The Cult's Disgusting Hatred of Sara Ganim

So are you not allowed to question anyone who claims to be abused. If this guy is a victim why does McCue get a free pass for not reporting it until 45 years later? I want everyone who harbored Sandusky to be prosecuted.

Why? Simple. The culture up there. The hierarchy. Hell, Ray Gricar. Why didn't so many people come forward? It was stopped. It was completely discouraged. Let's face it, it is very much an insular, cult like community. That is the whole point. Now, obviously there is much more freedom and the fear of repercussions has dwindled. Plus, it was not a pleasant topic and back then, even male/female adult rape was something that had a very negative connotation. It is not that difficult to explain.
So are you not allowed to question anyone who claims to be abused. If this guy is a victim why does McCue get a free pass for not reporting it until 45 years later? I want everyone who harbored Sandusky to be prosecuted.
What background do you have on sexual assault and rape? Have you been a victim? Has a close relative been a victim? Have you worked directly with victims? If so, what are your findings?
Oh, so now the victim harbored Sandusky?

I can't believe there are actually people like you tyat exist.
Now I was specifically referring to Bernie McCue who the victim claimed he told in 72 when McCue was 35 years old and Said nothing until The CNN story came out.
What background do you have on sexual assault and rape? Have you been a victim? Has a close relative been a victim? Have you worked directly with victims? If so, what are your findings?
I have worked with many of them. Like I said I feel for the many victims involved with this. I also worked with enough to know that there are some who will make false accusations. I have no doubt that Sandusky has many victims. I also know that there are also a handful who are trying to get a free hand out. It happens in every tragedy. When ever there are reports of people receiving money there are people looking to cash in. It has happened with things like Boston marathon bombing, 9/11, and even the Catholic Church sex scandals. My work with abuse victims has taught me to look for red flags that make me skeptical. The biggest with this case is it doesn't fit the profile. Sandusky spent months and sometimes years grooming victims. Guys like him do not deviate from their pattern. So when a guy comes out and claims abuse that completely different then thee documented history is raises some major red flags. Add in the fact he using a well know penny state protester and a guy with a long history of harrassing pen state it smells very fishy.

My problem with the reporter is she should have dug deeper into the story and presented all the facts. I believe reporters should report the entire story and not just their conclusions.
Why? Simple. The culture up there. The hierarchy. Hell, Ray Gricar. Why didn't so many people come forward? It was stopped. It was completely discouraged. Let's face it, it is very much an insular, cult like community. That is the whole point. Now, obviously there is much more freedom and the fear of repercussions has dwindled. Plus, it was not a pleasant topic and back then, even male/female adult rape was something that had a very negative connotation. It is not that difficult to explain.
. This was 71-72 when this occurred. Paterno was not the legend then. He was only 5-6 years into his career. He didn't have nearly the clout he did in 2001. Back then the stadium only held 46k and Penn State was playing in Pittsburgh to get attention.
. This was 71-72 when this occurred. Paterno was not the legend then. He was only 5-6 years into his career. He didn't have nearly the clout he did in 2001. Back then the stadium only held 46k and Penn State was playing in Pittsburgh to get attention.

And by sitting on these horrible crimes, he won games, became a legend, built a 100g+ stadium, and told Pittsburgh where to get off
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. This was 71-72 when this occurred. Paterno was not the legend then. He was only 5-6 years into his career. He didn't have nearly the clout he did in 2001. Back then the stadium only held 46k and Penn State was playing in Pittsburgh to get attention.

He was also offered the Michigan job. The Steelers job. The NY Giants job. He was big time already. He had power then. He had a couple of undefeated seasons. Already was producing stars and All Americans like Reid, Ham, Onkotz, Franco, etc...
Where did I blame the victim? I am questioning a reporter and a 35 year old friend who if true did not report it to the police. If a 11 year old came to you and said he was sexually abused would you report it or wait until 45 years later and tell a reporter?
Perhaps the guy knows what happened to Gricar?? Or was vulnerable to retaliation from all you sickos?? Maybe he was a psu employee, feared for his job?
Obviously, with all the venom towards Sara Ganim, you perve-lovers are a menace.
. This was 71-72 when this occurred. Paterno was not the legend then. He was only 5-6 years into his career. He didn't have nearly the clout he did in 2001. Back then the stadium only held 46k and Penn State was playing in Pittsburgh to get attention.
Nonsense....psu was a freaking cow college then. I'm glad Nixon declared Texas national champs....all they did was pay kids. Joe ran the place.
You missed the best part of this post. They guy is so curious about her background and says it only costs $5.00, BUT he needs someone else to put up the 5 bucks to find out! Must be another great PSU success story, can't afford a five spot to quell his curiousity! Of course that is two whole hours of wages for the guy, so you really can't blame him.
Well Phpanther1 wants to marry her so if someone does a free background check on her he's one step ahead.
Perhaps the guy knows what happened to Gricar?? Or was vulnerable to retaliation from all you sickos?? Maybe he was a psu employee, feared for his job?
Obviously, with all the venom towards Sara Ganim, you perve-lovers are a menace.
How was he to know in 1972 what happened in 2005? 2011 ect? The last time I checked you could also report thing annomously to the police. Why would he have public ally protested if he had so much fear in 2011?
I have worked with many of them. Like I said I feel for the many victims involved with this. I also worked with enough to know that there are some who will make false accusations. I have no doubt that Sandusky has many victims. I also know that there are also a handful who are trying to get a free hand out. It happens in every tragedy. When ever there are reports of people receiving money there are people looking to cash in. It has happened with things like Boston marathon bombing, 9/11, and even the Catholic Church sex scandals. My work with abuse victims has taught me to look for red flags that make me skeptical. The biggest with this case is it doesn't fit the profile. Sandusky spent months and sometimes years grooming victims. Guys like him do not deviate from their pattern. So when a guy comes out and claims abuse that completely different then thee documented history is raises some major red flags. Add in the fact he using a well know penny state protester and a guy with a long history of harrassing pen state it smells very fishy.

My problem with the reporter is she should have dug deeper into the story and presented all the facts. I believe reporters should report the entire story and not just their conclusions.
I hope to God you do not work with sexual assault or rape victims by what you have said on these message boards.
What's your assertion- that Paterno didn't know?

If he did, when did he become a part of a criminal conspiracy to allow the rape of children to protect his image? Was it the 70s, 80s, 90s or 2000s?

You have to question her reporting. In her latest article she used Bernie McCue to verify the victims story. She however conscientious leaves out that if true McCue failed to report the abuse. If the story is true McCue would have been 35 years when the 11 year old told him he was abused. Why didn't he go to the police in 71? Why is McCue protesting Paterno and all the others for not going to police when he himself according did the same thing? How trust worthy is McCue when he has multiple arrests for harrassing individuals at the university prior to 2011? She not the only one doing very sloppy reporting but you expect more from a national reporter who is suppose to be very informed on the case. You have to question her motives for leaving that part of the story out.
How was he to know in 1972 what happened in 2005? 2011 ect? The last time I checked you could also report thing annomously to the police. Why would he have public ally protested if he had so much fear in 2011?

I have not problem questioning people's motives. Especially the media. But the point of this thread is the immediate vitriol for a fellow alum who had the stones to write about this from day one. It's not just her. I watched Jon Ziegler and Scott Paterno immediately declare war and started an online assault on every media outlet that dared to report the 1976 claims last week. This wasn't a call to change the narrative. This was literally, a "let them have it" war cry to which the heaped praise on anyone that proudly proclaimed allegiance.

A lot of us alum (yeah, I graduated from Penn State) can't stand being lashed out at because we can't just blindly accept that the school and Joe just get a free pass here. I'm also a former subcontractor (yeah, I worked for Penn State). I won't talk publicly about how I saw people treated when they dared to impede the football program in any way. Not worth it. Even today I worry about being able to feed my family while living in a PSU heavy area and working for a PSU heavy company.

Frankly, I'm disgusted by all of it. My kid will never go to PSU and I know several alum who feel the same way.
. This was 71-72 when this occurred. Paterno was not the legend then. He was only 5-6 years into his career. He didn't have nearly the clout he did in 2001. Back then the stadium only held 46k and Penn State was playing in Pittsburgh to get attention.

You should Google your history before you make a claim like that.

In 1971, PSU was coming off of 11-1 (beat Texas in the Cotton Bowl), 7-3, 11-0 (Beat Missouri in the Orange Bowl), and 11-0 (beat Kansas in the Orange Bowl). When Joe took over, things were pretty bad but even Rip Engle had seen some success. By the end of the '71 season, PSU had four AP top ten finishes and finished second twice under Joe.

Maybe Joe wasn't a "legend" but if Franklin saw anywhere close to that success, he'd have his own statue in a couple years.
It is amazing that Psu fans are more angry with victims for not coming forward than the enable paterno.

Truly warped.
You have to question her reporting. In her latest article she used Bernie McCue to verify the victims story. She however conscientious leaves out that if true McCue failed to report the abuse. If the story is true McCue would have been 35 years when the 11 year old told him he was abused. Why didn't he go to the police in 71? Why is McCue protesting Paterno and all the others for not going to police when he himself according did the same thing? How trust worthy is McCue when he has multiple arrests for harrassing individuals at the university prior to 2011? She not the only one doing very sloppy reporting but you expect more from a national reporter who is suppose to be very informed on the case. You have to question her motives for leaving that part of the story out.

If that was the argument being put forth on BWI, that would be one thing. But so much of the Ganim vitriol over on BWI is disgusting and misogynistic. Every time Ganim is mentioned over there, there is a 100-percent certainty that the PSU fanbase will go off on a personal tirade that she is a slut, a whore, a skank, slept her way to the Pulitzer Prize and other "Success With Honor" type personal attacks of the lowest form.
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Where did I blame the victim? I am questioning a reporter and a 35 year old friend who if true did not report it to the police. If a 11 year old came to you and said he was sexually abused would you report it or wait until 45 years later and tell a reporter?
Would you agree that it was a different world 45-
Where did I blame the victim? I am questioning a reporter and a 35 year old friend who if true did not report it to the police. If a 11 year old came to you and said he was sexually abused would you report it or wait until 45 years later and tell a reporter?
Why are you always looking for the loophole, as though it turns the defense 180-degress to your favor. Kinda like saying, "O. J. was nice to his mother - so that make him a nice guy!"

Need I remind you that it's not McCue's guilt that's being discussed here? Yet you continue to use McCue as your straw man.... :rolleyes:
If that was the argument being put forth on BWI, that would be one thing. But so much of the Ganim vitriol over on BWI is disgusting and misogynistic. Every time Ganim is mentioned over there, there is a 100-percent certainty that the PSU fanbase will go off on a personal tirade that she is a slut, a whore, a skank, slept her way to the Pulitzer Prize and other "Success With Honor" type personal attacks of the lowest form.
If she ran the same kind of a story as part of an investigation of Pitt, tOSU, or Michigan, you can bet that Ms. Ganim would have a statue and an honorary doctorate presented to her at the next commencement.
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I mentioned nothing about the alleged victims past. I am not like that wacko Jon Ziegler who attacks victims. I do believe there are many victims and Penn State is culpable to many of them for not protecting them. However I do think you have to analyze those who are now coming forward for a payday. Unfortunately I think there are some who were not abused trying to cash in. That is a disservice to the real victims who deserve every penny they received from the school. I have no problem questioning when the claims make no sense.

Who is there for a payday? The 1971 victim has been paid....right? This revelation is entirely 100% penn states fault... They sued... And the public learned more as a result.
Maybe Paterno had the creepy valley police under his thumb just like he had everyone else. They could tell you he never reported it but did he, did he really????
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If that was the argument being put forth on BWI, that would be one thing. But so much of the Ganim vitriol over on BWI is disgusting and misogynistic. Every time Ganim is mentioned over there, there is a 100-percent certainty that the PSU fanbase will go off on a personal tirade that she is a slut, a whore, a skank, slept her way to the Pulitzer Prize and other "Success With Honor" type personal attacks of the lowest form.

Even if she was "easy", how does this have anything to do with her reporting abilities?
Not to defend this McCue guy. But I worked for a school district that forbad an instructor
from calling the police on all grounds. The call had to go up the chain of command. We
were threaten with loss of employment. One can just imagine the power paterno wielded at ups
if a director can force this issue.

I'm sure this McCue guy understood the rules of working at ups and the outcome of going against the unwritten rules of the place.
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But I'll go further here. Why are successful women always accused of sleeping their way to the top but when men succeed it is because of hard work and intelligence?

Because sexism and misogyny are still very much present issues.
Not to defend this McCue guy. But I worked for a school district that forbad an instructor
from calling the police on all grounds. The call had to go up the chain of command. We
were threaten with loss of employment. One can just imagine the power paterno wielded at ups
if a director can force this issue.

I'm sure this McCue guy understood the rules of working at ups and the outcome of going against the unwritten rules of the place.

You could always call 911 anonymously
The He-Man Woman Hater's Club's latest outrage over Ganim is that there is a picture of her in a building on campus. Naturally, the Cult e-mailed the Dean of the College of Communcations to remove Ganim's picture.

Covering up pedophilia in the football program for 35 years is worthy of a statue, but a picture of a Pulitzer Prize winner is outrageous. Nah, no culture problem at all there.