Pitt fan taking your questions on Stallings...

Does this story have a happy ending
“Everybody panic! Oh my God, there’s a bear loose in the coliseum! There will be no refunds! Your refund will be escaping this deathtrap with your life! If you have a small child, use it as a shield! They love the tender meat! Cover your sodas! Dewie loves sugar!”
People are wanting to rip on KS, mainly because they don't like him. Sometimes I find myself there. I could have lived with a younger guy, but he is what we have. I like KS for one reason. He wanted (and wants) to be here at the school that I ❤️ (and the majority on this board love). That's more than can be said about many others, including one of our own golden boys. So with that said, I do like him and wish him well. If he ever is fired, I will thank him for trying to help the school that I bleed over and love.
People are wanting to rip on KS, mainly because they don't like him. Sometimes I find myself there. I could have lived with a younger guy, but he is what we have. I like KS for one reason. He wanted (and wants) to be here at the school that I ❤️ (and the majority on this board love). That's more than can be said about many others, including one of our own golden boys. So with that said, I do like him and wish him well. If he ever is fired, I will thank him for trying to help the school that I bleed over and love.
I have a hard time believing that he really wants to be here. IMO, it was a case of him needing to find a new spot because Vandy was going to push him out. Turner and the consulting firm made out like bandits, and we were stuck holding the booby prize.

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