Tell Ron Cook

Ron cook deserves … never mind, it just gets deleted. Everyone knows what he deserves. The hot, flaming afterworld has a place for him.
I heard a lot of those discussions and it had nothing to do with the fact Pitt was in the game but the oddity of “playing in” to the next round. Julius Page had the right take IMO. The field was expanded years ago by 4 teams and this is the way you accommodate that. The same idea could be used to expand further but the field is big enough. Another way to think of it is 60 teams got a bye to round 2.
Tell Ron Cook to........

Remember, Ron Cook unquestionably thinks that capturing a young child, locking him in the basement of your home, with your pig wife upstairs and totally aware, then ripping his garments off, and committing forcible sodomy on him, is a perfectly legitimate thing to do. And perfectly legitimate to have been doing hundreds of times for at least 40 years, until somebody (not his newspaper, of course) finally dared to report about it.

If you also believe what he says above, then I guess you’d think his opinions on everything else are equally as sound.

But, most…do not.
Dickheads. They call your name and put it up on the bracket, then you are in the tournament.
Exactly, like say we win the rest our games in the tournament and win the national championship, do we not get a trophy because we played in the first 4 and weren't actually in the tournament. Anyone that tries to claim the first 4 isn't the actual tournament is a complete f***.

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