Fellow Lair dwellers:
I bought two ticklets for the game and then my son asked if we could take a friend. Now I already had 2, but really needed 3. I dealt with the Pitt ticket office and this is what happened.
I donated my previous 2 to students and bought 3 more.
Not everyone can do that, but if you can donate tickets to students here are the Positives.
I bought two ticklets for the game and then my son asked if we could take a friend. Now I already had 2, but really needed 3. I dealt with the Pitt ticket office and this is what happened.
I donated my previous 2 to students and bought 3 more.
Not everyone can do that, but if you can donate tickets to students here are the Positives.
- They pay (and their parents) a boatload in tuition already,
- One reason we don't travel well is because our grads over the last 30 years have no memories/history of going to bowl games (or very little)...We have to build a culrure of community at these things.
- It is the Christma/Holiday season
- One day these kids might do the same for others.