Penn State: No- to release of more documents

The paterno's bit off a little more than they can chew. The disclosure of paterno and his knowledge of Sandusky's escapades for over 40 years is at the root of the narcissism of paterno. Near death and knowingly he lost control of the narrative and power gone, the paternos' should have gone away. But being delusional and thinking they still had power with donors and those loyal to them will fade. And with that, the truth will emerge.
I thought the Judge granted the media request (separate lawsuit from the NCAA lawsuit) to unseal these docs in early July. Seems these docs will be available soon
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As we have seen another example of local politicians/authorities are in many cases fanboys with the Alabama case, as potential jurors are vetted, I think they need to vet those in trying and prosecuting cases involving college football teams.

For example, the Judge in Potter County who is hearing this, I am guessing just might be a PSU fan.

How shocking! Of course that's sarcasm. The cover-up continues. As it has for over 40 years (or more). With the nits, it just gets more and more disgusting as time goes on and the world gets to see more of their pitiful attempts to try to conceal and suppress the truth as to what they knew and when they knew it, about JS.

Joe knew. They ALL (that is, the people in high positions with high level decision-making authority) KNEW. For over 40 years. Puts quite a taint on the so-called "accomplishments" of the football program that took place during that time span, doesn't it?
As we have seen another example of local politicians/authorities are in many cases fanboys with the Alabama case, as potential jurors are vetted, I think they need to vet those in trying and prosecuting cases involving college football teams.

For example, the Judge in Potter County who is hearing this, I am guessing just might be a PSU fan.

Staters would agree I guess, he's a Pitt alum.
As we have seen another example of local politicians/authorities are in many cases fanboys with the Alabama case, as potential jurors are vetted, I think they need to vet those in trying and prosecuting cases involving college football teams.

For example, the Judge in Potter County who is hearing this, I am guessing just might be a PSU fan.
He's retiring and I hear he's a respectable guy, from someone who works with him regularly.

Not everything is a conspiracy.
It doesn't take a dentist ( you thought I was going to say brain surgeon ) to realize the only way this is going to be over is to open up docs and be transparent.
It doesn't take a dentist ( you thought I was going to say brain surgeon ) to realize the only way this is going to be over is to open up docs and be transparent.

But as long as they aren't released they can continue to deny. So they'll fight like hell to keep them sealed for as long as they can (which hopefully won't be very much longer). What is it that they are so afraid the documents will reveal? :rolleyes:
He's retiring and I hear he's a respectable guy, from someone who works with him regularly.

Not everything is a conspiracy.

Not everything is, no. And I am not saying this is. But I am saying that all across the country, in college football dominated areas, judges, police officers and DA's are more fanboys than authorities when it comes to administrating justice. Maybe not in the bigger cities, but in those Hilljack towns
But as long as they aren't released they can continue to deny. So they'll fight like hell to keep them sealed for as long as they can (which hopefully won't be very much longer). What is it that they are so afraid the documents will reveal? :rolleyes:
Even if they are released, they will most certainly continue to deny. Their reaction to the allegations will run from 'unproven' to flat out calling the victims 'money chasing liars'.

Despite the fact that the victims claims were vetted, and only those with believable substance were paid while others were rejected, the Joebots are convinced that their school just rolled over and paid absolutely everyone who stepped forward with a claim, with no vetting at all. They believe what they want to believe.
if the police wanted to question me about a crime, I would give as many interviews as they'd like, take a polygraph and volunteer dna if it cleared me as a suspect.

innocent parties don't act like this. you people hanging on to legal loopholes and conspiracy theories absolutely sicken me.
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This is a cult type response in the comment section.
He thinks the confidentiality of the victims is why Ped U is trying to stop these docs being released. What a nut job!

JE Case

I'm not aware of anyone but Sandusky being convicted of anything.

Penn State not wanting things released, because they assured alleged victims the dealings would be confidential, is covering up?!?!

You need your head checked.
The Nits want more information to be kept hidden? I don't believe it; the next ridiculous thing that I'll read is that a Cleveland team has won a major sports championship. :rolleyes:

Oh wait.....nevermind.......
Even if they are released, they will most certainly continue to deny. Their reaction to the allegations will run from 'unproven' to flat out calling the victims 'money chasing liars'.

Despite the fact that the victims claims were vetted, and only those with believable substance were paid while others were rejected, the Joebots are convinced that their school just rolled over and paid absolutely everyone who stepped forward with a claim, with no vetting at all. They believe what they want to believe.

You're right. Some of the cult will NEVER change their minds. But it will be another nail in the coffin in the only place where it really matters now: the court of public opinion.
Not everything is, no. And I am not saying this is. But I am saying that all across the country, in college football dominated areas, judges, police officers and DA's are more fanboys than authorities when it comes to administrating justice. Maybe not in the bigger cities, but in those Hilljack towns
Well, he's a Pitt, they'll claim conspiracy, too.
The nits only want information that proves the point of paterno was above such mundane things like molestations. Of course the great Joe Pa had no idea that this was occurring as his program grew in prominence. All know the platitudes were phony and Paterno used the indoctrination of keep repeating those lies as bible to the masses. In the end Paterno will be seen as I have always said. Nothing but a narcissistic pig who cared only about one thing.....Joe.
Not everything is, no. And I am not saying this is. But I am saying that all across the country, in college football dominated areas, judges, police officers and DA's are more fanboys than authorities when it comes to administrating justice. Maybe not in the bigger cities, but in those Hilljack towns

I think there is pretty substantial evidence that supports the premise that athletes of all types often receive favorable treatment vis-a-vis the legal system compared to non-athletes. Whether it is grade school, high school, college or professional, jocks frequently catch a break in whether they are even prosecuted in the first place...and if they are, often receive favorable rulings and lesser punishment than non-athletes do. It is part of our warped society that puts athletes on a pedestal and tells them they are God-like. The situation I describe is even more powerful when the athlete is actually really good. It is what it is, and I would not expect it to change any time soon. Hail to Pitt!
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Once the other Documents are Unsealed in 3 weeks, the NCAA will most likely gain access to others they requested. It is not just the NCAA anymore asking for the Documents it is the Media and others requesting them too. Confidentiality can be redacted to protect certain information as well even with details that can cause direct access that really talks about the allegations more than information that Penn State wants to keep under seal.

Once the Cat is out of one Bag, hard to keep others in, but depends on the Judge, and how the allegations are redacted in the PMA-PSU case coming out in 3 weeks?

We shall see?
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The paterno's bit off a little more than they can chew. The disclosure of paterno and his knowledge of Sandusky's escapades for over 40 years is at the root of the narcissism of paterno. Near death and knowingly he lost control of the narrative and power gone, the paternos' should have gone away. But being delusional and thinking they still had power with donors and those loyal to them will fade. And with that, the truth will emerge.
The Irrefutable Fact Is That Dead Men Do Not Write Their Own History!

Some Paterno Family & Fans think they can but it will depend on the unsealed allegations are released and there are so many more that will write that history, like the Victims, Media writing books and movies, and the Court of Public Opinion.
I think there is pretty substantial evidence that supports the premise that athletes of all types often receive favorable treatment vis-a-vis the legal system compared to non-athletes. Whether it is grade school, high school, college or professional, jocks frequently catch a break in whether they are even prosecuted in the first place...and if they are, often receive favorable rulings and lesser punishment than non-athletes do. It is part of our warped society that puts athletes on a pedestal and tells them they are God-like. The situation I describe is even more powerful when the athlete is actually really good. It is what it is, and I would not expect it to change any time soon. Hail to Pitt!
Just heard a Program on NPR in Cleveland this morning talking about Title IX Reporting and Clery Act Keeping Records and how Colleges have responded in addressing this area now. According to Experts on the Local NPR Program, reporting and discipline and court action is happening and as time is here in following those Rules.

Art Briles is challenging his firing under Due Process too, but Baylor will respond and handle it, and most likely a settlement more than reinstatement.
The nits only want information that proves the point of paterno was above such mundane things like molestations. Of course the great Joe Pa had no idea that this was occurring as his program grew in prominence. All know the platitudes were phony and Paterno used the indoctrination of keep repeating those lies as bible to the masses. In the end Paterno will be seen as I have always said. Nothing but a narcissistic pig who cared only about one thing.....Joe.
The PSU Cult is on record Paterno never did anything wrong, other Fans and Friends are record that Paterno did the right thing to report it up and defended Joe on that issue alone. Others say Joe Never Knew until 2001?

If it comes out in Unsealed Documents Allegations Joe with AD Tarman knew in 1970s-80s and did not report it Higher Up that will end both defenses of Joe and the Court of Public Opinion as written by an Avenging Media much like in the Spotlight Movie, won't be kind to those that protected, hid, or refused to report the Allegations of Abuse?

No Judge, Politician, or even Legal Eagle could stop the Unsealing of Catholic Abuse Settlement Documents and that is after the Media was attacked, threaten, and harassed for even investigating the Catholic Church Abuses and Cover-Ups!

Even the PSU Trustees tried to protect Penn State by those Sealed Settlements and the very people that once challenged the Trustees for not protecting and saluting Paterno will be in the same boat, and accept they weer in denial. Even if they don't the Court of Public Opinion will be brutal when even The Last Cultist attempts to defend what happen at Penn State.

Even if the Unsealed Documents are redacted many of the Media may demand those redaction's be challenged too!
This request...and that's what it is...a request has zero bearing on the media and the judge having decided already?
Paterno knew about the rapes and was part of the rapes back in the 70's with Sandusky. You'd have to be a fool to not believe that. If he really didn't know about them until 2001, as some claim, then he shouldn't have been the head coach of any program anywhere, being that ignorant and stupid. Either way, he was guilty of complete ignorance and stupidity at the very least and multiple felonies as the very most. I think it's more of the later and if he weren't burning in hell right now, he'd be rotting in jail where he belongs, if justice were served. And justice would also be to take every one of those victories from UPS and Paterno since they were earned while he was part of multiple child rapes over decades. Anything less is a travesty.

The child rape lovers at UPS can deny and continue to be delusional about the facts. But they are still the facts.
The PSU Cult is on record Paterno never did anything wrong, other Fans and Friends are record that Paterno did the right thing to report it up and defended Joe on that issue alone. Others say Joe Never Knew until 2001?

If it comes out in Unsealed Documents Allegations Joe with AD Tarman knew in 1970s-80s and did not report it Higher Up that will end both defenses of Joe and the Court of Public Opinion as written by an Avenging Media much like in the Spotlight Movie, won't be kind to those that protected, hid, or refused to report the Allegations of Abuse?

No Judge, Politician, or even Legal Eagle could stop the Unsealing of Catholic Abuse Settlement Documents and that is after the Media was attacked, threaten, and harassed for even investigating the Catholic Church Abuses and Cover-Ups!

Even the PSU Trustees tried to protect Penn State by those Sealed Settlements and the very people that once challenged the Trustees for not protecting and saluting Paterno will be in the same boat, and accept they weer in denial. Even if they don't the Court of Public Opinion will be brutal when even The Last Cultist attempts to defend what happen at Penn State.

Even if the Unsealed Documents are redacted many of the Media may demand those redaction's be challenged too!

The lack of anything but allegations, will be used to "prove" that there are no facts so Joe is innocent. That's what most of the house of cards is built on. That and the goofy report the family commissioned to generate excuses.
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