Pitt's Return to Glory (Post-Gazette)


Dec 15, 2008
Headline in today's PG:
'Everything's gone to plan': How Kenny Pickett's Heisman campaign helped to propel Pitt back to glory

Article here;

OK, I am done bashing the PG for a while. This is all I really wanted, just one positive piece on the Pitt FB team during the week they play for ACC Championship after having their best season in 40 years. I am not a kool-aid drinkng homer that only needs positive, fluff pieces, I just thought one or two were in order at the moment. They can return to writing Pitt hit pieces next year if we lose to Duke or Wester Michigan again or something.

Note: article written by a Nitter
"Pitt Hit Pieces" would decrease if maybe they'd string a few seasons like this one together or at least have them every 5 years instead of every 40 years, Same with the attendance, a few more people might become fans if the team would have a great season when their kid is in 2nd grade and then not have to wait for another until that same kid is a grandfather.
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"Pitt Hit Pieces" would decrease if maybe they'd string a few seasons like this one together or at least have them every 5 years instead of every 40 years, Same with the attendance, a few more people might become fans if the team would have a great season when their kid is in 2nd grade and then not have to wait for another until that same kid is a grandfather.

lol, the DVR king lecturing about attendance....
Of course a Nitter write it. The local guys who cover Pitt want to prove they aren't homers to the actual big time writers.
Of course a Nitter write it. The local guys who cover Pitt want to prove they aren't homers to the actual big time writers.
Imagine being so Insecure as a writer you would stoop to worrying about that kind of crap… it’s like someone putting up with abuse just to get along in life… pathetic
lol, the DVR king lecturing about attendance....
Not lecturing at all, just pointing out that you'll get marginally more fans with better teams. Not me, I'll still go to the same number of games no matter the record that I always do, I won't go to any more or less even if they win every game.