This is less than nothing.Can you imagine this as a BB alliance? Crazy
I think there are legs to this. Why do you not and don't worry about TV contracts or GOR because they will be worked out.This is less than nothing.
Big picture I agree, but for fans like me that live on the West Coast seeing Pitt play out here on a semi regular basis would certainly be something to look forward to.This is less than nothing.
I mean in terms of competing with the SEC and keeping teams from fleeing to the Big Ten and SEC. This doesn't generate an additional dollar.It find it kinda funny that a guy who thinks that P6 college basketball teams should play more games against P6 opponents thinks that the potential of three of the P6 leagues getting together and potentially scheduling more games against each other is "less than nothing".
He's nothing if not completely and utterly inconsistent in his opinions.
They are not going to negotiate a combined TV deal. Good God, you people. Ohio State isnt sharing a dollar with Washington State and Wake Forest. Though they will share with Northwestern which is weird I know. I cant see that lasting thoughIn “The Graduate” the word was “plastics”.
In the context of this alliance talk the word is “inventory”.
40 > 16. By a LOT!
I mean in terms of competing with the SEC and keeping teams from fleeing to the Big Ten and SEC. This doesn't generate an additional dollar.
Listen, I have said for many years that P6 teams should play mostly just each other in basketball. But. That. Is. Not. What. This. Is. Its just not. You know darn well, ACC coaches arent going to play 20 conference games plus 3 conference challenge games plus a holiday tournament plus a rivalry-type game some have.Ah, so it's not that you are being inconsistent, it's that you are "clarifying" your response to an original post that said "a BB alliance" into meaning that you weren't actually referring to that post at all, even though you quoted it.
Which is worse, I wonder? Being completely inconsistent or when someone points out your inconsistencies trying to tell everyone that you didn't really mean what you obviously meant in the first place?
This is a voting agreement to limit SEC teams in the CFP. That's all it is.
Your first paragraph is spot on.Two things. First of all, it isn't anything yet, or even close to anything. Secondly, you have no idea, literally none what so ever, what this may or may not end up becoming.
Which has never stopped you from commenting on any other topic, so why should this one be any different, right?
I know expansion and I know how websites LOVE covering it because few things generate the clicks these articles do.
SMF has swung and missed so many times he makes guys like Adam Dunn and Mark Reynolds seem like contact hitters. 😂Congratulations. You got what you "know" there 50% correct. Which for you is a very high percentage.
But he makes sure to highlight his every now and then lucky strike.SMF has swung and missed so many times he makes guys like Adam Dunn and Mark Reynolds seem like contact hitters. 😂