Voting for the non-preferred appropriations in separate bills is not "sneaking pieces" through the budget process. It is done EVERY fiscal year. It is required by the PA Constitution. Unfortunately, after the bills were passed by the Senate (all by votes of 48-2), the House took them up and the votes were: SB 912 (PSU): 116 aye - 75 nay 9exc; SB 913 (PennVet) 114 y - 77n 9exc; SB 914 (Temple) 115 y- 76 n 9 exc; SB 915 (Pitt): 114 y-77n 9exc; SB 916 (Lincoln) 114 y-77-n 9 exc. In every case no more than 2 D's voted aye and no more than 2 R's voted nay. 2 R's and 7 D's were on leave and excused. Non preferred appropriations must get a 2/3 vote in the affirmative (133). Rather than criticize Rep. Turzai, the criticism should be directed to Rep. Dermody, the "D" leader who did not urge his members to support the non preferred's.
When referring to the "budget compromise" , people ignore it involved more than the general fund budget. It included four major components . . . all of which had to pass or the deal was off. One of the components was public employee pension reform. When the pension reform bill was called up and not a single "D" vote was cast for the bill causing it to fail . . . the compromise deal was breached . . . I don't think Rep Turzai asked the D's to vote no on the pension bill but it isn't hard to guess who did.
This whole mess is primarily the product of one very badly advised decision: Governor Wolf's veto the entire general fund budget last June rather than using his very powerful tool of "blue lining" parts of the budget. He should have foreseen this problem when not a single vote (Republican or Democrat) was cast in favor of his initial tax plan.
In contrast, Governor Rendell used the line item veto approach very effectively in his first budget. Since most line items in his initial budget proposal were OK and his tax plan was not, he blue lined key items of most importance to him. As the state continued to function . . . negotiations went on. He got a tax increase (less than he wanted). But, enough that his most urgent wishes were met.
I wonder if the recent sudden "resignation" of the Gov's pugnacious & dogmatic chief of staff was a result of this stalemate?