What if Nick Patti Was Our 2023 QB?

Better than it was. The only real knock was he had trouble staying healthy and thus no one could see his full capabilities.

If he doesn’t break his collarbone scoring in the Peach Bowl I guarantee we beat MSU that night. He got some redemption by beating UCLA though.

We are likely bowling if he stays healthy at the very least.
I legitimately believe we go 7-5. Go to a lesser bowl and win. The Duzz and Cig torpedoed the program by bringing in the Jerk and sticking with him. This team was not great by any means, and many times I was very disappointed in the defense. That said, incompetent quarterback play had our defense on the field way to much in most of our games. I truly believe Patti would have brought competent play to the position and we would have won 7 games.
Better than it was. The only real knock was he had trouble staying healthy and thus no one could see his full capabilities.

If he doesn’t break his collarbone scoring in the Peach Bowl I guarantee we beat MSU that night. He got some redemption by beating UCLA though.

We are likely bowling if he stays healthy at the very least.
What if Yarnell would have been given the job from the start. Similar hypothetical.
If you count Patti as an opt out, the entire season was an exhibition and doesn't count.
This argument works for the big ten teams getting smoked in bowls. It should work for us too.
Maybe 6-6. Patti wasn't that good, but I don't think he would've been the turnover machine we had with CV or the totally incapable of the forward pass like Phil.
If Patti or NY had the helm all year, we're bowling. On the bright side, PJ ended Cignettis reign. He showed he can't be trusted to pick or develop a QB and has an antiquated offense. A blessing in disguise, At least

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