Pitt is still my team but


Oct 15, 2015
They are just not going to be a priority to me anymore. Outside of my son having a game conflicting with Pitt game, everything else was scheduled around Pitt football.

No more!

I turned the game off with a few minutes before halftime. I watched other games, did some stuff around the house. That is where I am now. Even if we were allowed to go to games, I just wouldn't anymore.

I will continue to be a fan and watch them in the future, but I'm just not going to be as big of a fan as I was. I am changing priorities.
This is Heather’s worst nightmare...apathy! And at this point Mike - lots of us are going to have that mindset.

How many Saturdays do I take my son to the same lame Canonsburg Lake instead of hitting better waterways so I can be back to be treated to this crap? No more.

Honestly I do not blame Narduzzi. He is just the straw the broke the camels back in my case. I am 40 almost 41 years old. I saw some great moments, great games, great upsets, great players, but I never saw a truly great season. The best I saw in all these years was 1997. Pitt was taken off life support. The win in Morgantown was fun. Yes they laid an egg in the Liberty Bowl but it was a fun season because they showed life after many dreadful seasons. Other than that, there have been only 3 somewhat fun seasons, 2004 and wanny's last 2 years.
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They are just not going to be a priority to me anymore. Outside of my son having a game conflicting with Pitt game, everything else was scheduled around Pitt football.

No more!

I turned the game off with a few minutes before halftime. I watched other games, did some stuff around the house. That is where I am now. Even if we were allowed to go to games, I just wouldn't anymore.

I will continue to be a fan and watch them in the future, but I'm just not going to be as big of a fan as I was. I am changing priorities.
I made that decision three years ago, and have never been happier. Gave up my tickets after 45 years, including driving from Philadelphia for the last 8 years. I still watch and root, but I have finally accepted that the glory years aren't coming back. We are who we are. It’s nice to not have my Saturdays ruined by the performance of a bunch of coaches and kids that I will never even meet.
My family all enjoys going regardless. I'm going to stick with it through thick and thin. I guess I'm nuts.
I think we are all masochists and have to make light of this. HL has shown the ability to make competent hires in the other sports. There will be better tomorrow's. In these trying times Pitt football is an afterthought to me. H2P!
They are just not going to be a priority to me anymore. Outside of my son having a game conflicting with Pitt game, everything else was scheduled around Pitt football.

No more!

I turned the game off with a few minutes before halftime. I watched other games, did some stuff around the house. That is where I am now. Even if we were allowed to go to games, I just wouldn't anymore.

I will continue to be a fan and watch them in the future, but I'm just not going to be as big of a fan as I was. I am changing priorities.
I did this with the NFL about 15 years ago and haven't regretted it. My Sunday's are so much better without spending my time watching millionaires after the game high fiving each other laughing win or lose.
My family all enjoys going regardless. I'm going to stick with it through thick and thin. I guess I'm nuts.
I went to Birmingham three years in a row, so I get it. I’ve just finally had enough. I gave up my season tickets about five years ago and have only been to a couple of games since. My kids’ schedules on the weekend played a part, but it’s just not enjoyable to watch for me anymore. Plus, not gonna lie, I can’t stand Narduzzi. He’s a hard guy for me to support.
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They are just not going to be a priority to me anymore. Outside of my son having a game conflicting with Pitt game, everything else was scheduled around Pitt football.

No more!

I turned the game off with a few minutes before halftime. I watched other games, did some stuff around the house. That is where I am now. Even if we were allowed to go to games, I just wouldn't anymore.

I will continue to be a fan and watch them in the future, but I'm just not going to be as big of a fan as I was. I am changing priorities.

Same with me. Didn't watch much of the game due to a family event that absolutely would have been scheduled around Pitt football in years past.
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How many Saturdays do I take my son to the same lame Canonsburg Lake instead of hitting better waterways so I can be back to be treated to this crap? No more.

Honestly I do not blame Narduzzi. He is just the straw the broke the camels back in my case. I am 40 almost 41 years old. I saw some great moments, great games, great upsets, great players, but I never saw a truly great season. The best I saw in all these years was 1997. Pitt was taken off life support. The win in Morgantown was fun. Yes they laid an egg in the Liberty Bowl but it was a fun season because they showed life after many dreadful seasons. Other than that, there have been only 3 somewhat fun seasons, 2004 and wanny's last 2 years.

It's kind if crazy if you think about it. I feel like a junkie for following Pitt football. In the Narduzzi era, I've spent hours every day for six years reading about/watching the team, following recruiting, etc. And for what? Like 10 total hours of elation? Just insane.
In the olden days, For me, the world revolved around Pitt football. Was a booster for30+ years.
Since moving to SC, and the crazy coaching fiasco after Wanny. I’ve tempered my enthusiasm.
Golf on Saturdays, and I catch the second half on ACCN, great.
On ABC yesterday. Talk about taking a recruiting hit.....Yikes...
Who would send their kid to this dumpster fire.....
In the olden days, For me, the world revolved around Pitt football. Was a booster for30+ years.
Since moving to SC, and the crazy coaching fiasco after Wanny. I’ve tempered my enthusiasm.
Golf on Saturdays, and I catch the second half on ACCN, great.
On ABC yesterday. Talk about taking a recruiting hit.....Yikes...
Who would send their kid to this dumpster fire.....
Totally agree and this was on National TV yet. PN needs to go
I hear you all.I am well into my sixties and was fortunate to follow the glory years between 1976 and 1981 and still to this day religiously follow this program and read the message boards every single day numerous times. But I told my wife yesterday no more 500 plus mile round trips to the burg to watch this until a better product is put on the field. I have ACCN ands will watch it from the comfort of my home. I will still make the semi annual trip to Syracuse which is just a two hour trip . And please retire those hideous gray uniforms . I spend ton of money the past few years with the classic Pitt script and colors and love them and get compliments about them from a lot of people and then for a national TV game with an historic rival we trot these out,
As I told a close friend yesterday. I too am done. Oh I will continue to watch the team and may even "stub hub" a game, but the days of donating 1000's, which I have done for the better half of 30yrs are done.
I hate putting this in writing but it's something that I have said out loud: Pitt is offering diminishing returns in exchange for my support.

I'm almost 37 and the best I can say is I saw Pitt get trucked in a BCS bowl they had no business playing and 2009, plus a few big upsets here and there that kept the fire going. Is that all I get? And now we're seemingly farther than ever from those upsets. We're almost certain to lose to Clemson by 30 and maybe closer to 70 depending on how things go. It's just not fun anymore and I have too much else going on to waste an entire Saturday watching something that just makes me sad. I'm still here but it feels like a dysfunctional marriage at this point where you're just waiting for either Pitt or me to die.
Its been a rough season, COVID screwed this team. Our offense would be much better if they had a full spring to gel together. Our defense had a bad game on Saturday, who cares? I'll still be in my seats for the remaining games. H2P
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Glad I am not the only one. NFL, gave up years ago. Sundays are now mine. I feel good and don't miss it at all. If the weather is bad and I have nothing to do, I will sit down and watch, but never go out of my way to see a game.

Pitt basketball, the whole coaching search after Dixon and for what? A soup can. Gave up my tickets. Again, don't go out of my way to watch them, but if I have time, I will. I still root for them to succeed, but will take a lot to get me back.

Pitt Football....Gave up my season tickets 2 years ago. However, upgrade my sling package to get the ACC network. Watch them all the time. However, after last week, I am losing steam on them. Its been mentioned on many other posts about coaching, winning, admin, etc... We are stuck in mediocrity. I don't have play off asperations every year for Pitt. I would just like to see a 10 win season once every 6-7 years. But there seems to be less and less hope for that. Keep lowering the bar.
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The culture is so foreboding and predictable right now. You can only get kicked in the nuts so many times. Next we'll probably hear Lyke is interviewing somewhere.
This is Heather’s worst nightmare...apathy!

I mentioned this before and am basically ridiculed from on the ball posters that dont really get it. Pitt is having trouble with its fan base as you see in this thread, yet they are on the ACCN constantly, which is not available on the main cable carrier in Western PA, I know of three strong followers, one who has donated for years who have lost interest in Pitt football because they don't have the chance to follow the team on tv, their lives on Saturday revolved around it
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I know of three strong followers, one who has donated for years who have lost interest in Pitt football because they don't have the chance to follow the team on tv, their lives on Saturday revolved around it

There is no one, and I mean that literally, no one, who is a strong follower of Pitt who is losing interest because they can't follow the team on television. Because by definition, a "strong follower" would do one of the numerous, simple, easy things to make it so that they could watch Pitt football on television.

If DirecTV drops the ACCN tomorrow I won't miss one snap of one game. Because I am a "strong follower" of Pitt football and there are tons of other choices out there.
They are just not going to be a priority to me anymore. Outside of my son having a game conflicting with Pitt game, everything else was scheduled around Pitt football.

No more!

I turned the game off with a few minutes before halftime. I watched other games, did some stuff around the house. That is where I am now. Even if we were allowed to go to games, I just wouldn't anymore.

I will continue to be a fan and watch them in the future, but I'm just not going to be as big of a fan as I was. I am changing priorities.

I made that decision about 5 years ago. Had season tickets since I was a student and went to most games. Then I finally said Eff it. Somewhere around the Stallings hire in basketball, Barnes' joke of a uniform announcement, the bad losses, constant coaching screwups, the fake process for the fan experience committee after spending a good deal of time wording my application, etc, etc, etc. Done.

I've been happier and less stressed when I stopped giving a s*it.

I kind of thought they might be turning a corner. But wearing your heralded home blue unis 2 out of 5 home games this year after the big unveiling, new branding campaign and delight of fans is just ONE MORE example of the constant ineptitude. And it's not changing unless they get really, really lucky and find a great coach.
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I have been a season ticket holder since 1988. The loss of interest has been a slow death, like marriage. It’s not enjoyable to tailgate at the games any longer, No popup shade/weather, parking lot opens only a few hours before kickoff, getting rid of all the open space parking, direct you where to park, etc. plus minimum 5 hours driving round trip.
I took my three sons to the games, all late teens now. they get frustrated, lose almost every nationally televised game, unexciting offense. Can’t seem to get passed 7 regular season wins most years. Crush hope early in the season with bad losses. Seems to be more blowouts under Narduzzi.
just becoming indifferent to watching and following.
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Oh please. Just sit in the corner and hold your breath ‘til you turn blue and pout. Get real. If Pitt is your alma mater, of course you’ll watch and hope for the best (and likely get your heart ripped out). Don’t bs and say you aren’t watching/listening to Pitt games yet posting on a pitt football message board?!?! Lol. It’s in your DNA if you’re a grad. You know that.
Don’t bs.
This thread feels like a group therapy session. And I mean that in a supportive way. I get the feeling that if you asked any one of us ten, twenty years ago if we'd ever abandon Pitt, we'd immediately respond with "No! Never! Not in a million years!"

Well.... a season like this one is just the latest episode in four decades' worth of horror flicks. And it gives you pause to take stock. Is supporting Pitt football worth the time and emotional investments? Are we OK with the once-in-a-decade miracles like 13-9 and Clemson?

Like many of you, I have missed less than a handful of home games since 1980. Once in a while I hit a road game. My casual wardrobe, once chock full of Pitt navy blue, is in flux to the new colors (which aren't nearly as versatile). Game room decor, computer wallpaper, psyche -- all reflect Pitt even though I did not attend the school. My devotion, and yours, runs deep. In my case, back to 1973 when a sprightly gnome of a coach and a skinny tailback from Aliquippa came to Oakland.

But then you get this garbage coaching and the same jaw-dropping mistakes game after game. It took three years to see that Fazio wasn't up to the job, even less so for Hackett. Narduzzi is past his sell-by date. Pandemic be damned, he has to go before the fan apathy toward Pitt reaches Nutting levels.

I expect to keep my STX, but I'll pocket the donation going forward.
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They are just not going to be a priority to me anymore. Outside of my son having a game conflicting with Pitt game, everything else was scheduled around Pitt football.

No more!

I turned the game off with a few minutes before halftime. I watched other games, did some stuff around the house. That is where I am now. Even if we were allowed to go to games, I just wouldn't anymore.

I will continue to be a fan and watch them in the future, but I'm just not going to be as big of a fan as I was. I am changing priorities.

Self righteous much? Why do you think Pitt owes you a double digit winning football team each year? Presuming you are a Pitt graduate did you give more to the school than you got out of it (a job perhaps)? Do they still owe you or do you owe them? What if we were in a Division Two type league and the only chance you would see your team play is when a local sports affiliate broadcast their game? The only local glory they got was if they made the Division Two playoffs. Yeah I know its not Division Two anymore but it makes more sense using the old terminology.

Have you tallied up your donations and determined that the amount of $$$$$$$$ you gave is worth X victories?

Don’t make them a priority if you wish, but don’t make it seem like they owe YOU something.
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I did this with the NFL about 15 years ago and haven't regretted it. My Sunday's are so much better without spending my time watching millionaires after the game high fiving each other laughing win or lose.

yes, sportsmanship is such a buzzkill. dude...

I have been a season ticket holder since 1988. The loss of interest has been a slow death, like marriage. It’s not enjoyable to tailgate at the games any longer, No popup shade/weather, parking lot opens only a few hours before kickoff, getting rid of all the open space parking, direct you where to park, etc. plus minimum 5 hours driving round trip.
I took my three sons to the games, all late teens now. they get frustrated, lose almost every nationally televised game, unexciting offense. Can’t seem to get passed 7 regular season wins most years. Crush hope early in the season with bad losses. Seems to be more blowouts under Narduzzi.
just becoming indifferent to watching and following.

where did you tailgate at pitt stadium? there was zero parking.
How many Saturdays do I take my son to the same lame Canonsburg Lake instead of hitting better waterways so I can be back to be treated to this crap? No more.

Honestly I do not blame Narduzzi. He is just the straw the broke the camels back in my case. I am 40 almost 41 years old. I saw some great moments, great games, great upsets, great players, but I never saw a truly great season. The best I saw in all these years was 1997. Pitt was taken off life support. The win in Morgantown was fun. Yes they laid an egg in the Liberty Bowl but it was a fun season because they showed life after many dreadful seasons. Other than that, there have been only 3 somewhat fun seasons, 2004 and wanny's last 2 years.

Had to laugh reading this, never caught one thing at Canonsburg lake.
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Its been a rough season, COVID screwed this team. Our offense would be much better if they had a full spring to gel together. Our defense had a bad game on Saturday, who cares? I'll still be in my seats for the remaining games. H2P
So COVID is an excuse for Pitt but not every other team?

Jesus the things I read on this board......
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bunch of cry babies. plenty of you are pirates fans and they've been far worse for far longer.

you're school is your school and your team is your team. you can be frustrated (and i am massively) but i'm not going anywhere. and i don't need my team to be on the cusp of a national championship every year or i stop following them. it's my team. they'll piss me off at least 75% of the time but i've accepted it. still my team. the past 6 years were NOTHING like most of the 90's and i lived through that just fine.

if you want a front-runner, following pitt is not for you, just like the majority of the rest of the schools. how is it being a BC fan? or georgia tech? cuse?

should we be better right now? yes. listen - we're more likely to have a 3-9 season than 9-3. that's reality. we've actually avoided the total garbage year for quite awhile. we're due and it looks as if that's what we're getting in 2020.
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Self righteous much? Why do you think Pitt owes you a double digit winning football team each year? Presuming you are a Pitt graduate did you give more to the school than you got out of it (a job perhaps)? Do they still owe you or do you owe them? What if we were in a Division Two type league and the only chance you would see your team play is when a local sports affiliate broadcast their game? The only local glory they got was if they made the Division Two playoffs. Yeah I know its not Division Two anymore but it makes more sense using the old terminology.

Have you tallied up your donations and determined that the amount of $$$$$$$$ you gave is worth X victories?

Don’t make them a priority if you wish, but don’t make it seem like they owe YOU something.

Not a Pitt grad. Was accepted, but I was not built for big school like that. Went to Bobby Moe for a year for football then transferred to St Vincent. So take your self righteous BS somewhere else. I donated to the football team from 2002 to 2011. Never said Pitt owes me double digit wins, that is you projecting to make your lame argument have teeth.

Question for you. Is it too much to have a double digit win season every 7 or 8 years? Is it too much to ask for a fundamentally sound team, not one who talks a bunch of crap, plays undisciplined, and then embarrasses themselves countless times over?
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bunch of cry babies. plenty of you are pirates fans and they've been far worse for far longer.

you're school is your school and your team is your team. you can be frustrated (and i am massively) but i'm not going anywhere. and i don't need my team to be on the cusp of a national championship every year or i stop following them. it's my team. they'll piss me off at least 75% of the time but i've accepted it. still my team. the past 6 years were NOTHING like most of the 90's and i lived through that just fine.

if you want a front-runner, following pitt is not for you, just like the majority of the rest of the schools. how is it being a BC fan? or georgia tech? cuse?

should we be better right now? yes. listen - we're more likely to have a 3-9 season than 9-3. that's reality. we've actually avoided the total garbage year for quite awhile. we're due and it looks as if that's what we're getting in 2020.

I gave up being a pirates fan after the 98 win season when they did nothing to get better. I don't need to be a fan of a front runner but I do need to see that you are trying to be a front runner. The Pirates and Pitt I do not see such actions. If you want to accept it still that is your prerogative, I will pay attention but only watch when nothing else to do unless they give me reason too again.

As far as saying we are due for a 3-9 season, ok, fine. But are we as fans not also due to have at the very least a 9-3 season too
Not a Pitt grad. Was accepted but I was not built for big school like that. Went to Bobby Moe for a year for football then transferred to St Vincent. So take your self righteous BS somewhere else. I donated to the football team from 2002 to 2011. Never said Pitt owes me double digit wins, that is you projecting to make you lame argument have teeth.

Question for you. Is it too much to a a double digit win season every 7 or 8 years? Is it too much to ask for a fundamentally sound team, not one who talks a bunch of crap, plays undisciplined, and then embarrasses themselves countless times over?
You have no skin in the game as a non alum. Pitt most certainly owes you nothing at all.
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I gave up being a pirates fan after the 98 win season when they did nothing to get better. I don't need to be a fan of a front runner but I do need to see that you are trying to be a front runner. The Pirates and Pitt I do not see such actions. If you want to accept it still that is your prerogative, I will pay attention but only watch when nothing else to do unless they give me reason too again.

As far as saying we are due for a 3-9 season, ok, fine. But are we as fans not also due to have at the very least a 9-3 season too

yeah, they drive me nuts and have for a long time. i wouldn't say i accept it b/c i care, i bitch and moan to my buddies (and here). but i also GET that we're a mediocre program. the reality is we're not a 9-3 team. we're just not. we're more likely to have a 3-9 season than a 9-3. that's probably going a little far but you get my point.

i will also say that what we're seeing from narduzzi is unacceptable. i can accept losing to better teams with better talent. but this is just sloppy, awful football. high school coaches have better attention to detail and leadership of their players. the man has no business running a p5 program. as a head coach, to me, he's FCS at best. and he needs to go.