bills, he said, and the funding for the four state universities, which are Penn State, Pittsburgh, Temple and Lincoln.
The funding for those schools, which was the same in both the framework agreement bill negotiated between the governor and the Senate and the House Republican-drafted bill he received, was zeroed out in his vetoes.
Rep. Stan Saylor, R-Windsor Township, said Wolf made some "bad choices" in what he vetoed, and blames it in part on the governor's staff.
Saylor added that Wolf's taxes likely still don't have enough support and those who vote in favor could face serious political consequences come election time.
"Are they backing their governor or are they backing their constituents?" Saylor said.
Public school funding has been a major source of disagreement between Wolf and the Republican House leadership, though both the framework budget and the budget partially vetoed last week contain significant funding increases for basic education.
Wolf has repeatedly said that the Republican budget contains an effective $95 million cut to education, but the administration has failed to provide an actual formula for that number."