This past weekend was sponsored by People's Gas.How much extra $ did both teams get?


All American
Sep 9, 2002
I have seen very little video of this game but it had sponsorship. I have also seen the question from both sides of "why do we play this game?"

I honestly have no idea what PSU was paid to come here but I would think $1 Million. I thought Youngstown State got a hall million or something like that.

I brought up video because I'm not sure if People's Gas received commercial spots, signage, etc. We have talked about benefits of Artificial vs Real grass but a downside is you can't paint sponsors on the Field so it makes the game less valuable to sponsor.

Just Curious.

It would be pretty cool to have Pitt vs Michigan or Ohio State sponsored by some corporation if it made sense.
I can't believe either school got paid anything from Peoples Gas it would have come out. Peoples probably made a scholarship donation to both schools for the naming rights.
Both schools signed away their sponsorship rights -- Pitt to IMG and PSU to Learfield. Both schools get paid a large sum each year and IMG/Learfield is permitted to go out and sell corporate sponsorships. I doubt either school got paid above and beyond that. Whatever PNG paid would have been split evenly among both properties but that's revenue for IMG and Learfield, not the schools.
Probably got 90% of profits from the t shirt sales. Probably made 100 bucks