Should the ACC add Pac 12 or Big 12 teams

I don’t think they are staying until 2036.

I think their strategy is to “innocently” poison the well to set the stage for the legal battle ahead.

Close to 2036. They would leave tomorrow and tell the ACC to bill them but the SEC doesn't want duplicate markets (and dont say but Texas) and the B10 and SEC may not want to risk Ohio State @ Clemson and Michigan @ FSU being ACC TV contract controlled.
Close to 2036. They would leave tomorrow and tell the ACC to bill them but the SEC doesn't want duplicate markets (and dont say but Texas) and the B10 and SEC may not want to risk Ohio State @ Clemson and Michigan @ FSU being ACC TV contract controlled.

Not really
If Clemson and FSU can get $10 million more per year (hypothetically), you think they'd say no to adding Oregon, Washington, and a few others?
I suppose the issue is they would likely want the GOR amended. It's a crutch for teams who might have the opportunity to leave. I think they're pretty solid and would take a lot of cash to buyout.
If you are just surfing and aren't really looking for specifically the ACC Network, you completely miss it.

My mom likes to watch Pitt football and basketball games, and for the longest time she didn't even realize she had it.

Now granted, she is 80, but still.

The only reason she found out is because I was sitting with her one day back in maybe October and she asked what channel was the football game on Saturday on. And when I said the ACC Network she said, oh, I don't get that channel. So I told her that she didn't originally get that channel, but that she should have it now. So I found it for her on her on screen guide and had her write the channel number down on a piece of paper that I put where she usually keeps her remote.

I wonder how many people are like her and assume that since they didn't get it at the beginning and since it's not on one of the channels next to the other sports channels that they still don't get it.
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I don’t think they are staying until 2036.

I think their strategy is to “innocently” poison the well to set the stage for the legal battle ahead.

If there was a legal way out, then Texas would have been in the SEC last year. Again, you do not propose any solutions to benefit the ACC. If we expand and Clemson leaves then we still have a really large conference of prestigious Universities that provide TV sets in some of the largest markets in America. The proposal is to expand markets. The only thing you suggest is to sit still and to be picked apart like roadkill. You obviously are not a candidate for ACC Commissioner.
If there was a legal way out, then Texas would have been in the SEC last year. Again, you do not propose any solutions to benefit the ACC. If we expand and Clemson leaves then we still have a really large conference of prestigious Universities that provide TV sets in some of the largest markets in America. The proposal is to expand markets. The only thing you suggest is to sit still and to be picked apart like roadkill. You obviously are not a candidate for ACC Commissioner.

That’s not true. The cost-benefit analysis for Texas is not the same as it might be for Clemson.

And once Clemson leaves, or whoever leaves, they won’t be the only ones that leave. This isn’t going to be like the scene in “Jerry Maguire” with Clemson standing up and saying, “Who’s coming with me?” and nobody else gets up.

And why wouldn’t I be a candidate for ACC Commissioner? Hell, for all you know, I am the ACC Commissioner. Everything I’ve said in this thread is exactly what the ACC and the Commissioner are in fact doing. Which is nothing.

Here’s what we know. When OU-UT announced they were leaving, conferences started panicking.
People started throwing out ACC expansion ideas. ESPN reporters talked to anonymous ACC officials that said the ACC ran the numbers on all of these teams. And told ESPN they don’t move the needle, according to the *ACC’s own data*. You could probably go back to threads on this board from that time and find the article linked.

And since that time, you haven’t heard a word from the ACC as it relates to even wanting to expand. Not a single rumor about expansion. Not linked to a single team. The closest was an alliance.

All you’ve heard from the ACC is how pissed off the schools are, you saw the commissioner give what was almost like a eulogy at the 2022 media day, and now upper tier teams start demanding unequal revenue sharing.

We’re the Big 12 circa 2016.

The most “proactive” thing to do in terms maybe securing the conference and challenging the Big 12 for tallest midget, is burn the GOR. Accept what the ACC is going to be, and release the teams that are preventing even that.

That’s how the Big 12 was able to make these recent moves.

But obviously the ACC isn’t going to do that the same way the Big 12 didn’t cut OU and UT loose back in 2016.
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Since it appears that Phillips is in play to be the next Big Ten commissioner, his silence and lack of reaction may make perfect sense.

If anybody here wants to be ACC commissioner, may as well clean up your CV. They may be taking applications soon.
I suppose the issue is they would likely want the GOR amended. It's a crutch for teams who might have the opportunity to leave. I think they're pretty solid and would take a lot of cash to buyout.
Depending on what rumor you're listening to, the Pac12 TV negotiations are suffering because they can't get strong agreement on a GOR so weakening any GOR is a really bad idea. I doubt anyone that is left is in the Pac12 right now moves the needle very far on their own -- or even in a small group -- so it's pretty likely they're just hurting themselves.
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i still think the acc is scared to look into adding teams in fear of it opening a loophole into the GOR, which is the only thing saving (or delaying the inevitable) this conference..

i know someone posted a link of some article stating it wont but i dont believe it and more importantly, i dont think the leaders of this conference believe it either.
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i still think the acc is scared to look into adding teams in fear of it opening a loophole into the GOR, which is the only thing saving (or delaying the inevitable) this conference..

i know someone posted a link of some article stating it wont but i dont believe it and more importantly, i dont think the leaders of this conference believe it either.
There isn't anyone to add who makes the TV deal better. At least right now. That's ultimately the biggest problem. Even if the GOR could be modified there isn't a big enough block of schools to allow it so that isn't really on the table. So yeah, if someone appeared that the TV people would pay more for, it would happen pretty quickly. GOR wouldn't be an issue.
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i still think the acc is scared to look into adding teams in fear of it opening a loophole into the GOR, which is the only thing saving (or delaying the inevitable) this conference..

The ACC could add Oregon tomorrow in theory. Oregon signs onto the GOR. And the GOR is on the same legal footing it always was on. Nothing is impacted.

But the ACC is never going to get Oregon to sign onto the GOR.

And you can’t really offer Oregon membership without them going all in on the GOR. Because anything less than that is what could legally weaken the GOR.

Anything less than GOR all in and you would have undermined the legal consideration aspect to it. Almost accepted the argument that the landscape has changed in ways that now makes it unconscionable to enforce, etc.
The ACC could add Oregon tomorrow in theory. Oregon signs onto the GOR. And the GOR is on the same legal footing it always was on. Nothing is impacted.

But the ACC is never going to get Oregon to sign onto the GOR.

And you can’t really offer Oregon membership without them going all in on the GOR. Because anything less than that is what could legally weaken the GOR.

Anything less than GOR all in and you would have undermined the legal consideration aspect to it. Almost accepted the argument that the landscape has changed in ways that now makes it unconscionable to enforce, etc.
If the ACC was the only option for Oregon and the Pac12 deal was going to suck that much, Oregon would sign in a heartbeat. The idea that Oregon is so valuable that they could wait around for the B1G to call is sort of ridiculous given where they're sitting today. They literally have all the freedom in the world to broker a deal right now.
If the ACC was the only option for Oregon and the Pac12 deal was going to suck that much, Oregon would sign in a heartbeat. The idea that Oregon is so valuable that they could wait around for the B1G to call is sort of ridiculous given where they're sitting today. They literally have all the freedom in the world to broker a deal right now.

Oregon has enough money to go independent for a while.
I’m sorry if this question has already been asked/answered, but would a mass-expansion into the west coast trigger a media deal renegotiation? If so, would this create an “out” in the grant of rights agreement? We might be a sitting duck if that’s the case.
I’m sorry if this question has already been asked/answered, but would a mass-expansion into the west coast trigger a media deal renegotiation? If so, would this create an “out” in the grant of rights agreement? We might be a sitting duck if that’s the case.
many people believe that the acc can invite new members and it wont effect the GOR clause. but i doubt anyone really knows, it's just opinions of people who have not read the clause..

in my opinion, the GOR is the only thing holding this conference together and they are walking on eggshells on inviting new members for that reason alone.
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many people believe that the acc can invite new members and it wont effect the GOR clause. but i doubt anyone really knows, it's just opinions of people who have not read the clause..

in my opinion, the GOR is the only thing holding this conference together and they are walking on eggshells on inviting new members for that reason alone.
You’re absolutely right. I think the public comments by Clemson, FSU, UNC, and others show they will leave for other conferences as soon as it’s legally possible.

I think the two questions the rest of us have to consider are:

- When (not if) the ACC gets raided, does Pitt want to position itself to get invited by the Big 12 or would we prefer to try salvaging our current conference?
- Is Pac-12 annexation still worth it if the conference gets poached by the Big Ten and SEC? We could find ourselves on a geographic island in a conference that suddenly is dominated by west coast schools.

Just some food for thought.
That decision will probably be made by others, for us.
You’re probably right. I’m envisioning a worst-case scenario where, say, the Big Tens adds GT/Miami/UNC/UVA and the SEC adds Clemson/FSU/NCST/VT.

It likely won’t come to that, but I think there’s the chance that all that remains of the conference are the northeast schools, the Tobacco Roads leftovers, and Louisville. At that point, is the ACC even in a position to invite schools such as Cincinnati, UCF, and/or WVU? Probably not.
You’re probably right. I’m envisioning a worst-case scenario where, say, the Big Tens adds GT/Miami/UNC/UVA and the SEC adds Clemson/FSU/NCST/VT.

It likely won’t come to that, but I think there’s the chance that all that remains of the conference are the northeast schools, the Tobacco Roads leftovers, and Louisville. At that point, is the ACC even in a position to invite schools such as Cincinnati, UCF, and/or WVU? Probably not.

That's where you're hoping a Big XII invite is awaiting Pitt.
Big XII invite is our only path to continued relevance, I think we all realize. However, I think we'd be in a good position to get in, for a number of reasons.

Can't wait for the annual Texas Tech showdown.
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Big XII invite is our only path to continued relevance, I think we all realize. However, I think we'd be in a good position to get in, for a number of reasons.

Can't wait for the annual Texas Tech showdown.
If Pitt gets an invite, I will commit to hosting a tailgate for the first Pitt-KU game in Lawrence. :)
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many people believe that the acc can invite new members and it wont effect the GOR clause. but i doubt anyone really knows, it's just opinions of people who have not read the clause..

in my opinion, the GOR is the only thing holding this conference together and they are walking on eggshells on inviting new members for that reason alone.
Those two things don't make sense together. The GOR has nothing to do with adding schools. It's about two pages long and is pretty one sided. If there was anyone of value to add, the ACC would do it in a heartbeat.
Have not read this thread, but a pro-expansion argument I've recently thought of is to set the wheels into motion on the hype machine. The Big 10 and its plentiful alumni base dominates so many media narratives, and it no doubt becomes self-fulfilling on some level (more hype = more appeal to recruits).

So having a west coast presence and expanding our size/geography footprint, even if it may not appear to make financial sense on the surface, could absolutely help us in some other ways.
Have not read this thread, but a pro-expansion argument I've recently thought of is to set the wheels into motion on the hype machine. The Big 10 and its plentiful alumni base dominates so many media narratives, and it no doubt becomes self-fulfilling on some level (more hype = more appeal to recruits).

So having a west coast presence and expanding our size/geography footprint, even if it may not appear to make financial sense on the surface, could absolutely help us in some other ways.
it would be a bold, BOLD strategy. Very high risk, high reward. man, i'd like to see it but i just dont think the ACC has the solid footing to risk such a move, or a commissioner with the cojones to do so. Sorry to be so crude but phillips just doesnt look like the type to do anything proactive AT ALL.
it would be a bold, BOLD strategy. Very high risk, high reward. man, i'd like to see it but i just dont think the ACC has the solid footing to risk such a move, or a commissioner with the cojones to do so. Sorry to be so crude but phillips just doesnt look like the type to do anything proactive AT ALL.

I hear you. But look at all the respect the pollsters, etc. give to those shit Big Ten teams. Just feels like it couldn't hurt for two flailing leagues to consolidate their resources and kind of fabricate a little hype of our own.
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Not sure if I missed this being posted, apparently CU's Board held an emergency meeting about possibly joining the Big 12 with the idea that the Arizonas and Utah would follow.

Dodd is getting steamrolled over this article this morning. The meeting had nothing to do with the Big12.

ASU, Arizona, and Utah have all come out in the last day or so calling BS on the rumors. Take that for what you will.
ASU, Arizona, and Utah have all come out in the last day or so calling BS on the rumors. Take that for what you will.

The Arizona chancellor (or whatever his title is) just gave an interview where he all but said that if the PAC12 television deal isn't at least as good as the Big 12 deal that they are out of there. He didn't use the exact words, but it was the clear implication.

He even talked about how great it would be to be in the same basketball conference as Kansas.