Sagarin "Recent" Ratings show a similar story about Pitt's prospects this morning. The overall Sagarin ratings remain too influenced by pre-season predictions and the St. Francis loss, however.
Sagarin (1-17-21)
Sagarin Ratings (Recent)
6 Virginia 91.79
29 Duke 85.29
30 Florida St 85.55
35 VA Tech 84.91
40 Pitt 83.33
41 Louisville 83.02
44 Clemson 82.83
45 GA Tech 82.44
52 N. Carolina 81.87
85 Syracuse 78.06
105 NC State 76.80
109 Miami 76.37
121 N. Dame 75.47
150 B.C. 73.37
152 Wake For. 73.12
On another note--somewhat interesting--the average home court advantage that Sagarin tracks has (in this year w/o fans) has settled around 1.93 or 1.94 points. In normal years it was typically around 3.25 points. This suggests that,
on average, home court familiarity and not needing to travel is worth about 2 points/game and fan influence about 1.25 points per game, also
on average, in college hoops. A full Pete with the Oakland zoo, or a Duke with the Cameron Crazies is likely worth more than 1.25 points due to fans.