Just wondering. How many games has Ford participated in. If it is 4 or less he can be redshirted. If it is more this question is moot.
Not meaning to restart this ridiculous argument but IMO, if Ford was a better option than anyone out there he would be playing. Narduzzi is not going to leave him on the bench to the detriment of his team or his own job security. And if his name was Pete Smith and he was from some other state we wouldn't be having this conversation, at least not to this extent.
Not meaning to restart this ridiculous argument but IMO, if Ford was a better option than anyone out there he would be playing. Narduzzi is not going to leave him on the bench to the detriment of his team or his own job security. And if his name was Pete Smith and he was from some other state we wouldn't be having this conversation, at least not to this extent.