Pat Signal #5

Well, in any one class it may not. But let's just say I'd rather be 29th five years in a row than 45th.
I don't think we look at the backend of classes with any sort of critical eye. Well, Duzz is mediocre but does he outperform that moniker when it comes to on field success and talent that moves to the next level? I don't know the answer to that but an honest evaluation might show some of the flaws in the ratings but it would also tell recruits if a coach is effectively utilizing talent. Yeah, Bama is picking the cream of the crop so that line is pretty flat but how is UCF doing versus it's five year recruiting average? Cincinnati? Baylor? It might change some perceptions and give recruits a way to evaluate programs.
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How many NFL players has each school produced in thqt time period?

Considering guys in the 2019 class weren't even eligible for the draft until 2022, do you think that would be a smart way to look at it or a very dumb way to look at it?

Not to mention the classes subsequent to that.

If you want to look at how many players in those actual recruiting classes have been drafted so far, be my guest. But don't cite Pickett, Pinnock, Hamlin, Mathis, Twyman, Warren, Ollison, Weaver, Jones, etc. as examples. You'd also have to track down their transfers who got drafted after spending their final college years elsewhere (we know of Addison, but I doubt many can name the UNC players that applies to off the top of their heads). Also, much of the story is still being written on the 2019 - 2024 classes.

Additionally, I see three UNC guys in the first team All ACC lineup last season (Pitt had zero).

Second team is 3-1 in favor of UNC.

Third team is 3-0 in favor of UNC.

That's a total of 9-1, by my count. So are you suggesting Pitt is the more talented program?
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Then just look at the top 15 in everyone's class. This way, there isn't any bump for volume and you're really telling the story if there is a real differentiator in terms of elite talent.

Yep. That’s why I’ve always said it’s better to have a class with a .90 average recruit ranking with half the guys being 93+ rated players and the other half being 3* players, than it is to have a class with a .90 average recruit ranking with no 3* players, all are 4* players, but every 4* is just a .90 rated player.

The former class has legit superstar talent that actually decides football games. The latter doesn’t.

Are you recruiting at a level where, after your four year class cycle, you could field a two-deep with a lot of Top 100 players?

Yes? Congrats, you have recruited well enough to gain a competitive advantage on the field without even factoring in anything else.

No? Well, don’t feel too bad, because you’re recruiting class is basically swapable with every other team besides the former group. Hire really good game day coaching.

There’s just not much reason to rank or even care that much about the latter grouping. Except as you said: vanity for the fans.
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Considering guys in the 2019 class weren't even eligible for the draft until 2022, do you think that would be a smart way to look at it or a very dumb way to look at it?

Not to mention the classes subsequent to that.

If you want to look at how many players in those actual recruiting classes have been drafted so far, be my guest. But don't cite Pickett, Pinnock, Hamlin, Mathis, Twyman, Warren, Ollison, Weaver, Jones, etc. as examples. You'd also have to track down their transfers who got drafted after spending their final college years elsewhere (we know of Addison, but I doubt many can name the UNC players that applies to off the top of their heads). Also, much of the story is still being written on the 2019 - 2024 classes.

Additionally, I see three UNC guys in the first team All ACC lineup last season (Pitt had zero).

Second team is 3-1 in favor of UNC.

Third team is 3-0 in favor of UNC.

That's a total of 9-1, by my count. So are you suggesting Pitt is the more talented program?
You. Know wolf, you’re a real bummer… I’ll bet you’re a joy to have around on special occasions and holidays. I can just picture some of the things you’d say…

Weddings: “ Did you know that 42% of marriages end in divorce?”

Christmas: “ There ain’t no Santa Clause and besides the whole holiday is too commercialized.”

Valentines Day:But honey, if I buy you flowers today, they’ll be dead by next week

Columbus Day: “Columbus only made it to America because he got lost. So why are we celebrating a guy that has a bad sense of direction ?

St.Patrick’s Day: “You know, he really didn’t chase all the snakes out of Ireland.”

Thanksgiving: “Thanksgiving is just an excuse to eat. Did you know that two out of three U.S adults are overweight?

4th of July: “ Did you know that Fireworks cause air, land and water pollution?”

Groundhog Hog Day: “Punxsutawney Phil is only accurate 40% of the time? So why do people make such a big deal?”

Labor Day: “Just another excuse for people to have a day off.”

Does anyone else want to add to the list????

You. Know wolf, you’re a real bummer… I’ll bet you’re a joy to have around on special occasions and holidays. I can just picture some of the things you’d say…

Weddings: “ Did you know that 42% of marriages end in divorce?”

Christmas: “ There ain’t no Santa Clause and besides the whole holiday is too commercialized.”

Valentines Day:But honey, if I buy you flowers today, they’ll be dead by next week

Columbus Day: “Columbus only made it to America because he got lost. So why are we celebrating a guy that has a bad sense of direction ?

St.Patrick’s Day: “You know, he really didn’t chase all the snakes out of Ireland.”

Thanksgiving: “Thanksgiving is just an excuse to eat. Did you know that two out of three U.S adults are overweight?

4th of July: “ Did you know that Fireworks cause air, land and water pollution?”

Groundhog Hog Day: “Punxsutawney Phil is only accurate 40% of the time? So why do people make such a big deal?”

Labor Day: “Just another excuse for people to have a day off.”

Does anyone else want to add to the list????


Well my problem with weddings lies more within the cost. It's absurd to me what people will lay down for a single day of celebration just to keep up with the Joneses.

Christmas - yeah, it's the commercialization. I like the effort of lights, families gathering, etc., but I feel like retail has hijacked the holiday a but much.

Nailed it on the flowers. I've always thought that was silly.

Don't have much of an opinion on Columbus Day other than being ticked I never get the day off.

St. Patrick's Day - ugh, so many complaints about this one. But isn't it true that there never really *were* any snakes on Ireland?

Thanksgiving - I hate it as someone who doesn't eat animals, but I do enjoy having two days off and watching/playing football.

Hate fireworks - you got that one. I'm dreading Thursday.

Groundhog Day is silly, but it's too small-scale for me to get too worked up about.

Labor Day - I'll take the day off. No complaints about that.
You. Know wolf, you’re a real bummer… I’ll bet you’re a joy to have around on special occasions and holidays. I can just picture some of the things you’d say…

Weddings: “ Did you know that 42% of marriages end in divorce?”

Christmas: “ There ain’t no Santa Clause and besides the whole holiday is too commercialized.”

Valentines Day:But honey, if I buy you flowers today, they’ll be dead by next week

Columbus Day: “Columbus only made it to America because he got lost. So why are we celebrating a guy that has a bad sense of direction ?

St.Patrick’s Day: “You know, he really didn’t chase all the snakes out of Ireland.”

Thanksgiving: “Thanksgiving is just an excuse to eat. Did you know that two out of three U.S adults are overweight?

4th of July: “ Did you know that Fireworks cause air, land and water pollution?”

Groundhog Hog Day: “Punxsutawney Phil is only accurate 40% of the time? So why do people make such a big deal?”

Labor Day: “Just another excuse for people to have a day off.”

Does anyone else want to add to the list????

Easter: “The Easter Bunny is fake kids. It’s all made up by candy companies trying to make a buck.”
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Easter: “The Easter Bunny is fake kids. It’s all made up by candy companies trying to make a buck.”

Eh, no worse than what your wife probably comes home to... which, I assume, is you in front of the mirror wearing her clothes while you make up new Pitt cheers.

Ready? Begin!
Who has the sauce?
The panthers have the sauce?
Who has the sauce?
The panthers have the sauce!
I'm a strong independent Barbie girl boss
And the Pitt Panthers have the sauce!
Eh, no worse than what your wife probably comes home to... which, I assume, is you in front of the mirror wearing her clothes while you make up new Pitt cheers.

Ready? Begin!
Who has the sauce?
The panthers have the sauce?
Who has the sauce?
The panthers have the sauce!
I'm a strong independent Barbie girl boss
And the Pitt Panthers have the sauce!
LOL - I’m almost 50 years old and I guarantee you I’d kick your ass. I’m sure I’ve pulled more good looking women than you as well, but that bar is on the ground for you considering all you’ve had is Rosy Palm and her five friends.

Go save up all your money and then go to Nevada to get laid you miserable sap. Then maybe we can be spared of all your drivel on here.
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LOL - I’m almost 50 years old and I guarantee you I’d kick your ass. I’m sure I’ve pulled more good looking women than you as well, but that bar is on the ground for you considering all you’ve had is Rosy Palm and her five friends.

Go save up all your money and then go to Nevada to get laid you miserable sap. Then maybe we can be spared of all your drivel on here.

Lol. I'll take that bet, sassy pants.
Considering guys in the 2019 class weren't even eligible for the draft until 2022, do you think that would be a smart way to look at it or a very dumb way to look at it?

Not to mention the classes subsequent to that.

If you want to look at how many players in those actual recruiting classes have been drafted so far, be my guest. But don't cite Pickett, Pinnock, Hamlin, Mathis, Twyman, Warren, Ollison, Weaver, Jones, etc. as examples. You'd also have to track down their transfers who got drafted after spending their final college years elsewhere (we know of Addison, but I doubt many can name the UNC players that applies to off the top of their heads). Also, much of the story is still being written on the 2019 - 2024 classes.

Additionally, I see three UNC guys in the first team All ACC lineup last season (Pitt had zero).

Second team is 3-1 in favor of UNC.

Third team is 3-0 in favor of UNC.

That's a total of 9-1, by my count. So are you suggesting Pitt is the more talented program?
The only thing I'm saying is this..

Since Duzz took over in 2015, PITT has had like 43-44 players make it to the league. I know he didn't recruit all of these guys, and I know that includes transfers as well. UNC has had like 33-34 players make it to the league in that same time span. And, I get it. That list includes guys that Mack didn't recruit and might have transfers in it as well. However, I remember a poster raving about how awesome Larry Fedora was, so much so that "Pat Narduzzi was in trouble because Fedora among others like Bronco Mendenhall and Justin Fuente were 'real' coaches."

So, consider me not too worried about recruiting rankings when looking at schools like UNC. I don't remember Chryst lighting it up on the trail either. What I do think is that Duzz has developed a good reputation for developing guys, so much so that the NFL has taken notice.

UNC/PITT recruiting rankings since 2012 (Fedora's 1st year)

2012 - 44/47
2013 - 42/35
2014 - 23/44
2015 - 28/65
2016 - 22/29
2017 - 30/37
2018 - 23/36
2019 - 31/49
2020 - 12/44
2021 - 15/21
2022 - 11/68
2023 - 28/52

So, according to the experts at Rivals, PITT out-recruited UNC just once (2013) over the past 12 years. Yet, without doing the math, both schools seem to produce similar results on the field but maybe UNC doesn't develop talent as well or maybe the recruiting rankings are slightly off.
Okay, but is he not the main reason for the state of the program? The offensive overhaul is what he chose. The 3-9 season is what he accomplished. If I'm 200 pounds and let myself get to 300 pounds, getting back down to 230 would be cool... but it's my fault I got to 300 in the first place.

I guess I'm not seeing the logic in giving him extra credit for getting out of a hole he himself dug. This is his 10th season. He owns the state of this program - good, bad, and anything in between.
Not giving him any pass. Just my opinion that if he pulls off what I stated, which is highly unlikely, it would be a very impressive feat of coaching.
The only thing I'm saying is this..

Since Duzz took over in 2015, PITT has had like 43-44 players make it to the league. I know he didn't recruit all of these guys, and I know that includes transfers as well. UNC has had like 33-34 players make it to the league in that same time span. And, I get it. That list includes guys that Mack didn't recruit and might have transfers in it as well. However, I remember a poster raving about how awesome Larry Fedora was, so much so that "Pat Narduzzi was in trouble because Fedora among others like Bronco Mendenhall and Justin Fuente were 'real' coaches."

So, consider me not too worried about recruiting rankings when looking at schools like UNC. I don't remember Chryst lighting it up on the trail either. What I do think is that Duzz has developed a good reputation for developing guys, so much so that the NFL has taken notice.

UNC/PITT recruiting rankings since 2012 (Fedora's 1st year)

2012 - 44/47
2013 - 42/35
2014 - 23/44
2015 - 28/65
2016 - 22/29
2017 - 30/37
2018 - 23/36
2019 - 31/49
2020 - 12/44
2021 - 15/21
2022 - 11/68
2023 - 28/52

So, according to the experts at Rivals, PITT out-recruited UNC just once (2013) over the past 12 years. Yet, without doing the math, both schools seem to produce similar results on the field but maybe UNC doesn't develop talent as well or maybe the recruiting rankings are slightly off.
That's why I think there should be a metric that looks back at results. I know championships are supposed to do that but in a world where "almost" is often celebrated by some fan bases, it would be useful to determine what's happening once a kid gets to campus.
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