Penn State Has Killed It


Aug 13, 2018
Them scheduling Temple and Villanova has officially put me into the don't care zone with this "rivalry." I've anticipated it for years and the last two we're fun but now I just don't GAF.

They can enjoy playing OOC cupcakes if they think that's their best path to a playoff berth and we can shift our focus to trying to win the ACC. All of the BS around scheduling has officially lost me on this, and its a shame because it could be a blast. The fans on both sides lose here.
Agreed. I’d prefer that we play PSU, WVU, and ND every year, but the entire debate has just worn me out. If we play them, we play them. If not, so be it. We get WVU in a few years.
I don’t care anymore either. I’d much prefer playing WVU. It’s a much better rivalry in my mind. PSU ruined football in the Northeast back in the 80s so none of their old rivalries matter to them anyway.
Both institutions are to blame. More PSU now, but when Pitt deemphasized football in the early 80s by letting Sherrill walk in ‘81 after he won coach of the year. It handed Paterno the state and he built his football empire. When money became to flow into college football, there was no turning back for Penn St. A decade later they joined the big ten and the rest is history.
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I don't want to play that garbage program any longer. PissU has tainted the image of college football forever and there's nothing that can be done to restore it. Sure, it's fun to watch your team play and win and there are many good programs out there. But with what happened there with the child rapes and the coaches and administration covering it up for decades, and now the frat murder, I just do not want to play them. Just being around them lowers our program to their level. No way I want that. Play WVU or another better OOC opponent, but definitely leave PissU in the gutter when this series is over.
Them scheduling Temple and Villanova has officially put me into the don't care zone with this "rivalry." I've anticipated it for years and the last two we're fun but now I just don't GAF.

They can enjoy playing OOC cupcakes if they think that's their best path to a playoff berth and we can shift our focus to trying to win the ACC. All of the BS around scheduling has officially lost me on this, and its a shame because it could be a blast. The fans on both sides lose here.
The fact that I hear from a small but loud fan subset from both PSU and Pitt about how they can't wait for the series to end and would hate for it to renew makes me think it is a real rivalry. How many posts here are about how much we hate to play Wake Forest again? HOw many at PSU about how much they hate to play Illinois again?

Pitt and PSU get more out of playing each other than those games, yet people are awfully quiet about those games.

I woudl like for the series to continue, but I accept that it ends. Unfortunately, I doubt those claiming they are looking forward to its end will stop posting about the other school every week when the series is gone.
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When this series ends and the child rape lovers are off the schedule, you won't hear me talking about them. I'm not that interested in football to begin with, and ending a series with a program like that with those arrogant pussies can only be good. We can do better and we should always look to do better.
It's part of the bigger farce that college football became, that many traditions were permitted to go by the wayside (unilaterally, sometimes), yet things that desperately need to be fixed are ignored, like recruiting and scholarship reform, playing ridiculous cupcakes, utter disappearance of ncaa discipline for heinous scandals, coaching contracts that are a total joke etc.
It's part of the bigger farce that college football became, that many traditions went by the wayside, yet things that desperately need to be fixed are ignored, like recruiting and scholarship reform, playing ridiculous cupcakes, utter disappearance of ncaa discipline for heinous scandals, coaching contracts that are a total joke etc.

Bingo! Just a few of the reasons I've lost interest in college football.
WVU should be set-up for every year and do it before the season is over. It surpassed the PSU rivalry for everyone under 40.

PSU is still nice but they made their decision. Move on.
WVU sells out the ketchup bottle so who needs the nits. PSU may lose to PItt but they have the look of a team that will be hard pressed to beat OSU, Wisky, Michigan away and MSU. Just don't sense they have the D and OL is a bad fit for this RPO. They don't move well enough and would be far better in a pro style offense.
Their scheduling “killed it” more than their cover up for child rape for x many years? C’mon man, where are your priorities in life. You couldn’t pay me enough to go to a Pitt/PSU game and if I ever had a child good enough to play sports, he/she would be sitting out the PSU game.
Bingo! Just a few of the reasons I've lost interest in college football.
Some will and have been here saying BS, look at the horseshoe, look at ND, look at Alabama, it's huge, everyone wants to see the Big Programs, reform is marxist, blah blah. No. It's dying on the vine in many places, especially ours. You don't have to be guaranteed to win but you need to have a place in the hunt.

The system is rigged now, especially when seeing a big program that commits mass rape, has coaches beating their spouses and covering it up, and committing widespread academic fraud for the benefit of athletics (UNC) aren't even pretended to pay a consequence. Well, at least the ncaa did pretend with PSU but immediately backed off. Nobody even suggests the lack of discipline isn't for any other reason than stature of the program and money.

But forget the discipline, the NE Patriots scandals proved there will always be ways to cheat or otherwise "behave badly" that sports teams will seek and be willing to scheme for. At least the Patriots were dealt a semblance of penalty.

The dwindling competitiveness is the real issue. As the thread last week patiently but irrefutably proved, a system were the best get rewarded with the best will eventually implode on itself. Where top players are increasingly willing to go and likely sit on their asses for 4 or maybe even 5 years vs. willing to sign up with a wider variety of programs, means bad things, no matter who wants to implant a US flag in the dung heap.

The selfishness of the few might be "American" in this case but it's killing the goose for the model as it is now. Maybe they're great with that, eventually they can just forget the pretense all together and form the Elite College Football league that it basically already is now. But that means the end for the likes ofour program ... maybe for the best in our case, we really don't give a squat ... but hurtful and harmful for many other midlevel universities.

Anyway, the ability for a Penn State or other such programs to unilaterally end a rivalry (or frankly just unilaterally being able to manipulate its schedule to pad victories period) is an extension of the reform badly needed.

Don't point to ASu talking them to OT as a justification to keep things the same; the fact PSU ultimately won the game is justification for the reform. They were poorly prepared and coached for that game and SHOULD have been punished with a loss for it; against a legit opponent they would have. Against a cupcake they still were given a win.
With these tv contracts and the sheer amount of money these schools get, I am not holding my breathe for the death of college football anytime soon
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I thought this series was going to be fun, but it hasn't been. I still get up for the game itself, but the lead up and the banter with PSU fans was a huge letdown. Nitters spent more time talking about "not caring about Pitt," "not a rivalry" and "110k" and nothing about the game. Odd that for not caring about Pitt, they are spending a lot of money to buy tickets to the game and going out of their way to say how much Pitt sucks.
You don’t know me well enough to say it’s baloney. Trust me, my morals, beliefs and family mean more to me than anything else. Life is about more than football.

Ha ha ha ha HA! You’re funny! I know phonies like you real well. Your child would tell you to go to hell before he sat out the game. Or are you just that much more moral than the parents of the current team.
If it was such an important rivalry for PSU, don’t you think their AD would listen to their fans and try at least a little to get the game scheduled?

Lyke is trying hard to get it, but PSU isn’t because they don’t give a shit. It means more to the Pitt fanbase than it does for PSU. They play in enough big games by being in thr b10 a year, that they don’t need another one.

If they ACC would ever get it right and get Pitt to play Clemson/FSU more often, we as fans would care less about non conference games because you would have your big ticket games be conference games.
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Ha ha ha ha HA! You’re funny! I know phonies like you real well. Your child would tell you to go to hell before he sat out the game. Or are you just that much more moral than the parents of the current team.

Everybody has their own beliefs and raises their families the way they seem best. I have my own way, and as long as I believe in it, even if illegal, i’m ok with my response. They can play, I won’t support it and honestly and embarassed by it. I’m even more embarassed that Lyke even tried to schedule games.

I’ve been around too many women that have had to deal with child rape. I’ve cried too often with them. It’s not a joke and shouldn’t be overlooked because old timers have fond memories about games from 35 years ago. Take a stance in life for what’s right.
It's part of the bigger farce that college football became, that many traditions were permitted to go by the wayside (unilaterally, sometimes), yet things that desperately need to be fixed are ignored, like recruiting and scholarship reform, playing ridiculous cupcakes, utter disappearance of ncaa discipline for heinous scandals, coaching contracts that are a total joke etc.

Well said.

McKee place.. my Nephew lived their last semester..
You don’t know me well enough to say it’s baloney. Trust me, my morals, beliefs and family mean more to me than anything else. Life is about more than football.

This is very true. As you mature and understand what's going on around us, I think you begin to understand that a silly athletic event is meant as ONLY a source of entertainment, nothing else. When it ceases to be entertaining, as college sports is and has been becoming, you quit going or watching. It just isn't important.

This is coming from a guy who has lost his voice too many times to count while going to hundreds of Pitt sporting events over 50+ years. Now if I go, it's just to be with my family and to do something besides work. If Pitt wins....great. If they lose, no big deal. It means squat.
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I thought this series was going to be fun, but it hasn't been. I still get up for the game itself, but the lead up and the banter with PSU fans was a huge letdown. Nitters spent more time talking about "not caring about Pitt," "not a rivalry" and "110k" and nothing about the game. Odd that for not caring about Pitt, they are spending a lot of money to buy tickets to the game and going out of their way to say how much Pitt sucks.
Yeah. I am not saying attendance isn't a thing, believe me. But they and their compliant local media have made it about that to a very boring degree. Because it's the one thing they're guaranteed to "win". And like my argument above, anything that is rigged is boring.

Plus for the other point I've been emphasizing (imbalance in player distribution), it makes us closer to an Appy State (or dare I say, Akron) than an Ohio State or Michigan. On paper they should have zero trouble with us. Yeah it's paper, but what's in paper almost always reflects what happens on the field. So how can you really get too excited in advance. Now of course if we pull a Clemson or Miami on them, it'll be great...

And it risks a deletion or censor but it absolutely has to be added... they should just be finishing a stint of NCAA death penalty for what they did. And getting absolutely nothing for it (actually emerging stronger because it allowed them to jettison Paterno and avoid the discomfort of maintaining one of his aging assistants or heaven forbid his incompetent son as HC). This let them fully exploit their built in blue blood advantage immediately. Utterly shameful and a big reason there have been so many terrible scandals since... deterrence totally out the window. Urban Meyer can gleefully condone an assistant beating his wife with zero fear of reprisal thanks to the NCAA and PSU. UNC can set up an entire fraudulent 'college' for its athletes and win the basketball NC as a result. It can go on and on..

I said that as politely as I could. Hope acceptable...
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Yeah. I am not saying attendance isn't a thing, believe me. But they and their compliant local media have made it about that to a very boring degree. Because it's the one thing they're guaranteed to "win". And like my argument above, anything that is rigged is boring.

Plus for the other point I've been emphasizing (imbalance in player distribution), it makes us closer to an Appy State (or dare I say, Akron) than an Ohio State or Michigan. On paper they should have zero trouble with us. Yeah it's paper, but what's in paper almost always reflects what happens on the field. So how can you really get too excited in advance. Now of course if we pull a Clemson or Miami on them, it'll be great...

Clemson and Miami were better than PissU is this year or any year. If we upset PissU this year, it won't be as monumental as when we upset Clemson and Miami.
Everybody has their own beliefs and raises their families the way they seem best. I have my own way, and as long as I believe in it, even if illegal, i’m ok with my response. They can play, I won’t support it and honestly and embarassed by it. I’m even more embarassed that Lyke even tried to schedule games.

And yet here you still are.

Phony baloney.
If it was such an important rivalry for PSU, don’t you think their AD would listen to their fans and try at least a little to get the game scheduled?

Lyke is trying hard to get it, but PSU isn’t because they don’t give a shit. It means more to the Pitt fanbase than it does for PSU. They play in enough big games by being in thr b10 a year, that they don’t need another one.

If they ACC would ever get it right and get Pitt to play Clemson/FSU more often, we as fans would care less about non conference games because you would have your big ticket games be conference games.
Face it. Not playing, which was initiated by Paterno as a gesture of spite, let's them hoard over Pitt, which is a guaranteed 'win' for their fans, whereas playing actual games introduces a risk of a loss, however smaller that risk. Gloating over not playing Pitt is a joy they can have every day.

We're not immune. We could have found room to continue playing WVU. Some of our fans openly delighted in that. To a certain degree we're guilty too. Financially we've had to succumb to scheduling them again, as we need marquee games to market, but if we had PSU or ND regularly, i'd bet we wouldn't.
Clemson and Miami were better than PissU is this year or any year. If we upset PissU this year, it won't be as monumental as when we upset Clemson and Miami.
I dont disagree, but let's face it, to our more casual fanbase it'll be considered a much bigger deal.
Face it. Not playing, which was initiated by Paterno as a gesture of spite, let's them hoard over Pitt, which is a guaranteed 'win' for their fans, whereas playing actual games introduces a risk of a loss, however smaller that risk. Gloating over not playing Pitt is a joy they can have every day.

We're not immune. We could have found room to continue playing WVU. Some of our fans openly delighted in that. To a certain degree we're guilty too. Financially we've had to succumb to scheduling them again, as we need marquee games to market, but if we had PSU or ND regularly, i'd bet we wouldn't.

I agree and disagree with the wvu reference. While their fans in Morgantown are pretty rough, I think it was more of a Pederson decision than true feedback from the fan base. I doubt more than a few thousand pitt fans voiced their displeasure at wvu. I think Steve was too smug
It's part of the bigger farce that college football became, that many traditions were permitted to go by the wayside (unilaterally, sometimes), yet things that desperately need to be fixed are ignored, like recruiting and scholarship reform, playing ridiculous cupcakes, utter disappearance of ncaa discipline for heinous scandals, coaching contracts that are a total joke etc.

Perhaps the NCAA will go for my Week 0 Rivalry Exemption idea
Perhaps the NCAA will go for my Week 0 Rivalry Exemption idea

How would that fix it?
Get rid of all the out of conference games.
Only keep 96 D1 teams up in 6 16 team conferences.
Don’t let teams schedule 7 home games.
Don’t let teams schedule scrimmages instead of games.
Don’t let teams buy out other schools for added gome games.
If teams can’t hold up their end of the deal, drop the underperforming teams down and call up the overachievers from the lower league.

The NCAA doesn’t need a bandaid, it needs complete reform.
Count me in the camp who would rather not see WVU on the schedule every year. A couple of games a decade would be as often as I'd like to see Pitt schedule WVU. I lived in WV long enough to know that the game is MUCH bigger to them than it ever was/is to Pitt fans.

I'm also in the camp who is glad the PSU series is coming to an end. They don't want to play Pitt, and after seeing their reaction to the Sandusky / Paterno mess, I don't want Pitt to be associated with their fans, so let's move on.
How would that fix it?
Get rid of all the out of conference games.
Only keep 96 D1 teams up in 6 16 team conferences.
Don’t let teams schedule 7 home games.
Don’t let teams schedule scrimmages instead of games.
Don’t let teams buy out other schools for added gome games.
If teams can’t hold up their end of the deal, drop the underperforming teams down and call up the overachievers from the lower league.

The NCAA doesn’t need a bandaid, it needs complete reform.
I agree especially at a high level. Some good ideas here, maybe others need as well or adjust the details, but the game is definitely contracting in appeal as more power and talent concentrates with the "1%".
Count me in the camp who would rather not see WVU on the schedule every year. A couple of games a decade would be as often as I'd like to see Pitt schedule WVU. I lived in WV long enough to know that the game is MUCH bigger to them than it ever was/is to Pitt fans.

I'm also in the camp who is glad the PSU series is coming to an end. They don't want to play Pitt, and after seeing their reaction to the Sandusky / Paterno mess, I don't want Pitt to be associated with their fans, so let's move on.
In this model we need marquee games to sell. Period. Only a couple teams move the needle. We may like to avoid them, but financially we need em.

It's no coincidence, once the ND deal with the ACC (good for the conf, bad for us) reduced our home ND games, and PSU resumed its spite once the NCAA chickened totally out and cancelled sanctions, that Pitt made a deal with WVU for games.
In this model we need marquee games to sell. Period. Only a couple teams move the needle. We may like to avoid them, but financially we need em.

It's no coincidence, once the ND deal with the ACC (good for the conf, bad for us) reduced our home ND games, and PSU resumed its spite once the NCAA chickened totally out and cancelled sanctions, that Pitt made a deal with WVU for games.

I know the reason WVU is back on the schedule for a limited number of games, but I don't have to like it.

I still think it does more good for WVU than it will for Pitt.
I know the reason WVU is back on the schedule for a limited number of games, but I don't have to like it.

I still think it does more good for WVU than it will for Pitt.
You sound like a PSU fan as it relates to Pitt. I guess every fan base has them...........
You sound like a PSU fan as it relates to Pitt. I guess every fan base has them...........
I'm okay with you thinking that. I'm also okay with PSU not wanting to play Pitt.

I never have liked playing WVU, and until the Big East forced the two into a Thanksgiving weekend game, it was always a middle of the season game, along with Syracuse and BC. Nothing more. Those two are ACC foes, and WVU is not, so I'm okay with not playing WVU.