because apparently every kid that ever was molested by Sandusky went to Joe. Not the police, his parents, his teacher, an administrator, brother, uncle, doctor, nope, only Joe. somehow after getting molested by Jerry, a twelve year old was able to track down Joe but never thought to tell anyone else? If Joe knew in the 70s, then everybody knew in the 70s. what did the kid do, stand in Joe's parking spot until he cornered him?
There will most likely be some bomb shells coming that include men from Philly to Harrisburg to State College to Pittsburgh and none of them is Joe. Other powerful people in power positions in the state, yes, Joe, nope.
keep an eye on the news, it must be fun to have a person like Joe to whip on an anonymous board. Remember Bill Conklin, the Philly Sports writer who was disgraced for being expose as a pedophile? yeah, there are others, Joe wasn't one of them.