PSU paying out another $1.7m.............

Sadly this is probably why they didn't get the death penalty. That big ten championship definitely brought some money to the school. If they didn't play football for however many years, they'd be running out of money to shell out.
At least McQueary did the right action. I guess the cult will want more than a pound of his flesh for getting a bonus for a game he wasn't involved in

Gavin continued that McQueary's testimony before a grand jury "compelled (Penn State) to change how it handles sexual complaints, a desirable outcome and something the General Assembly had in mind in enacting the Whistleblower Law."

He also cited the penalty McQueary has paid for speaking up. "Mr. McQueary went from being a well-respected individual in his community to a pariah," Gavin wrote.

In the same order in which he awarded the legal fees, Gavin told Penn State to pay McQueary $15,000, the amount he would have received as a bonus had he still been on the coaching staff for the team's appearance at the 2012 Ticket City Bowl.
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Quite amazing how the Judges and Society are now turning on Penn State and shows how desperate they are paying out for multiple lawyers fees and they are still bleeding money for the Scandal.

The Department of Education Title IX & Clery Act Report cited Penn State Employed a Hosts of lawyers on Retainer to represent Players that were arrested. Penn state had no problem paying those Attorneys????

It is good to see Society and Judges are now being critical of Penn State and soon the The Paterno Report was another waste of Money as well. What Albert Lord said is now reverberating in the Commonwealth and outside of it. Joe Paterno was named as the "Coach" in the emails, that caused by Curley & Schultz to cop apleas, and convicted Spanier and C & S both said, Joe was the one that did not think reporting it was good idea. If they had told the truth earlier they would not be Indicted and Convicted felons now.

Penn State now owns the entire Scandal during the Paterno Era and it was about protecting Football and winning 409, they thought it was covered up, but it only came back to uncover them?

Just look at what this Judge Said and Words he used.......

Gavin wasn't exactly flattering to Penn State in his fee-award ruling. He took a slap for its attempt to dodge payment by claiming the billings Strokoff and Fleming submitted to the court weren't detailed enough.

"There was a time when an attorney who received what they believed to be an inadequate response would call the other side, note the inadequacy and allow a reasonable time for it to be cured. Not in this case!" the judge wrote.

He called Penn State's argument to deny payment "draconian." Gavin also rejected Penn State's claim that he was showing a favorable bias to McQueary's side in the fee dispute. Instead, he said his intervention to request more information from McQueary's lawyers "was a common-sense resolution of a matter counsel should have resolved themselves."

Gavin concluded that attorney fees must be awarded in the whistleblower case because the state Legislature never intended that those who win such cases should pay their lawyers out of their own pockets.

"I have found that (McQueary) was terminated for his role in bringing to light the criminal conduct of Mr. Sandusky," the judge wrote. "The fact that one who reports such conduct would suffer loss of employment for having done so is contrary to the interests of the commonwealth in protecting children."

"I find the award of counsel fees to be appropriate as they advance a legitimate state interest of encouraging individuals to step forward and report such conduct," he added.

Gavin continued that McQueary's testimony before a grand jury "compelled (Penn State) to change how it handles sexual complaints, a desirable outcome and something the General Assembly had in mind in enacting the Whistleblower Law."

He also cited the penalty McQueary has paid for speaking up. "Mr. McQueary went from being a well-respected individual in his community to a pariah," Gavin wrote.

In the same order in which he awarded the legal fees, Gavin told Penn State to pay McQueary $15,000, the amount he would have received as a bonus had he still been on the coaching staff for the team's appearance at the 2012 Ticket City Bowl.

Mike McQueary is now the Most Famous Quarterback to play at Penn State for telling the truth about Jerry Sandusky and in turn exposed the entire Football Program Cover Up Crimes to protect the Football Program. Although McQueary and Paterno told the Truth before a Grand Jury and reported it to Superiors, both still remain silent too as Jerry kept abusing more Victims from 2001 to 2011.
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Quite amazing how the Judges and Society are now turning on Penn State and shows how desperate they are paying out for multiple lawyers fees and they are still bleeding money for the Scandal.

The Department of Education Title IX & Clery Act Report cited Penn State Employed a Hosts of lawyers on Retainer to represent Players that were arrested. Penn state had no problem paying those Attorneys????

It is good to see Society and Judges are now being critical of Penn State and soon the The Paterno Report was another waste of Money as well. What Albert Lord said is now reverberating in the Commonwealth and outside of it. Joe Paterno was named as the "Coach" in the emails, that caused by Curley & Schultz to cop apleas, and convicted Spanier and C & S both said, Joe was the one that did not think reporting it was good idea. If they had told the truth earlier they would not be Indicted and Convicted felons now.

Penn State now owns the entire Scandal during the Paterno Era and it was about protecting Football and winning 409, they thought it was covered up, but it only came back to uncover them?

Just look at what this Judge Said and Words he used.......

Gavin wasn't exactly flattering to Penn State in his fee-award ruling. He took a slap for its attempt to dodge payment by claiming the billings Strokoff and Fleming submitted to the court weren't detailed enough.

"There was a time when an attorney who received what they believed to be an inadequate response would call the other side, note the inadequacy and allow a reasonable time for it to be cured. Not in this case!" the judge wrote.

He called Penn State's argument to deny payment "draconian." Gavin also rejected Penn State's claim that he was showing a favorable bias to McQueary's side in the fee dispute. Instead, he said his intervention to request more information from McQueary's lawyers "was a common-sense resolution of a matter counsel should have resolved themselves."

Gavin concluded that attorney fees must be awarded in the whistleblower case because the state Legislature never intended that those who win such cases should pay their lawyers out of their own pockets.

"I have found that (McQueary) was terminated for his role in bringing to light the criminal conduct of Mr. Sandusky," the judge wrote. "The fact that one who reports such conduct would suffer loss of employment for having done so is contrary to the interests of the commonwealth in protecting children."

"I find the award of counsel fees to be appropriate as they advance a legitimate state interest of encouraging individuals to step forward and report such conduct," he added.

Gavin continued that McQueary's testimony before a grand jury "compelled (Penn State) to change how it handles sexual complaints, a desirable outcome and something the General Assembly had in mind in enacting the Whistleblower Law."

He also cited the penalty McQueary has paid for speaking up. "Mr. McQueary went from being a well-respected individual in his community to a pariah," Gavin wrote.

In the same order in which he awarded the legal fees, Gavin told Penn State to pay McQueary $15,000, the amount he would have received as a bonus had he still been on the coaching staff for the team's appearance at the 2012 Ticket City Bowl.

Mike McQueary is now the Most Famous Quarterback to play at Penn State for telling the truth about Jerry Sandusky and in turn exposed the entire Football Program Cover Crimes to protect the Football Program and though he a Paterno told the Truth before a Grand Jury and reported it to Superiors both still remain silent too as Jerry kept abusing more Victims from 2001 to 2011.
He is likely the second best paid.
Franco for PSU President!!!
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He is likely the second best paid.
Franco for PSU President!!!
Franco needs a Reality Check!

Clery Report Finding & Fines Penn State Lawyers for Arrested Players On Retainer:

"In its report, the department also “identified numerous instances where cultural and climate factors in the football program adversely affected campus safety operations, primarily involving the student conduct process.” University officials told the department’s investigators that there was “a discernible sense among some athletes that the rules did not apply to them equally,” and that Paterno “repeatedly resisted attempts” to discipline his athletes through the typical student conduct process."......"In addition, the report said football administrators kept a list of prominent local lawyers to provide to football players -- but not to other students -- who were facing disciplinary actions -- who were facing disciplinary actions."...
Someone needs to ask Franco Harris, what about the DUE PROCESS RIGHTS for Students??? Only Penn State Players had them paid for at Paterno Program?????

"Joe Paterno, Penn State’s Legendary Football Coach, Looms Large In The Background Of The Trial, Five Years After His Death. In Testimony On Wednesday, Mr. Curley Confirmed That Elliptically Worded Emails Mentioning "Coach" Were Referring To Mr. Paterno, Who Was Not Comfortable With A Plan That Included Reporting Mr. Sandusky To The Authorities."-Curley Testimony At Spanier Trial and Confirms Clery Title IX Report Findings Of Fact & Fines, The Freeh Report and Discredits The Paterno Report Paid For By The Paterno Family.

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Penn State Cult Dolts Refuted Under Criminal Oath Testimony:












"In its report, the department also “identified numerous instances where cultural and climate factors in the football program adversely affected campus safety operations, primarily involving the student conduct process.” University officials told the department’s investigators that there was “a discernible sense among some athletes that the rules did not apply to them equally,” and that Paterno “repeatedly resisted attempts” to discipline his athletes through the typical student conduct process."

"Mr. Curley Confirmed That Elliptically Worded Emails Mentioning "Coach" Were Referring To Mr. Paterno, Who Was Not Comfortable With A Plan That Included Reporting Mr. Sandusky To The Authorities."

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Amazing after all the disgrace the Sandusky case has brought to PSU, the millions paid victims, the millions paid to McQueary, now $1.7M for McQ. legal team, and the criminalization of Spanier and his merry men PSU will undertake a major upgrade of Beaver Stadium shelling out millions more.
Perception alone should inhibit upgrades to a football stadium and the Pa Legislature should be cutting funding to PSU since they apparently have more money that brains or conscience.
Amazing after all the disgrace the Sandusky case has brought to PSU, the millions paid victims, the millions paid to McQueary, now $1.7M for McQ. legal team, and the criminalization of Spanier and his merry men PSU will undertake a major upgrade of Beaver Stadium shelling out millions more.
Perception alone should inhibit upgrades to a football stadium and the Pa Legislature should be cutting funding to PSU since they apparently have more money that brains or conscience.

The shrine to Saint Joseph of Paterno.
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