P President Stache Heisman Winner Dec 4, 2010 8,091 6,420 113 Nov 19, 2016 #1 coaches have the team ready to play yet again. Love this staff
Teh Teh Senior Aug 25, 2005 4,481 1,928 113 Nov 19, 2016 #2 We are hitting hard hope we keep moving the ball. Peterman looks more confident We are blitzing to much actually
We are hitting hard hope we keep moving the ball. Peterman looks more confident We are blitzing to much actually
Teh Teh Senior Aug 25, 2005 4,481 1,928 113 Nov 19, 2016 #3 Also getting a string rush. Why no interference on Duke on that Ford pass? He was wrapped up a good second before the ball got that he couldn't even jump for it. Defender dint play the ball... Saw that called on Pitt about 20 times this year
Also getting a string rush. Why no interference on Duke on that Ford pass? He was wrapped up a good second before the ball got that he couldn't even jump for it. Defender dint play the ball... Saw that called on Pitt about 20 times this year