Pinstripe Bowl: Very good for the program


Oct 6, 2001
Overall, this will be a very good bowl game to showcase our program to recruits in the New Jersey and New York areas. I have seen a Lehigh -Lafayette football game at Yankee Stadium and it was in fact a very cool venue. I was glad I took my binoculars due to the layout but had a blast.

Unfortunately, as a fan living in the Philly area, I cannot go to a bowl game in mid afternoon mid week. Personally I would have preferred an evening game or non mid week game. Just my opinion. My wish list was a rematch with Iowa but that was never in the cards. Use the subway system to get there.

On the lighter side, if we can beat the Big 10 ( or is it Big 14) Champion, we should be able to beat the team with the overall 8th best record in the Big 10. IMO, we are probably one of the hottest teams in the country with USC, Wahington, Oklahoma, and State Penitentiary and it should be quite a game.

For those of you who like to look ahead, the Forecast December
Temperature Forecast: Cooler Than Normal
High Temperature Forecast 33 to 43 °F
Low Temperature Forecast 21 to 31 °F

PITT nation should be there in full force!!!!! Let's Go PITT!
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The highest attended road game this year by Pitt fans was Clemson. (Warm Weather).

Charlotte, Orlando, Jacksonville would have been best.

NYC to expensive and cold. Pitt fans won't pay $5 for a home game why would they go to NYC.
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The highest attended road game this year by Pitt fans was Clemson. (Warm Weather).

Charlotte, Orlando, Jacksonville would have been best.

NYC to expensive and cold. Pitt fans won't pay $5 for a home game why would they go to NYC.
I think that had more to do with the opponents and atmosphere of Clemson than anything. With that said, you may be correct. Based on the travel for the military bowl game against Navy last year in Annapolis, which was very well attended, I would anticipate a good number of fans to show up to a game ~1.5 hours further away than Annapolis.
Yeah, not too sure this is "great" for the program. The game is midweek in the middle of the day against F'in Northwestern - besides the two fanbases, who is realistically going to want to watch this game.
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The highest attended road game this year by Pitt fans was Clemson. (Warm Weather).

Charlotte, Orlando, Jacksonville would have been best.

NYC to expensive and cold. Pitt fans won't pay $5 for a home game why would they go to NYC.

letstalkaboutnextyear, the biggest looney tune out there.
Yeah, not too sure this is "great" for the program. The game is midweek in the middle of the day against F'in Northwestern - besides the two fanbases, who is realistically going to want to watch this game.
Kids are out of school for holiday, and I doubt they'll be sitting around waiting for the Pinstripe Bowl at 2pm.
They'll be out "plundering."
You can Amtrak or Megabus to NYC for the day and not have to get a hotel room. Any other destination and you need airfare and hotel, making the cost way more than a day trip.
Amtrak's trip to NYC is no great deal. I've made it to NYC in 6 hours from Wexford.
The highest attended road game this year by Pitt fans was Clemson. (Warm Weather).

Charlotte, Orlando, Jacksonville would have been best.

NYC to expensive and cold. Pitt fans won't pay $5 for a home game why would they go to NYC.
You do realize you are not required to stay in downtown. You could get a hotel 15 mins outside and then take the Subway or drive in.
The highest attended road game this year by Pitt fans was Clemson. (Warm Weather).

Charlotte, Orlando, Jacksonville would have been best.

NYC to expensive and cold. Pitt fans won't pay $5 for a home game why would they go to NYC.
warm weather weekend game...
  1. JC will be the toast of NYC
  2. Good exposure for our team with NY & NJ recruits
  3. Must play daytime game for temperature reason
  4. PITT will win its 9th game
  5. Easy trip for our fans!
  6. Great comment on the NW board:
    Franklin is an imbecile
    But not the best of the B1G. Penn State is a horrible institution. State College is a shit hole.
    Post by: julescat, Yesterday at 2:26 PM in forum: Wildcat Football Board
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The highest attended road game this year by Pitt fans was Clemson. (Warm Weather).

Charlotte, Orlando, Jacksonville would have been best.

NYC to expensive and cold. Pitt fans won't pay $5 for a home game why would they go to NYC.
Same reason 15k of us went to Annapolis last year.
Amtrak's trip to NYC is no great deal. I've made it to NYC in 6 hours from Wexford.
That's all it should ever take, as long as you don't arrive during the morning rush, or are one of those people who have to stop 5 times, and have to sit and eat at the rest stops as opposed to grabbing some food, and eating in the car.
This is great exposure in the northeast recruiting area.

For selfish reasons I am glad it is at Yankee Stadium. I used to sit in section 29 with my Dad and watch the Giants play.

Having been to last year's game in Annapolis this is good for Pitt fans and will dispel the notion that Pitt has bad attendance at bowl games.