Spoiler room star wars thread

My daughter popped the OT blue rays into the player. Does anyone know why the music and effects are incredibly loud, while we can barely hear the dialog. Has anyone ever experienced this and know how to correct it?

Do you have surround sound? May be an issue with your center channel speaker. Check the connections or the settings for that speaker.
Just heard that the flashback voices the Rey heard in Maz's basement were Yoda, Luke, and Obi Wan. Ewen McGregor came in and did one voiceover, and the other Obi Wan voice was Alex Guinness saying "Rey". They used old audio of Guinness saying "afraid" and turned it into "Rey".

I thought before the movie that Rey was Rens twin. Then I started to think she's Luke's daughter. Now I think it would be cool if she were a Kenobi. But that doesn't seem to fit. has had some good start wars stuff including that piece on the voice overs
Carrie Fisher's life has not exactly gone according to plan and if you see how she behaves in interviews, I think you would all agree that her acting actually stole the show as she was able to effectively deliver her lines.

In reading speculation online about Rey's ability to use the force with no on screen training, there are a couple of theories out there:

Obviously one is that she is a decent of skywalker (either luke's daughter or Han's?), but I think that would be too easy.
Another theory is that she was part of the young jedi training under Luke and when Kylo went crazy, maybe he killed some of the Jedi and she was taken to Jarkuu to hide from him.

As I stated above, watching the movie a 2nd time, it is clear that people somehow know or "feel" her in some way. Maz asks Han "who is the girl." Snoke is possibly referencing her when he says "there has been an awakening."
Carrie Fisher has led a, shall we say, "interesting" life that included lots of chemicals and excess in general. She cleaned up nicely for the role but has looked pretty rough for a long time. She also has that heavy smoker's voice now too.
I saw the film again and noticed so many more "intentional" parallels with the first trilogy. The light saber halfway buried in the snow, with the use of the force to retrieve it as an example. There are so many more, and they started right after the opening crawl and didn't end until the film was over.

Not sure if this is a stretch, but in the scene in the freighter with the creatures loose, I was reminded of Raiders of the lost Ark. Particularly , Solo (Ford) was running toward the camera with the creature "rolling" toward him, just like the iconic opening scene in the first Raiders movie. A tribute to Lucas?
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I'm not sure what movie you guys who are giving good reviews saw. I thought it was a huge disappointment. Here are a few of the reasons:

1. This movie was effectively a retelling of the original Star Wars (A New Hope). Instead of the Empire we have the First Order. Instead of the Deathstar we have the Starkiller (bigger Deathstar). Instead of Darth Vader we have Kylo Ren stomping around in a remarkably similar outfit. We even have the good guys succeed in lowering the "Deathstar's" shields before the good guys in fighters blow up the "Deathstar". Etc., etc., etc. Other similarities have been mentioned by others.

2. I realize that Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher are iconic actors, especially in Star Wars fandom. And maybe having other actors playing the Hans and Leia roles just wouldn't have seemed right. But that doesn't change the fact that Ford's and especially Fisher's acting was just not good - and that's being kind.

3. The plot just wasn't believable. For example, Rey just happens to steal the Falcon then Solo just happens to come across them while they're disabled? An extremely well-placed earthquake separates Rey and Kylo Ren mid fight? An untrained young girl battles a larger man trained in the force to a standstill (and actually has the upper hand)?

4. Although this was a close retelling of A New Hope, it had none of the suspense of that movie. Was the death scene a surprise to anyone?

I was REALLY looking forward to this movie, but I would give it a C.
I'm not sure what movie you guys who are giving good reviews saw. I thought it was a huge disappointment. Here are a few of the reasons:

1. This movie was effectively a retelling of the original Star Wars (A New Hope). Instead of the Empire we have the First Order. Instead of the Deathstar we have the Starkiller (bigger Deathstar). Instead of Darth Vader we have Kylo Ren stomping around in a remarkably similar outfit. We even have the good guys succeed in lowering the "Deathstar's" shields before the good guys in fighters blow up the "Deathstar". Etc., etc., etc. Other similarities have been mentioned by others.

2. I realize that Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher are iconic actors, especially in Star Wars fandom. And maybe having other actors playing the Hans and Leia roles just wouldn't have seemed right. But that doesn't change the fact that Ford's and especially Fisher's acting was just not good - and that's being kind.

3. The plot just wasn't believable. For example, Rey just happens to steal the Falcon then Solo just happens to come across them while they're disabled? An extremely well-placed earthquake separates Rey and Kylo Ren mid fight? An untrained young girl battles a larger man trained in the force to a standstill (and actually has the upper hand)?

4. Although this was a close retelling of A New Hope, it had none of the suspense of that movie. Was the death scene a surprise to anyone?

I was REALLY looking forward to this movie, but I would give it a C.

I think your criticisms are fair, particular point 1. And as I've posted, my feelings on this issue are very much dependent on the next two films. If they take some risks, and break from the influences of the original trilogy, I'll be far more forgiving of the fact that Ep. 7 is somewhat a remake of ANH. I've read that Ep. 8 will be "different," so I'm encouraged.

As for point 3, I have to disagree and I'll offer a few points to push back. Was A New Home any more believable? Two droids manage to escape the Empire. Then they just HAPPEN to be sold to Uncle Owen and Luke? I mean, the very premise there is just as coincidental.

And the movie explains Han finding the Falcon: he's actively tracking/searching for it.

As for Rey besting Kylo: 1) Kylo Ren is clearly injured. 2) I think the movie does a very good job of hinting at the fact that, perhaps, Rey is not untrained. She's also learning how to use the Force through her interactions with Kylo.
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Snoke says to hux as the planet is blowing up that they need to come to snoke to complete rens training
I'm not sure what movie you guys who are giving good reviews saw. I thought it was a huge disappointment. Here are a few of the reasons:

1. This movie was effectively a retelling of the original Star Wars (A New Hope). Instead of the Empire we have the First Order. Instead of the Deathstar we have the Starkiller (bigger Deathstar). Instead of Darth Vader we have Kylo Ren stomping around in a remarkably similar outfit. We even have the good guys succeed in lowering the "Deathstar's" shields before the good guys in fighters blow up the "Deathstar". Etc., etc., etc. Other similarities have been mentioned by others.

2. I realize that Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher are iconic actors, especially in Star Wars fandom. And maybe having other actors playing the Hans and Leia roles just wouldn't have seemed right. But that doesn't change the fact that Ford's and especially Fisher's acting was just not good - and that's being kind.

3. The plot just wasn't believable. For example, Rey just happens to steal the Falcon then Solo just happens to come across them while they're disabled? An extremely well-placed earthquake separates Rey and Kylo Ren mid fight? An untrained young girl battles a larger man trained in the force to a standstill (and actually has the upper hand)?

4. Although this was a close retelling of A New Hope, it had none of the suspense of that movie. Was the death scene a surprise to anyone?

I was REALLY looking forward to this movie, but I would give it a C.

I agree with all of this. The look and sound of the movie was great. The story, not so much. I have to think that a big part of this is just lazy writing. They could have easily come up with a better way to introduce Han, so that it wasn't so much of a coincidence.

The bigger Death Star was too much. Now I know it is Star Wars and we aren't supposed to think too hard about the plot, but come on. Why did they even need that bigger Death Star eating up a sun when a smaller one was able to do the same job? It also really bothered me that Rey was able to become so good with the saber with zero training. In ANH, Luke needed training. She was already good using her staff, and maybe this will be explained in the next movie, but really?
Heard today that Anakin could be involved in the next film. His force ghost appears to Rey as Annakin and to Kylo as Vader. If that's true, yeah, it will be very different.
Keeping with the kid theme, any chance Lando banged Leia and Finn is their illegitimate child? He tried to hit on her in Empire, and Finn has some of the same traits in that he can't be trusted and has no problem switching sides at the drop of a hat. Its also fairly obvious Finn is trying to get in Rey's pants.
Wouldn't Kylo be black then??
I am leaving in a few here to see it for the first time and I already know all the spoilers. I like it that way. I want to be able to piece together as I watch.

One theory I've heard is that Snoke might be Darth Plagues which I think would be a solid story line...

I'll be back in a few hours.

I'm sure that's not Darth Plageus, Palpatine insinuated to Anakin, that Plageus the Wise was killed by his apprentice in his sleep (assuming being Sidious, the apprentice to Plageus) Unless he found away to resurrect himself
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I'm sure that's not Darth Plageus, Palpatine insinuated to Anakin, that Plageus the Wise was killed by his apprentice in his sleep (assuming being Sidious, the apprentice to Plageus) Unless he found away to resurrect himself

True, but the was a storyline in the old canon that had Sidious cheating death by storing bodies on Dagobah to transfer his consciousness into after Vader killed him. Being that Sidious was persumably Plagueis' apprentice, it wouldnt be a reach to place a similar story on to Plagueis' resurrection. The hole in that theory being that Sidious saying that Plagueis' only fear was "losing his power, which of course, he eventually did". So if he lost his power, how does he make it back? Or, if as Luke tells the Emporer, that Sidious' arrogance is HIS weakness, maybe Sidious was just arrogant in believing that Plagueis had actually lost his power, and Sidious' rise was a part of a larger, long term plan by Plagueis to rise after Sidious inevitably fails.

While there is no certainty that this is the case, it is absolutely plausable that a Plagueis resurrection is the actual story.
Most of my hardcore SW buddies are firmlyin the Snoke is Plagueis camp, as am I.
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Regarding Plagueis

It is canon that he tried to cheat death and it is canon that his apprentice killed him in his sleep. There was a pretty good EU book about him and it did have Palpatine killing him.

I wonder if they will draw from the story of Dath Bane. Bane was killed by his apprentice but tried to force his essence into her mind during the duel. The apprentice won, but some of Bane remained with her in he form of a twitching left hand. Bane was in the Clone Wars cartoon (voiced by Mark Hamill) so I think he is canon.

That is a long way of saying there are plenty of ways Snoke could be Plagueis.
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I give it a "C"- whole movie was nothing more than a set-up / transition for the next move. I thought that Hans's son resembled the old comedian, David Brenner.
Regarding Plagueis

It is canon that he tried to cheat death and it is canon that his apprentice killed him in his sleep. There was a pretty good EU book about him and it did have Palpatine killing him.

I wonder if they will draw from the story of Dath Bane. Bane was killed by his apprentice but tried to force his essence into her mind during the duel. The apprentice won, but some of Bane remained with her in he form of a twitching left hand. Bane was in the Clone Wars cartoon (voiced by Mark Hamill) so I think he is canon.

That is a long way of saying there are plenty of ways Snoke could be Plagueis.
I know nothing about the EU, but in Ep3, Palp said Plageus learned how to cheat death. So wouldn't it be easy to say he learned to cheat his own death? Additionally, I saw Ep7 again, and the music during the Plageus scenes is similar to the music in the theater when Palp told Annakin the story of Darth Plageus. Surely that was intentional, whether to mislead or to provide clues.
This summer i read reviews of how the writers and directors infused "new life" in classic film franchises. The latest versions of Star Wars and Rocky franchises were not going to be like their respective ill fated prequels and sequels. True they were not! They were instead simply re-makes of the originals. Call it unimaginative and lazy writing/directing--but these guys know how to make a buck (see Creed and Star Wars revenues so far in 2015). Unfortunately, I do not hold hope that future sequels with have any originality or compelling storylines. Now to my review.
I agree with hose who give the Force Awakens a "C". iIwas really hopeful that this movie would recapture the Star Wars magic with a fresh approach. This movie is essentially a re-make of the "New Hope" movie--except it over does it . Oversized death star--check. Overdone comedic banter between characters-check. etc
By the way, the only question I have is how much did Mark Hamill get paid (5 second frontal view and no dialog. He didn't even have to read the script to practice for his part).
I found this snippet from an audience review from Rotten Tomatoes to capture how I felt about the movie:

Unfortunately, "The Force Awakens" overuses references to the original film -- meaning that nearly every plot twist is telegraphed almost from the first 20 minutes of the film for anyone who has seen the original. Liked the Death Star in the original? We got it -- but different! Liked the cantina scene in the original? We got it -- but different! Liked Darth Vader in the original? We got it -- but different! Liked the Jawas scavenging droids? We got 'em -- but different! Same goes for the "I am your father" moment, the Luke Skywalker character innately strong with "the Force", the entire plan for attacking the new Death Star, R2-D2, "emperor" communicating only via hologram, and smuggling messages in droids to keep them from the "First Order" (it's the "Empire" -- but different). Heck, nearly the entire original cast and the Millennium Falcon itself make appearances!​

And that reviewer gave the movie 4 out of 5 stars!