I'm sure that shirt isn't licensed by anything related to PSU's athletic department. Looks unprofessional and is likely a money-grab product. I know that I, as well as most Penn State fans, wouldn't spend any money on a product so blatantly insulting.
What a "great" way to refer to a team that has basically "owned" them.
What in the hell do you think Joe Knew shirts are????
Official?....give me a break
But the "Joe Knows" sold at state college? Official.
What in the hell do you think Joe Knew shirts are????
Official?....give me a break
But the "Joe Jnows" sold at state college? Official.
Difference is that there's no copyright or trademark violations in JOE KNEW. The Ped State shirt is using, without permission , a licensed trademark.
Actually TWO licensed trademarks, OSU's and PSU's.
Here's Sandy Barbour's contact info if you'd like to report it.
Director of Athletics 814-865-1086 Athletic_Director
I can't imagine how bad my life have to get before I would waste my time calling ADs over bootleg t shirt vendors