I know its early, but its started already for the 'domers. early preseason TOP 20 projection have the "the "fighting BJ's" as a top 20 pick for the 2017 season. at the bottom -for sure but in the projected top 20. ah c'mon, the domers have had more dog(FB) teams than the Iditarod.
also they're beating the drums for the nitters as top five pick. their rising...but top five ?( i see bama clemson, bama whoever hired thePR firms at those respective schools sure got their money's worth. so after all the revelations that have forward about the nitter's scandal whyhaven'they asked for their money back. that's what I thought tooo.
also they're beating the drums for the nitters as top five pick. their rising...but top five ?( i see bama clemson, bama whoever hired thePR firms at those respective schools sure got their money's worth. so after all the revelations that have forward about the nitter's scandal whyhaven'they asked for their money back. that's what I thought tooo.