There is basically one problem program in the athletic department right now. And sure, it's the second most important one. But how many problem programs were there when Lyke took over? Four? Five? More?
If people don't think that the football team more than likely winning a division championship isn't buying her a lot of good will with her bosses then they aren't paying attention. While people like SMF and others on this board don't think so, if anyone doesn't think that men's soccer and volleyball and wrestling and baseball are buying her a lot of good will with her bosses then they are clueless.
Even the people who are saying that her seat is warm or hot are talking about what will happen if/when Capel gets fired and the replacement that she hires also fails at the job. We all realize that that isn't going to be determined for like four or five years, don't we? So yeah, if you want to say that she's in a position right now that four or five years from now her job could be in trouble, then yeah, sure, absolutely. Of course that also means that she most certainly is not on a hot seat, or even really a warm one, right now.