There are some legit reasons to be concerned.
I think people would feel better about just putting the game behind them if they felt it was as simple as a team having an off day in bad weather. Unfortunately, there is clearly much more to it.
I agree there are legitimate reasons to be concerned. However I do think the weather and just chalking it up to one of those days had a lot to do with the lopsided score in the second half. But back to the concerns..........I am concerned that Watson (and perhaps being influenced by Duzz) is far too conservative on offense. It could be because they dont have confidence in the OL, Pickett etc but I dont think you can win without being more diverse on offense. For sure Pickett looked like he was not himself in the game so I do think the weather affected him quite a bit. IMO their offensive playcalling is a concern at this point. Hopefully we will see vast improvement against GT.
Not only did Pitt only score 6 points against PSU, but the offense couldn’t even score in the second half of either game. No coach can point to the weather or a tough opponent as a legit reason for them not to score a TD in the second half against Albany.
MEH......I think they let their foot off the gas and had no reason to do much against at team that was overmatched. Again lets see what they do against GT
Many of Pickett’s downfield completions were underthrown, which will be prove to be an issue if that continues against teams with good DBs. I'd like to think we can chalk that up to weather against PSU but he did have a few underthrown balls against Albany as well. Gotta hope that gets corrected.
I am not sure if Narduzzi realizes how serious the issue is with this offense. He looks way too relaxed for a coach who just got his a$$ handed to him by a team he seemed confident he was going to beat.
Not sure what you expect a coach to look like... If he were too look "not relaxed" people would say he's panicking. I'll judge his reaction based on the results they get over the rest of the season. At the end of the day, regardless of what happens in any given game or group of games, Duzz and the rest of the team and coaches should be judged on their record at the end of the year. IF they still get to 8 wins or more, this will all be forgotten. Win 6 or less and I think the concerns about him being the right guy begin to resonate even more.
I hope they do turn the page and get things going but they just look like they’re not bothered enough about how poorly they played to push them to be where they need to be.