Why are you talking about global one percenters? There are billions of people living in poverty in third world countries so when you add them to the mix, absolutely we are all "global one percenters." But that has never been the argument. I think even the single mom working 2 jobs realizes she is more wealthy than 90% of people on the continent of Africa.
The argument has been that the top 1% of Americans have too much wealth, power, and influence in levels disproportionate to the other 99%. I know, I know, work hard, take risks, and become wealthy, anybody can do it. OK, my guess is the majority (not all) of one percenters were born as one percenters so its quite a bit easier to not mess up and remain a one percenter than to become one.
You're wrong about 1%ers being born into wealth.
All someone has to do is get an education HS or college both is best, get a job with a 401k which matches your contributions, contribute to your 401k, increase your education and skills and you'll be a 1%er.
People who start young and invest regularly in a 401k end up with millions upon retirement depending on how much they made during their career.
Invest your excess money in an index fund which follows the market.
Go look at the stock market over the past 30 years it continually achieves new highs. If you make consistent investments in index funds your money over time will grow. That how th 1% became the 1% . Most started with little but were disciplined with how they handled their money.
Today no one wants to start at the bottom, people waste their money on expensive cell phones, high cost cell phone packages, high cost media packages, $50k hybrid cars, expensive life styles etc.
The problem is during the last 8 yrs of Obama most of the jobs created were part time, no 401k, low wage, service jobs, with no benefits.
95 million people underemployed or unemployed.
This will change with the change in political parties running the country and more people can start to accumulate wealth.
1%er's in this country make around $ 50k and up.
Global 1%er's make an income of around $ 34k.
Its not hard to achieve those income levels unless you're a complete loser!
A lot of the reason for the poor conditions in other countries is the result of socialism/cradle to grave care for everything with income tax rates in the 60%-80% range, or dictators who confiscate the countries wealth.
Democracy, and the free market rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wife and I had to borrow money when we got married but by working hard, getting educations, investing in 401k's, stock market over 40 years we've accumulated unbelievable wealth.
Are kids are doing the same thing and are on their way to becoming very wealthy and they're around 30 yrs old. We gave them no money they both started with zero.Despite the bad Obama economy they worked hard found jobs with 401k's, full benefits, saved their money, invested in the stock market, and both just purchased their first homes over the past two years. One kid had to reinvent himself since the job market was so bad in his major he learned, added skills, and education in a completely different field.
legal Italian immigrant neighbors came here with nothing and now are worth millions owing 5 restaurants.
Its comes down to hard work and discipline but people like you like to complain and make excuses as to why you're not part of the easy to join 1% club!
Guess what as the job market improves in this country the hard working 1%ers will continue to grow and the slackards will fall further and further behind.
You don't see 1%ers protesting because They're Working!