Volleyball gets swept at home this weekend by the Canes and VT


I know most people will say who cares about this, BUT it seems incredibly stupid to me--why did the last 2 home womens' VB matches begin at the same exact day/time as the last 2 Pitt men's hoop games? Talk about killing potential attendance at the VB matches. Were the matches televised, thus the times couldn't be moved or does the ACC set the home game times? Maybe they could have lured some hoops attendees to walk across the street to the volleyball games at the Field House if they started 2-3 hours before the hoops games, especially since the team was 21-4 going into this weekend?
I thought the same thing.

The matches were not on TV as far as I know. I think it would have been neat to have the volleyball games moved to the Pete, given the conflict, and piggy back the hoops game. I would guess it would only take about 30 minutes to convert the basketball court to a volleyball court.
Tough to take. This staff clearly wanted that NCAA bid and with next year leaning more rebuild than reload, they might have to wait awhile for it.

They didn't have Wynn - arguably their best player - either match, but to only pull 1 set all weekend is disconcerting.

That said, things are lined up for another strong finish. Outside chance of 25 wins & another year out-performing pre-season expectations - I wish every Fall sport were so productive.