You should not make opinions on medical issues unless you have facts. Covid 2 dose vacccines(especially Moderna) does a good job of preventing Covid disease. It is not 100%. You are 5 times more likely to contract Covid if unvaccinated compared to being fully vaccinated. If unvaccinated you are close to 90-100 % likely to catch Covid if you are out and about with exposure to Covid.I dont follow the Pens but basically I think you are right. I don't think they offer a ton of protection from getting Covid but they do work magically in preventing symptomatic Covid, serious illness, and death and that's pretty awesome.
BTW, I went on the USA site because they're offering pre-paid parking for tonight. $60. WTF. Is that for a spot next to Berhalter. I paid $5 for a Columbus garage across from Nationwide arena and a 10 minute walk. I will try the same in Cincy though I hear the stadium isnt downtown and is in a "neighborhood" so that might be more challenging. Maybe I'll DM Tyler Boyd (the Bengal, not the USMNT one) and ask if I can park at his house.