the dominant local recruiting, capacity crowds, playing for conference titles and Diamond Dave’s coast to coast notoriety and FB street cred. Sure the Penn State & Clemson wins were fun but we’re so far out of Coastal contention each year that they hardly matter. In addition this year has been a clinic on how not to run a program - from the disasterous, ill-timed suspensions to that absolute debacle last night in front of a nationally televised audience. Narduzzi looks old, weary & tired and this Pitt fan has become apathetic & tired of his “defenseless” defense, prehistoric offense, maddening coach speak & his allegiance to a QB who is clearly overmatched to everyone but him and his equally clueless staff. It was also hard to listen to the ESPN announcers absolutely skewering Narduzzi for his pitiful, outdated scheme and his staffs lack of developing anything resembling a P5/D1 QB. Lyke sure has her work cut out for her cause this is the worst two FB & BB programs at Pitt in 15 years. Same old Pitt. #PITTIFUL