With Chad Voytik transferring, Pitt's 2012 recruiting class is down to five players left on the roster:
Adam Bisnowaty
Bam Bradley
Mike Caprara
Ryan Lewis
Gabe Roberts
The original class was 16 - Link here - and two players (JP Holtz and Daryl Render) did exhaust their eligibility in four years. So if those five listed above stay for next season, that makes 7 out of 16 who finish their eligibility at Pitt; more than half the class transferred or left under some sort of circumstances.
Here are the other guys in that class who didn't make it to the end of their eligibility at Pitt:
Trenton Coles
Chris Davis
Demitrious Davis
Terrell Jackson
Jahmahl Pardner
Devon Porchia
Deaysean Rippy
Rushel Shell
Chad Voytik
That's not a very good success rate. And it more or less follows the pattern from the class of 2011 (21 signed; 6 finished their eligibility at Pitt) and the class of 2010 (24 signed; 7 finished their eligibility at Pitt).
So in three classes, Pitt signed 61 recruits; 15 have finished their eligibility at Pitt and the most that number could climb to is 20.
20 out of 61 over the course of three classes. There's no sugar-coating it: that's downright terrible. 2 out of every 3 kids signed in those three years either transferred or got kicked off the team or otherwise left early (and none left early because they were going to the NFL).
Even if we massage the numbers a bit, it's still pretty bad. We could expand to include Jevonte Pitts as part of the 2012 class; he's got one more year to play at Pitt so we could make it 21. That doesn't make it much better. And we could drop the number from 61 to 60 since Khaynin Mosley-Smith signed in 2010 and 2011; 21 out of 60 is not good. Not good at all.
Adam Bisnowaty
Bam Bradley
Mike Caprara
Ryan Lewis
Gabe Roberts
The original class was 16 - Link here - and two players (JP Holtz and Daryl Render) did exhaust their eligibility in four years. So if those five listed above stay for next season, that makes 7 out of 16 who finish their eligibility at Pitt; more than half the class transferred or left under some sort of circumstances.
Here are the other guys in that class who didn't make it to the end of their eligibility at Pitt:
Trenton Coles
Chris Davis
Demitrious Davis
Terrell Jackson
Jahmahl Pardner
Devon Porchia
Deaysean Rippy
Rushel Shell
Chad Voytik
That's not a very good success rate. And it more or less follows the pattern from the class of 2011 (21 signed; 6 finished their eligibility at Pitt) and the class of 2010 (24 signed; 7 finished their eligibility at Pitt).
So in three classes, Pitt signed 61 recruits; 15 have finished their eligibility at Pitt and the most that number could climb to is 20.
20 out of 61 over the course of three classes. There's no sugar-coating it: that's downright terrible. 2 out of every 3 kids signed in those three years either transferred or got kicked off the team or otherwise left early (and none left early because they were going to the NFL).
Even if we massage the numbers a bit, it's still pretty bad. We could expand to include Jevonte Pitts as part of the 2012 class; he's got one more year to play at Pitt so we could make it 21. That doesn't make it much better. And we could drop the number from 61 to 60 since Khaynin Mosley-Smith signed in 2010 and 2011; 21 out of 60 is not good. Not good at all.