Addition by subtraction . Saw him play twice this year . Still using that jive move of cutting in front of trailers to pick up a foul . This group sure looks better without him.
While I agree with your assesment I think we should also owe some thanks to Troy. Both him, X and Toney gave Capel some talent to start with that started Pitt on recovery from the Stallings era. Without the three taking a chance on a bad program, it would have taken Pitt longer to recover. And besides his flaws, Troy did make some exciting moments that would take you out of your seat!Addition by subtraction . Saw him play twice this year . Still using that jive move of cutting in front of trailers to pick up a foul . This group sure looks better without him.
I loved watching Trey play because he was just tenacious on defense and fearless. The other team is always going to hate him. But he and X did not complement each other.
To me he has an undersized 3 skill set.Yes, he was a good defender. But they didn’t complement each other because Trey was really inconsistent on offense. He would have 20 points one game and then 4 the next. He is still doing that. He’s not a point guard, but not a good shooter, either.
He was very good on defensive side of the court!Addition by subtraction . Saw him play twice this year . Still using that jive move of cutting in front of trailers to pick up a foul . This group sure looks better without him.
If any of you follow the NBA he's a Patrick Beverly type of player.
Except Beverly is an NBA player.
I said that in my post - what's your point?