This is really interesting. How Pro teams get their revenue.

He's made it pretty clear that payroll is dependent on ticket sales. Don't argue why that doesn't make sense because I won't fight you.
Indeed, it makes no sense to some one like me, but he (Nutting) has it figured out, he may be greedy but he is certainly of a higher intellect than I !
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How much does he need to make? How many years of $50m profits are needed while franchise value rises exponentially? All in a taxpayer funded Stadium.
He’s making hand over fist-
And you’re argument is “hey, make less “
Good luck with that
I didn't think I'd log in and have someone defending Nutting or apologizing to the notion that it's cool to milk every last penny out of something while pretending that he's just too poor to try to win.
When you logged in, did it surprise you that the board contrarian was defending the indefensible?
Souf over the years has offered plenty of dumb takes.
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I didn't think I'd log in and have someone defending Nutting or being apologetic to the notion that it's cool to milk every last penny out of something while pretending that he's just too poor to try to win.
Who’s defending him?

The pirates will never be contenders regularly with how MLB is currently constructed .

Best ya can hope is a couple of catching lighting in a bottle with young players peaking together , before they all take paydays elsewhere - like the KC Royals did
There you have it.
Its not Nutting's fault he won't increase the payroll, it's MLB's fault.
Scream into the void at the billionaire owner and believe someone else would make the pirates a perennial contender

Just a few more decades of waiting !

Has nothing to do with the lack of a salary cap and salary floor making it intently anti-competitive .
Scream into the void at the billionaire owner and believe someone else would make the pirates a perennial contender

Just a few more decades of waiting !

Has nothing to do with the lack of a salary cap and salary floor making it intently anti-competitive .
Nobody expects Nutting to break the bank to win but he's shown over and over that the last dollar is far more important than winning that extra game or two.
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Nobody expects Nutting to break the bank to win but he's shown over and over that the last dollar is far more important than winning that extra game or two.
Which , again - making as much money is his incentive .
So getting upset about it is silly .
Enjoy the park , root for the team - but living and dying by wins for the pirate’s is a fools errand .
What's amazing, according the 2023 numbers, the Pens are quite well situated and obviously one of the successes. It brought in $207 million in revenue, with the cap around $85 million, obviously they can handle payroll just fine and do. It is interesting that the Pens are right in a group of teams, Detroit, Washington, Philly and Dallas all much bigger markets. I suspect the Pens overall success as being the top performing team of all major league sports teams in local ratings have given them favorable contracts.
Having 4 of the biggest stars/ best players for 35 out of 40 years helps too.
I'm late to this party but damn is my thinking right in line with wolf from Twilight and Dan77. Sports are supposed to be a distraction from life, therefore it's supposed to be easy. I do not want to work for my information.

I am currently on vacation, it was nice being on vacation back in the day and if I wanted to watch sports center I could or just wait till I got home and look at the newspaper and be totally caught up in 10 minutes. Today, I have the information at my very disposal on my phone, but the desire to look it up is not there.

I'm not interested in going on social media to look at all the highlights. I hope all the players have great personal lives, but I don't care who they are dating or married to. I try to ignore the nonsense, but it's hard to. Dan said it best, they fake excitement too much.

Now this one maybe just me, but I miss old school football. The NFLs reliance on Fantasy Football, changed the game to one that is less interesting to me. Defense is not allowed to play defense, and I'm not talking about head to head tackles, as I think that is a good rule.

Plus it used to be simple with games at 1pm 4 pm and MNF. Now there is TNF and SNF. Over exposure in my opinion.