Seriously Chris P


Jul 5, 2001
I start a thread to help Pitt fans traveling to State College this weekend and its deleted. Why? It seem to have very good feedback. No more Premium for me
I start a thread to help Pitt fans traveling to State College this weekend and its deleted. Why? It seem to have very good feedback. No more Premium for me

I was reading that, it got deleted before I got to page two.
It was deleted because you hurt the feelings of the cult and friends.
I posted look alikes of the Paterno clan in the look alike thread, and they were deleted. That must have hurt the feelings of cult members too.
I start a thread to help Pitt fans traveling to State College this weekend and its deleted. Why? It seem to have very good feedback. No more Premium for me
If I was Chris P I'd delete this one too.
There was some good info in that thread but it was dominated by a bunch of East coast elites bad mouthing the hard working people of Central PA.

Most of this countries population between Manhattan, and Hollywood are exactly like the people you would find in Central PA.

We live about 1.5 hrs East of State College and frankly I'm happy I'm here instead of with you Pittsburgh bigots!

Lots of bigotry in your post and post by others. Fyi Bigotry isn't a racial term read the definition below.

bigotries (plural noun)
  1. intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself:
    "the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry"
So be it Chris. This is on you. Any harm or abuse to Pitt fans and children could have been avoided if they had a chance to read my warnings.
If I was Chris P I'd delete this one too.
There was some good info in that thread but it was dominated by a bunch of East coast elites bad mouthing the hard working people of Central PA.

Most of this countries population between Manhattan, and Hollywood are exactly like the people you would find in Central PA.

We live about 1.5 hrs East of State College and frankly I'm happy I'm here instead of with you Pittsburgh bigots!

Lots of bigotry in your post and post by others. Fyi Bigotry isn't a racial term read the definition below.

bigotries (plural noun)
  1. intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself:
    "the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry"

Growing up in the "T" in Pennsyltuky sadly I have to agree that there is a bunch of knuckle dragging bigots there
I start a thread to help Pitt fans traveling to State College this weekend and its deleted. Why? It seem to have very good feedback. No more Premium for me
no, you started a thread in the mode of a bwi thread that was meant to insult outside the bounds of football or things related to their program. ....thought we were better than that.
I start a thread to help Pitt fans traveling to State College this weekend and its deleted. Why? It seem to have very good feedback. No more Premium for me
I actually deleted 24 posts from that thread earlier today but some people still didn't get the message and another mod took the thread down. It was a useful thread and I'll go back and try to clean it up and reinstate it.
My mistake. That wasn't the thread I cleaned up. That thread got out of hand quickly.
I start a thread to help Pitt fans traveling to State College this weekend and its deleted. Why? It seem to have very good feedback. No more Premium for me

Assuming you truly and sincerely believe the grossly exaggerated and distorted view of reality that you posted you appear to be either the victim of a 1 in 100 untypically worse experience than the norm for most Pitt fans who have made a trip to a game at PSU--or, you are living in an alternate universe.
Is this "other" mod a cool aide drinking cult member? The mods on enabler u's site are also fans.....big difference.

I actually deleted 24 posts from that thread earlier today but some people still didn't get the message and another mod took the thread down. It was a useful thread and I'll go back and try to clean it up and reinstate it.
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Growing up in the "T" in Pennsyltuky sadly I have to agree that there is a bunch of knuckle dragging bigots there

And the point that a few of us Pitt fans made is that we don't deny that, but we live in a place called reality where no area has a monopoly on racism/bigotry and no area is immune to racism/bigotry. We also recognize that even in places that has more racism/bigotry than normal, it still does not mean everyone is a racist or a bigot. In my experience those who claim to be the most tolerant generally are the least tolerant.
If I was Chris P I'd delete this one too.
There was some good info in that thread but it was dominated by a bunch of East coast elites bad mouthing the hard working people of Central PA.

Most of this countries population between Manhattan, and Hollywood are exactly like the people you would find in Central PA.

We live about 1.5 hrs East of State College and frankly I'm happy I'm here instead of with you Pittsburgh bigots!

Lots of bigotry in your post and post by others. Fyi Bigotry isn't a racial term read the definition below.

bigotries (plural noun)
  1. intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself:
    "the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry"

Very well, we are bigots if we are intolerant of Nazis, rapists, serial killers, pedophiles, etc., because they hold different opinions from ourselves.
Your entire post is an example of what you describe as bigotry.

Btw, you may remember that before the Sandusky Scandal broke, every post on this board even remotely referring to it was immediately deleted.
I'm all for being bigoted against bigots... got no problem with that at all ... racists are an absolute embarrassment to MY race sorry but it's true... I'm white and if I want to " judge" other whites who are racist ...too bad ...cry me a river.... it's entirely my right to do so. I've got zero tolerance for racists or Nazis or serial killers or peds..... deal people
I'm all for being bigoted against bigots... got no problem with that at all ... racists are an absolute embarrassment to MY race sorry but it's true... I'm white and if I want to " judge" other whites who are racist ...too bad ...cry me a river.... it's entirely my right to do so. I've got zero tolerance for racists or Nazis or serial killers or peds..... deal people

Couldn't agree more.
Your best bet is not outmoded message boards but Pitt panther fanatics on Facebook. You can't hide behind a trolling screen name. And you are properly vetted which Chris does not care to do. smh.
I'm all for being bigoted against bigots... got no problem with that at all ... racists are an absolute embarrassment to MY race sorry but it's true... I'm white and if I want to " judge" other whites who are racist ...too bad ...cry me a river.... it's entirely my right to do so. I've got zero tolerance for racists or Nazis or serial killers or peds..... deal people

I have absolutely no problem with that. I do have a problem when people call a lot of people they never met racist or bigots because of where they live, yet they think others are so enlightened based off where they live. That is beyond stupid and hypocritical and that is what I was calling out. Also you make it sound that only whites can be racist and bigots, sorry white people do not have a monopoly on it. Sure we are considered the majority so it is more polarizing when Whites are racist, but there are other races/ethnicity that are racist too. Again in my experience, those who claim to be the most tolerant generally are the least tolerant.
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Very well, we are bigots if we are intolerant of Nazis, rapists, serial killers, pedophiles, etc., because they hold different opinions from ourselves.
Your entire post is an example of what you describe as bigotry.

Btw, you may remember that before the Sandusky Scandal broke, every post on this board even remotely referring to it was immediately deleted.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? I do not know Buffet, but at no time did I read him write anything that tolerates Nazis, rapists, serial killers, pedophiles, etc, I think all rational people condemns that line of thinking/behaving. What I saw Buffet do is what I am doing , which is showing how hypocritical some are being by stereotyping groups of people based off their own prejudices. In this case many are calling EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the central part of the state a racist and bigot. That is hypocritical and beyond stupid. I highly doubt that anyone has ever met EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the central part of the state to come up with that conclusion. What more than likely happened is a few vocal minorities (meaning a small group, not implying racist thoughts) said disparaging remarks on (a race/sexual orientation/etc.) a few times and now the whole part of a state is racist/bigots because of that? In the early 2000's there was a Klan rally in downtown Pittsburgh, does that give someone in say Columbus Oh to think the people of Pittsburgh are racist because I am guessing less than a 100 knuckleheads were vocal about something that the majority of people don't agree with?
Your best bet is not outmoded message boards but Pitt panther fanatics on Facebook. You can't hide behind a trolling screen name. And you are properly vetted which Chris does not care to do. smh.

That's not entirely true. I don't use Facebook, but I set a fictitious Facebook account up so I could post on that one.
I'm all for being bigoted against bigots... got no problem with that at all ... racists are an absolute embarrassment to MY race sorry but it's true... I'm white and if I want to " judge" other whites who are racist ...too bad ...cry me a river.... it's entirely my right to do so. I've got zero tolerance for racists or Nazis or serial killers or peds..... deal people

Bigots are an embarrassment to all races. The most bigoted people I've ever met are urban types of all races. I find many PSU fans to be disgusting for multiple reasons but Pitt fans making PSU fans out to be racist has always struck me as idiotic.

I grew up in "pennsyl-tucky" in a big PSU family. They are definitely a cult-like, deranged group and that extends to all facets of their university but I've never seen anything remotely racist about their cult beyond a few individuals which is true of every group including Pitt fans.
I have absolutely no problem with that. I do have a problem when people call a lot of people they never met racist or bigots because of where they live, yet they think others are so enlightened based off where they live. That is beyond stupid and hypocritical and that is what I was calling out. Also you make it sound that only whites can be racist and bigots, sorry white people do not have a monopoly on it. Sure we are considered the majority so it is more polarizing when Whites are racist, but there are other races/ethnicity that are racist too. Again in my experience, those who claim to be the most tolerant generally are the least tolerant.

It's not about being tolerant... some things should never be tolerated as I listed above... both the Racists (Civil war) and Nazis ( WW2) lost... as they should have.. I don't have to tolerate anyone trying to breath new life into losing, immoral, positions.... if that sounds strong oh for majority non majority it's simple math... whites are still by a large margin the majority ... Im not saying there can't be racists of all background... I don't find that acceptable either...
There are so many posts over the years from Big Ten visitors to Penn State. Very few are complimentary. Take it for what it is. Conversely, many posts from other programs coming to Pittsburgh and going to the game are very complementary of the people and city. I have never gone or will ever go to that city or program. It reeks of many things I find disturbing and goes beyond the homerism of the fan base.
It's not about being tolerant... some things should never be tolerated as I listed above... both the Racists (Civil war) and Nazis ( WW2) lost... as they should have.. I don't have to tolerate anyone trying to breath new life into losing, immoral, positions.... if that sounds strong oh for majority non majority it's simple math... whites are still by a large margin the majority ... Im not saying there can't be racists of all background... I don't find that acceptable either...

I am not asking for you to be tolerant of Racist or Nazi's, etc. I just ask (not you specifically) to not being a bigot by calling others bigots without knowing them and what they really think. That kind of behavior is hypocritical and is why I stated that the ones who preach about tolerance the most are generally the most intolerant people in my experience.
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It's not about being tolerant... some things should never be tolerated as I listed above... both the Racists (Civil war) and Nazis ( WW2) lost... as they should have.. I don't have to tolerate anyone trying to breath new life into losing, immoral, positions.... if that sounds strong oh for majority non majority it's simple math... whites are still by a large margin the majority ... Im not saying there can't be racists of all background... I don't find that acceptable either...

I don't agree with the extremes on either end of the spectrum the far left or far right ( there's bad people on both ends) but guess what they both have a constitutional right to say what they want to say until they " yell fire in a movie theatre."
You also have a choice ignore them or exercise your right to peaceful free speech to counter what you don't like!
You don't have a right to silence what you don't like hearing! That's being a bigot and biased!
If you don't understand this start reading the constitution. Mrs Buffett and I have pocket versions which we hand out and explain to people!
Let me make myself clear. I am a long time Pitt fan who has attended many Pitt games involving rivals-- both home and away. Also, I lived in the South for a number of years and had occasions to attend a good number of SEC and ACC games. Based on this long history I have derived certain strongly supported observations. My observations are not based on the behavior of one, two or 20 individuals or on singular occurrences but they are based on many observations of people and occurrences. I am not saying that ALL people in these geographies ( State College, Altoona, Johnstown, York etc...)or College fan bases fit the profile that I have observed. However, I am confident that what I have observed is very true as a pretty accurate generalization. By and large the Penn St fans ( as well as Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi fans) do exhibit a disregard for people of color. Also, I find there is a general combative behavior associated with these fans( I attribute to lower education and the fact that they were raised in a "different" culture than I was). Again not all of them exhibit these unfortunate behaviors ( frankly I have many PSU grads who are great friends and terrific people), but enough do such that I feel my observations are pretty spot on in most cases.
As an example I have attended over 15 Pitt games in South Bend ( and another 15 Pitt-ND games in Pittsburgh) and my general observation is that most of their fans to be insufferable, arrogant and full of themselves. However, I do not recall any racist behavior exhibited by ND fans as is the case with psu and southern college football fans.
* Note that I have not been in State College since 1999, so maybe they have been "enlightened" in the past 18 years. In view of their collective failure to acknowledge and express outrage over the Sandusky scandal and ensuing Jo Pa cover-up I seriously doubt that much has changed.
Let me make myself clear. I am a long time Pitt fan who has attended many Pitt games involving rivals-- both home and away. Also, I lived in the South for a number of years and had occasions to attend a good number of SEC and ACC games. Based on this long history I have derived certain strongly supported observations. My observations are not based on the behavior of one, two or 20 individuals or on singular occurrences but they are based on many observations of people and occurrences. I am not saying that ALL people in these geographies ( State College, Altoona, Johnstown, York etc...)or College fan bases fit the profile that I have observed. However, I am confident that what I have observed is very true as a pretty accurate generalization. By and large the Penn St fans ( as well as Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi fans) do exhibit a disregard for people of color. Also, I find there is a general combative behavior associated with these fans( I attribute to lower education and the fact that they were raised in a "different" culture than I was). Again not all of them exhibit these unfortunate behaviors ( frankly I have many PSU grads who are great friends and terrific people), but enough do such that I feel my observations are pretty spot on in most cases.
As an example I have attended over 15 Pitt games in South Bend ( and another 15 Pitt-ND games in Pittsburgh) and my general observation is that most of their fans to be insufferable, arrogant and full of themselves. However, I do not recall any racist behavior exhibited by ND fans as is the case with psu and southern college football fans.
* Note that I have not been in State College since 1999, so maybe they have been "enlightened" in the past 18 years. In view of their collective failure to acknowledge and express outrage over the Sandusky scandal and ensuing Jo Pa cover-up I seriously doubt that much has changed.

And you never saw anyone at Pitt games making a circle with their hand in front of their faces?
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? I do not know Buffet, but at no time did I read him write anything that tolerates Nazis, rapists, serial killers, pedophiles, etc, I think all rational people condemns that line of thinking/behaving. What I saw Buffet do is what I am doing , which is showing how hypocritical some are being by stereotyping groups of people based off their own prejudices. In this case many are calling EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the central part of the state a racist and bigot. That is hypocritical and beyond stupid. I highly doubt that anyone has ever met EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the central part of the state to come up with that conclusion. What more than likely happened is a few vocal minorities (meaning a small group, not implying racist thoughts) said disparaging remarks on (a race/sexual orientation/etc.) a few times and now the whole part of a state is racist/bigots because of that? In the early 2000's there was a Klan rally in downtown Pittsburgh, does that give someone in say Columbus Oh to think the people of Pittsburgh are racist because I am guessing less than a 100 knuckleheads were vocal about something that the majority of people don't agree with?

Thank you for beginning with an insulting remark. That really solidified your argument. If you think for a moment, you will realize that the reference to naziis, pedophiles, etc., quite clearly was in rebuttal to the definition of bigotry that was posted. Simply stated: Because you do not tolerate or respect someone's opinion, you are a bigot. Because one does not respect the opinions of nazis or pedophiles does not make one a bigot. If it does, then all are bigots unless they respect all opinions, regardless of how vile or disgusting they may be.

What do you call someone who refers to people as "East Coast elites", while the people of Central PA are "hard working people". How about "Pittsburgh Bigots" and, of course, the despised "Liberals"?
Do you not recognize the intolerance there?
As a rural central pennsyltuckian, I would set the bigot/racist at 65% in the 18-49 demo, higher above and lower below
As a rural central pennsyltuckian, I would set the bigot/racist at 65% in the 18-49 demo, higher above and lower below
I live in the same setting and you are a fake!

First of all you wouldnt call yourself a Pennsyltuckian if you lived in that area!

Most of the South are like Central PA people, and a lot of the Midwest is too! Add up that population and other than the big cities on the coast and Chicago which is self destructing most of the country is like Central PA.

That's not what we call ourselves that's what the ignorant liberals from the coasts call us! Lol that's why they lost the election and I was able to watch our great President Trump speak from N Dakota today!

People who live in Central / Eastern PA are pround of themselves, their familes, their communities, and where they live!

Second much of the area is quite diverse! Ours is and we're in the State College area!
Where do you live Davie! You liar!
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I'm all for being bigoted against bigots... got no problem with that at all ... racists are an absolute embarrassment to MY race sorry but it's true... I'm white and if I want to " judge" other whites who are racist ...too bad ...cry me a river.... it's entirely my right to do so. I've got zero tolerance for racists or Nazis or serial killers or peds..... deal people

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Bout 25 miles east off 322 brah. State college proper is quite blue. You trying to tell me millheim or Milroy or McVeytown are warm welcoming towns for minorities? Give me a break.
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Thank you for beginning with an insulting remark. That really solidified your argument. If you think for a moment, you will realize that the reference to naziis, pedophiles, etc., quite clearly was in rebuttal to the definition of bigotry that was posted. Simply stated: Because you do not tolerate or respect someone's opinion, you are a bigot. Because one does not respect the opinions of nazis or pedophiles does not make one a bigot. If it does, then all are bigots unless they respect all opinions, regardless of how vile or disgusting they may be.

What do you call someone who refers to people as "East Coast elites", while the people of Central PA are "hard working people". How about "Pittsburgh Bigots" and, of course, the despised "Liberals"?
Do you not recognize the intolerance there?

I made the comment about reading comprehension for the same reason I am still questioning your ability at it. I stated no rational person tolerates that thinking, I said only hypocrites call other bigots based off their own stereotypes like people of central PA were being called. The East coast Elites comment was not directed to everyone living on the East coast. See the difference?
Bout 25 miles east off 322 brah. State college proper is quite blue. You trying to tell me millheim or Milroy or McVeytown are warm welcoming towns for minorities? Give me a break.
Banksville Park ??? There's no Banksville park in Central PA!
Banksville is in Pittsburgh you BS artist.
I live in the area and St College and the Central PA area isn't blue its a big 1st and 2nd amendment area.
Mrs Buffett & I shoot in a pistol league in the area and Central PA was solid Trump!
Bout 20 years ago the rebel knights had a crossburn rally between mcveytown and Newton Hamilton to show those pesky mount union folks. There was picture on the front page of the sentinel, but no one batted an eye. No outrage. Business as usual.
Believe it or not, at one point in my life I had to move away for college, graduated and stayed in Pittsburgh with my now wife, living in the banksville section of the city when pantherlair was still young. Neato
I made the comment about reading comprehension for the same reason I am still questioning your ability at it. I stated no rational person tolerates that thinking, I said only hypocrites call other bigots based off their own stereotypes like people of central PA were being called. The East coast Elites comment was not directed to everyone living on the East coast. See the difference?

Reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you are reading. It is not, as you have been doing, morphing the text through the filter of your biases, fears, anger, and rural resentment and coming to unjustified and erroneous interpretations and conclusions.
Your arguments do not question ideas or beliefs, but attack people; e.g., who are these amorphous elites? Is it "Them"?
You insult and attack me because, somehow. you interpret my challenge of the definition of bigotry posted as a defamation of Central PA residents. Where in my original post did I refer to Central PA or its residents? Where have i denigrated the populous of Central PA?
All of your replies are based on straw man fallacies.

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