Who knows, but with the way we run the ball more Mathews should be starting because he is the best blocking WR we have. This aspect of his game is always glossed over. Add the fact that he was the lone bright spot at WP last game you would think he would be starting, but no lets send Lopes out there. Also lets keep rewarding the guards with playing time instead of putting Houy at T and bumping Bookser to guard where he excels and at least get much better on one side of the line? I think Brandon Ford is an upgrade too.
On Defense, why not give Coleman (who actually made some plays this season in his limited time) playing time instead of Briggs (who i will admit he had the best game of his career last game against ND) ? Instead Coleman is still 3rs string behind Campbell who again Coleman performed better with less reps.
I hate criticizing coaches who see the players everyday vs me once a week, but these are so easy to see changes that anyone would notice.