The 1990s

The last great decade of music.
Rest in Peace.
With all due respect to you and 90’s music, what makes you say so? As opposition, I’d be pleased to speak of tons of great music of this millennium,
I'm old. Like DT.

Seriously it is weird. When you start thinking 1994 is 30 years ago. And in 1994 30 years prior was 1964. I can remember 1994 like it was yesterday. I wasn't born in 1964.
The only parts of me I like to think aren’t old yet are my continued appreciation of modern music (having a 19 year old helps) and love of “new” Pitt hoops beyond the days of Smith and Lane and Howland and Dixon.
The only parts of me I like to think aren’t old yet are my continued appreciation of modern music (having a 19 year old helps) and love of “new” Pitt hoops beyond the days of Smith and Lane and Howland and Dixon.
What's weird DT, is thinking "Hey, I am cool, I really like some of the newer music. I totally dig the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Modest Mouse, Civil Wars, Kurt Vile, At the Drive In, Courtney Barnett, etc..." and then realize those artists are 10 to 30 years old!!!!
Here’s a question.

If a band was formed in the 90s like tool but made their best stuff in the 2000s, which decade do you get to count them in?
Here’s a question.

If a band was formed in the 90s like tool but made their best stuff in the 2000s, which decade do you get to count them in?

you can name many bands that started in the 90s and flamed out in the 00s...
90s was the inspiration.