Pat Signal

ESPN insulted those who are legitimately protesting by suggesting they are stupid enough to get upset by a game announcer's name at a college football game.

The ESPN decision implies that those protestors lack the critical thinking skills of an eight year old, and that ESPN had to protect them from themselves by reassigning the announcer. Insulting.
There is no one legitimately protesting a statue. The people protesting a statue definitely lack the critical thinking skills of an eight year old.
I always thought the placing of the Mazeroski statue in the right field corner where no one sees really stupid......

i also happen to think that statue is the best of the bunch at PNC
If even some will, it's a win. But at a minimum, it got more people watching SportsCenter that night. It also had an arch-enemy (Fox) mentioning them all day on its programming and web sites.

I don't believe it started out as a conceived strategy, it was more of a coincidence and likely originated with some internal snowflake who earnestly was nauseous when he or she saw the name. But they ended up gaining from it.

Sorry, but there will be zero game from it