Yeah JRip, I don't see your reasoning here.. You either think very lowly of this program, assuming that pitt would automatically lose any P5 game in September.. What happens if they beat a good team? It is possible, I mean I know you think pitt isn't capable but I disagree.. If we are as bad as you think we are, and need favorable scheduling to get to 7 wins, well we have much bigger issues.. Going to have to agree to disagree on this one but let me leave it at this, these fcs games, these matchups against poor non P5 teams, in front of 20k at rib fests, they do NOTHING for this program.. You like it obviously, i'll assume you are a die hard fan but perception wise, it's an embarrassment and it gives off a very low rate, non D 1 football feel to it.. I've been to these games and I have been to big matchups as well and it's unbelievable that any Pitt fan would choose to increase these mickey mouse glorified scrimmages..