Pitt receives largest football gift ever

Why are you talking about global one percenters? There are billions of people living in poverty in third world countries so when you add them to the mix, absolutely we are all "global one percenters." But that has never been the argument. I think even the single mom working 2 jobs realizes she is more wealthy than 90% of people on the continent of Africa.

The argument has been that the top 1% of Americans have too much wealth, power, and influence in levels disproportionate to the other 99%. I know, I know, work hard, take risks, and become wealthy, anybody can do it. OK, my guess is the majority (not all) of one percenters were born as one percenters so its quite a bit easier to not mess up and remain a one percenter than to become one.
You're wrong about 1%ers being born into wealth.
All someone has to do is get an education HS or college both is best, get a job with a 401k which matches your contributions, contribute to your 401k, increase your education and skills and you'll be a 1%er.

People who start young and invest regularly in a 401k end up with millions upon retirement depending on how much they made during their career.
Invest your excess money in an index fund which follows the market.

Go look at the stock market over the past 30 years it continually achieves new highs. If you make consistent investments in index funds your money over time will grow. That how th 1% became the 1% . Most started with little but were disciplined with how they handled their money.

Today no one wants to start at the bottom, people waste their money on expensive cell phones, high cost cell phone packages, high cost media packages, $50k hybrid cars, expensive life styles etc.

The problem is during the last 8 yrs of Obama most of the jobs created were part time, no 401k, low wage, service jobs, with no benefits.

95 million people underemployed or unemployed.

This will change with the change in political parties running the country and more people can start to accumulate wealth.

1%er's in this country make around $ 50k and up.
Global 1%er's make an income of around $ 34k.
Its not hard to achieve those income levels unless you're a complete loser!

A lot of the reason for the poor conditions in other countries is the result of socialism/cradle to grave care for everything with income tax rates in the 60%-80% range, or dictators who confiscate the countries wealth.

Democracy, and the free market rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wife and I had to borrow money when we got married but by working hard, getting educations, investing in 401k's, stock market over 40 years we've accumulated unbelievable wealth.

Are kids are doing the same thing and are on their way to becoming very wealthy and they're around 30 yrs old. We gave them no money they both started with zero.Despite the bad Obama economy they worked hard found jobs with 401k's, full benefits, saved their money, invested in the stock market, and both just purchased their first homes over the past two years. One kid had to reinvent himself since the job market was so bad in his major he learned, added skills, and education in a completely different field.

Our legal Italian immigrant neighbors came here with nothing and now are worth millions owing 5 restaurants.

Its comes down to hard work and discipline but people like you like to complain and make excuses as to why you're not part of the easy to join 1% club!

Guess what as the job market improves in this country the hard working 1%ers will continue to grow and the slackards will fall further and further behind.
You don't see 1%ers protesting because They're Working!

Don't worry about me. I'm doing quite well for myself. You are under the false assumption that those who feel that the top 1/10 of 1 percent (the number I was going for, sorry) control too much wealth are just fast-food workers complaining because they didn't study hard enough.

Listen, like it or not, we almost have an oligarchy here in this country and small-timers like you who weren't born rich, worked hard to accumulate a few million and think you're big-time when the reality is it is insanely easy to retire with a few million and if you cant do that, you are basically an idiot. So, we got our few mil and we're happy and say "the system works." Meanwhile, the top 1/10 of 1 percent can spend our entire life savings on a vacation and not sweat it. The income inequality is astounding.

The top 1/10 of 1 percent have almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%. That means 160,000 families have almost as much combined wealth as the lowest 184 million families.

I agree that greed is good. However, excessive greed to this level is absolutely disgusting and its people like you that feed into their brainwashing.
The bottom 99.9% need to be more greedy and vote themselves a bigger share of the $$$$$ the top 0.1% hoard because they can, not because they actually earned it.
we need more people, preferably the unemployed and those lacking proper hygiene, to organize demonstrations in downtown locations to protest the lack of distribution of wealth. and during these protests, they should destroy, vandalize public property and commit multiple crimes including sexual assaulting women, drug use and basically making the people who have jobs, miserable.. I think that will send a good message..

maybe we can come up with a catchy name for it too, romanticize it a bit. make it sound like a noble cause..
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A $50K salary is BOTTOM 45% - this is a POOR person.
In some areas that are high cost, $100-150K is pretty damn poor.
A 1% makes $450K and UP.

My own salary is within the top 10% and IMO I am not "well off". Part of that is I live in a relatively high cost area and you have to take that into account, which some people don't.
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You are correct and so is JPripper88 I quoted a global 1% er which is around $ 50k. The US 1%ers are in the $ 385k range!
ok well cool, if I compare myself to your average 3rd world villager who feeds their kids paste which was bought and paid for from 2am telethons, then im doing pretty darsh darn well.
Why are you talking about global one percenters? There are billions of people living in poverty in third world countries so when you add them to the mix, absolutely we are all "global one percenters." But that has never been the argument. I think even the single mom working 2 jobs realizes she is more wealthy than 90% of people on the continent of Africa.

The argument has been that the top 1% of Americans have too much wealth, power, and influence in levels disproportionate to the other 99%. I know, I know, work hard, take risks, and become wealthy, anybody can do it. OK, my guess is the majority (not all) of one percenters were born as one percenters so its quite a bit easier to not mess up and remain a one percenter than to become one.

Yeahhh... I was about to post this same thing. What a biased and leaning article you posted. You think someone with wages in the philippines can support a family in the USA? By the same token, Norway, with an average median salary of over 100,000 USD would have their average citizen in our top 5%, but so what?
And you also have to keep in mind are costs are probably higher too. A person making US$30K in some European countries, might live like a person making $100K here as far as material goods.
Don't worry about me. I'm doing quite well for myself. You are under the false assumption that those who feel that the top 1/10 of 1 percent (the number I was going for, sorry) control too much wealth are just fast-food workers complaining because they didn't study hard enough.

Listen, like it or not, we almost have an oligarchy here in this country and small-timers like you who weren't born rich, worked hard to accumulate a few million and think you're big-time when the reality is it is insanely easy to retire with a few million and if you cant do that, you are basically an idiot. So, we got our few mil and we're happy and say "the system works." Meanwhile, the top 1/10 of 1 percent can spend our entire life savings on a vacation and not sweat it. The income inequality is astounding.

The top 1/10 of 1 percent have almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%. That means 160,000 families have almost as much combined wealth as the lowest 184 million families.

I agree that greed is good. However, excessive greed to this level is absolutely disgusting and its people like you that feed into their brainwashing.
Except those fighting against the 1% are vilifying those of us in the other 0.9% of that bracket. They fight that a household bringing in $100-200k is rich. That isn't rich in Alabama, let alone California.

Yeahhh... I was about to post this same thing. What a biased and leaning article you posted. You think someone with wages in the philippines can support a family in the USA? By the same token, Norway, with an average median salary of over 100,000 USD would have their average citizen in our top 5%, but so what?
Yeah, but the corollary to that argument is the poor and assisted in the USA tweeting from their iPhone that they are so hard shipped and disproportionately disadvantaged, while the poor in almost all other countries are literally still living in huts and rubble, working 14 hour days, 7 days a week.

Our poor have it better than almost any other "poor" around the world, including Euro powers.
ok well cool, if I compare myself to your average 3rd world villager who feeds their kids paste which was bought and paid for from 2am telethons, then im doing pretty darsh darn well.

Right, If I could earn my 6 figure US Dollars salary and live in Uganda, I'd probably live in a mansion and have a butler, LOL.
Except those fighting against the 1% are vilifying those of us in the other 0.9% of that bracket. They fight that a household bringing in $100-200k is rich. That isn't rich in Alabama, let alone California.

That's the problem, people making $100-200K ARE NOT RICH, some act like we are. And you, some people in that range are really well off. Like if you have that income and live in some hick town in Mississippi or some decimated rust belt town in Western PA (Think Alliquippa or New Castle)... yes, you are living well with that money, big house, lot's of money, maybe land. But that salary in DC, NY, SF you are likely living in a cheap townhome and in debt because it's SO LITTLE for that area.
Except those fighting against the 1% are vilifying those of us in the other 0.9% of that bracket. They fight that a household bringing in $100-200k is rich. That isn't rich in Alabama, let alone California.

Yeah, but the corollary to that argument is the poor and assisted in the USA tweeting from their iPhone that they are so hard shipped and disproportionately disadvantaged, while the poor in almost all other countries are literally still living in huts and rubble, working 14 hour days, 7 days a week.

Our poor have it better than almost any other "poor" around the world, including Euro powers.
our poor have it better than our working class. our poor have better benefits and healthcare than someone making $40k a year. don't even get me started on the scam that is "disability checks" in this country.

now I am pissed, thanks a lot..
That's the problem, people making $100-200K ARE NOT RICH, some act like we are. And you, some people in that range are really well off. Like if you have that income and live in some hick town in Mississippi or some decimated rust belt town in Western PA (Think Alliquippa or New Castle)... yes, you are living well with that money, big house, lot's of money, maybe land. But that salary in DC, NY, SF you are likely living in a cheap townhome and in debt because it's SO LITTLE for that area.
Even $100k isn't all that much for a household in lower cost of living areas. Remember, we are speaking about the average household, so we are talking about 2 adults and 2 children, so those people aren't living lavishly, no matter where they are.

However, yes, I agree wholeheartedly the federal tax system using arbitrary total income dollars, without any regard for location, is idiotic. On the plus side, it certainly benefits me and where I want to live.
our poor have it better than our working class. our poor have better benefits and healthcare than someone making $40k a year. don't even get me started on the scam that is "disability checks" in this country.

now I am pissed, thanks a lot..

Uh... I don't think you'd want to trade places with them, some of them may not have to work, but IMO they aren't living well, trust me, I have first hand experience with how they live.
Uh... I don't think you'd want to trade places with them, some of them may not have to work, but IMO they aren't living well, trust me, I have first hand experience with how they live.
a blanket statement made by me i'll admit. a lot of worthy causes and a lot of people hit with bad luck, or worse. but this "disability" scam that has increased dramatically under Obama is flat out criminal.

sorry, having a sore back or being anxious at work isn't reason enough to qualify for disability. it's absolutely criminal the rise in these claims over the last decade.. you are right, I wouldn't trade places with many of them, I want to be able to wake up in the morning and actually look at myself in the mirror..
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a blanket statement made by me i'll admit. a lot of worthy causes and a lot of people hit with bad luck, or worse. but this "disability" scam that has increased dramatically under Obama is flat out criminal.

sorry, having a sore back or being anxious at work isn't reason enough to qualify for disability. it's absolutely criminal the rise in these claims over the last decade.. you are right, I wouldn't trade places with many of them, I want to be able to wake up in the morning and actually look at myself in the mirror..

It didn't increase under Obama, and the rules for getting it didn't get easier under Obama, and people don't easily get it for being anxious or getting a sore back, I KNOW/YOU DON'T, my work is related to that, and like I said, I KNOW/YOU DON'T.

I'm not saying you wouldn't want to trade places because you'd be embarrassed, it's because they don't have a good life, they don't have much money. People complain that they have cell phones or flat screen TVs, so what? Go enjoy your life with a cell phone, flat screen TV and $733/month.
It didn't increase under Obama, and the rules for getting it didn't get easier under Obama, and people don't easily get it for being anxious or getting a sore back, I KNOW/YOU DON'T, my work is related to that, and like I said, I KNOW/YOU DON'T.

I'm not saying you wouldn't want to trade places because you'd be embarrassed, it's because they don't have a good life, they don't have much money. People complain that they have cell phones or flat screen TVs, so what? Go enjoy your life with a cell phone, flat screen TV and $733/month.
you are absolutely out of your mind if you don't believe the number of disability claims increased under Obama, absolutely without a doubt 100% insane..
you are absolutely out of your mind if you don't believe the number of disability claims increased under Obama, absolutely without a doubt 100% insane..

Not insane, I have access to the real numbers from INSIDE.
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The REAL numbers don't support that claims and allowances skyrocketed. Unless you're talking about something other than Social Security? They grew at a steady rate over the entire Bush Administration. Actually in the last 3 years growth slowed and declined. Obama didn't change anything, he did nothing to make getting disability easier if that's what you're getting at.
It makes total sense too, that 2009-2011 the number of claims went up. That was the time of the economic meltdown and jobs where lost. When jobs are lost, claims go up, because people still need income, they have to do something. They go to welfare and food stamp offices after unemployment runs out and they still can't find work. Those offices force you to apply for disability first before they will help you at all. Yes, FORCE YOU. Lot's of people come to apply for disability and say, "I'm not disabled, but the state won't give me money so I can eat, unless I apply". Personally, I'm glad there's disability, if I lost my job now at age 58 and couldn't find anything else, damn right I want something to be available to me.