Where's Captain Sidney?

UPitt '89

Board of Trustee
Gold Member
Mar 14, 2002
It's been a couple weeks since he last posted.

He's a little off the wall sometimes, but I always enjoy his posts.

Hope he's ok.
He's the BEST poster on this board.
No contest.
Several months ago he took a hiatus for health reasons and several sent him accolades.

Happy Holidays Captain and h2P

I remember that... I hope he's alright.

Happy Holidays Captain! Hope everything is okay with you and we see you back here soon.
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In California since December 12, Cupertino for 4 days right next to the Apple Space Building under construction, looks like the UFO in Independence Day, largest Green Building on Earth when completed and construction is day and night with 18 Gates. Four Miles to walk around it.

Privy to some Lectures at the Hoover Insititute in Palo Alto on some economic issues and developing some places for Pittsburgh Meds & Eds expansions on Shadyside.

In Mountain View alone, 8 Restaurants went out of Business the last 6 months due to high leasing costs. A number of SBA Businesses struggling as well. Employment is not a problem but finding a place to establish, or live and even with high earnings much more difficult as real estate and leases rise and continue.

I was here in 2004 on learning about the Gaming History before Pennsylvania was working on passing it, and learned quite a bit.

Looked at Vacation & Retirement Homes in Seaside, California, and the place just smell like money everywhere.

Will be home next week, spent most of December right here.

Thanks for the support but all is fine and Pitt Is It!
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that guy starts more psu threads than probably anyone on this site.
So why would that bother you? Good to see you still get somethings wrong, I have not posted in weeks and plenty of PSU Posts up. Nervous Nellie's like you should not be upset when you get upset about them, I guess you fear them? I don't......I enjoy putting PSU Posters in their place on their hate and disrespect to Pitt is a Panther Pride as well as respect what PSU & WVU does for their Sports Programs.

Pitt just added another 3 Consensus All American in 2016 and PSU just 1 and WVU none inspire of their recruiting doing well, Pitt still gets them upset knowing they are chasing Pitt Records!

You post on recruiting because you follow it AND DO A GREAT JOB, and I post on PSU & WVU because I know what is going on at both schools from dear
friends that are boosters, your fear of learning can easily be ignored, and cut out the whining, you do it more than most here.
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Only because BWI tossed him. He's here to spite those clowns. That said, I hope he's OK.
I posted on all 3 Boards when Rivals started to be fair and accurate, but BWI bans anyone good content discussions when saying mistakes were made under Paterno and still do, even knowing now that is quite factually true even more today than yesterday.

I accept Mountaineers attacking Pitt on WVU Rivals Boards and salute them when they do many things good and proper for their Program, but won't tolerate attacks on Pitt on the Lair, not here on the Lair by any Errs and that is clear to the Dear Errs louder than ever.

I can also respect, salute, and praise when Penn State and WVU do have good Programs they have built, but they to have to accept that Pitt is rebuilding its Program too, and even while behind in certain aspects. There is nothing wrong in Complimenting one's Competitors and welcoming their Accomplishments of Autumn makes Pitt even stronger.

Nevertheless, WVU & PSU are still chasing Pitt Records, Players Accomplsihments, Consensus All Americans and National Titles and not not just from 1910-1939, but from 2000-2016! Case in point, only Pitt once again in spite of not having Top Ten Recruiting Classes since 1980s, just produced another Consensus All American in 2016, in Quadree Henderson!

When PSU, WVU and some Pitt Fans can't accept it even with Pitt at 8-4, compared to 10-2 and 11-2, that shows lack of character on them, and again lower themselves to Pitt Accomplishments of Autumn as well.

The Best Posters from all of Rivals left or been banned years ago on BWI and the Lair has benefited from them coming here to share to learn, as only the dregs and drunks wallow in their lowering of themselves as Posters or Fans of PSU.

Just look how nice and well educated and sharing the Northwestern Posters have been on both Boards and that was even with PnnyLiar posing under another nickname trashing them before he was banned again, as he is every week on the Lair?

I post here because the Lair have the Best Posters of Content on Rivals on Football as you prove with your Pitt's Cliff Notes on BB. I am proud of Pitt's Accomplishments of Autumn and accept and understand why some lower minded are envious and jealous of them, so they come here to post out their frustrations on Pitt's Lair Posters!

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He's the BEST poster on this board.
No contest.
Several months ago he took a hiatus for health reasons and several sent him accolades.

Happy Holidays Captain and h2P
It was 3 years ago, but I am no longer following all I used to follow, and like anything else are starting to choose and limit my Topics, Comments and Content as others are doing it better and able to show they know more, and I not only accept it, but great to see it, and learn from them.

I am just glad Pitt has Narduzzi and seeing the return of PITT, WVU & PSU back in the Top 25! I had my day in seeing Pitt become a National Champion again, and it is so much fun to watch Pitt Players love playing under Coach Pat & Staff.

In California since December 12, Cupertino for 4 days right next to the Apple Space Building under construction, looks like the UFO in Independence Day, largest Green Building on Earth when completed and construction is day and night with 18 Gates. Four Miles to walk around it.

Privy to some Lectures at the Hoover Insititute in Palo Alto on some economic issues and developing some places for Pittsburgh Meds & Eds expansions on Shadyside.

In Mountain View alone, 8 Restaurants went out of Business the last 6 months due to high leasing costs. a number of SBA Businesses struggling as well. Employment is not a problem but finding a place to establish, or live and even with high earnings much more difficult as real estate and leases rise and continue.

I was here in 2004 on learning about the Gaming History before Pennsylvania was working on passing it, and learned quite a bit.

Looked at Vacation & Retirement Homes in Seaside, California, and the place just smell like money everywhere.

Will be home next week, spent most of December right here.

Thanks for the support but all is fine and Pitt Is It!
Fight On
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Glad to have you back Capt. you missed a good bit while you were gone!
Thank you and all others and glad to see changes still happening at Pitt Rebuilding its FB Program, turn down an USC Invite to go to PSU-USC Game.

Really glad to see Dr. Juhl leading the New AD SEARCH like he did with Narduzzi's Selection. Pitt will do just fine in coaching, recruiting, and developing Players into Great Teams.

Hate to see Matt Canada leave Coach Pat and I predict LSU Coach will fall flat on his back in winning at LSU, but can see why Matt wanted the money. Hope Pitt does not interview the LSU AD!

If APPLE can build this 300,000 square foot Space Building that will accommodate 7,000 to 41,000 employees in the area, they can build an Innovative Stadium down by Negley where much Parking Lots with Pitt and CMU using it and use LED Lights on the field with Chips in Balls, Player's Shoes, setting off Lights for First Downs and Touchdowns in Bounds!

Build it as a Place where Stadium Designs are innovations for future research, changes, and developed to expand from 35,000 to 50,000 to 90,000 plus Sports Research Facilities and sell UPMC Southside to the Steelers! Put 4 Hotels on each Corner of the Stadium and make it an Academic-Athletic-Sports Medicine Research Building.

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Happy Holidays Cap! Enjoy your travels!

Check out the amazing you tube videos of the Apple Campus 2 construction site. Great drone flyovers. There are several progress videos available as well.

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So why would that bother you? Good to see you still get somethings wrong, i have not posted in weeks and plenty of PSU Posts up. Nervous Nellies like you should be upset when you get upset about them, I guess you fear them? I don't i enjoy putting PSU Posters in their place as well as respect what PSU & WVU does for their Sports Programs.

Pitt just added another Consensus All American in 2016 and PSU and WVU none inspire of their recruiting doing well, Pitt still gets them upset knowing they are chasing Pitt Records!

You post on recruiting because you follow it, and I post on PSU & WVU because I know what is going on at both schools from dear
fronds that are boosters, your fear of learning can be easily be ignored, and cut out the whining, you do it more than most here.

vegasgreed, now nervous nellie. Welcome back Cap.
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In California since December 12, Cupertino for 4 days right next to the Apple Space Building under construction, looks like the UFO in Independence Day, largest Green Building on Earth when completed and construction is day and night with 18 Gates. Four Miles to walk around it.

Privy to some Lectures at the Hoover Insititute in Palo Alto on some economic issues and developing some places for Pittsburgh Meds & Eds expansions on Shadyside.

In Mountain View alone, 8 Restaurants went out of Business the last 6 months due to high leasing costs. a number of SBA Businesses struggling as well. Employment is not a problem but finding a place to establish, or live and even with high earnings much more difficult as real estate and leases rise and continue.

I was here in 2004 on learning about the Gaming History before Pennsylvania was working on passing it, and learned quite a bit.

Looked at Vacation & Retirement Homes in Seaside, California, and the place just smell like money everywhere.

Will be home next week, spent most of December right here.

Thanks for the support but all is fine and Pitt Is It!

Cap, any idea on how Stanford quickly demolished their 80K monstrosity in favor of a smart, right sized 50K stadium? I do know this, coincidence or not, since Stanford did that, they have become a power.
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Cap, any idea on how Stanford quickly demolished their 80K monstrosity in favor of a smart, right sized 50K stadium? I do know this, coincidence or not, since Stanford did that, they have become a power.
It is about finding good coaching at Stanford I was told, they do not pay as high as other Programs, restrict Admission Qualifications, and as a Private University does not expand curriculums to attract making Players easy majors to graduate. They have only about 7,000 Students too. Much like Northwestern, Georgia Tech, Virginia, and Pitt, whereby often a Stepping Stone until they find someone that wants to stay there.

They offer opportunity and it ends ups providing opportunity to those seeking to move on like Welsh, Willingham, Harbaugh and others,

On the Stadium Size they are recognizing as many are concluding Bigger is no longer Better and Fans staying Home instead of going to games, so a sold out loud 50,000 is better than than 89,000 in 95 year old stadium that draws only about 48,000 per game.

The difference I was told and why they built it so easily, is Stanford has plenty of Land over 8,000 Acres, but built the Stadium in 9 months keeping in mind doing it for the ultimate comfort of the Booster's that Pay Big Bucks so it is about them first and foremost, wanting to come to games and do business with invites for a great viewing experience, they did not go poor on a super sound and video systems, No Track making the Field easier to see and hear from Fans, and the secret was really they did it with aluminum risers making
all seats the same to save costs, that reduced the costs to about $100 million.

They have also made it able to expand easily by 10-15,000 seats in the future should they choose to do it!

Happy Holidays Cap! Enjoy your travels!

Check out the amazing you tube videos of the Apple Campus 2 construction site. Great drone flyovers. There are several progress videos available as well.

Can see from my window and amazing undertaking and have walked around every day I was here, except when it rained twice.
I posted on all 3 Boards when Rivals started to be fair and accurate, but BWI bans anyone good content discussions when saying mistakes were made under Paterno and still do, even knowing now that is quite factually true even more today than yesterday.

I accept Mountaineers attacking Pitt on WVU Rivals Boards and salute them when they do many things good and proper for their Program, but won't tolerate attacks on Pitt on the Lair, not here on the Lair by any Errs and that is clear to the Dear Errs louder than ever.

I can also respect, salute, and praise when Penn State and WVU do have good Programs they have built, but they to have to accept that Pitt is rebuilding its Program too, and even while behind in certain aspects. There is nothing wrong in Complimenting one's Competitors and welcoming their Accomplishments of Autumn makes Pitt even stronger.

Nevertheless, WVU & PSU are still chasing Pitt Records, Players Accomplsihments, Consensus All Americans and National Titles and not not just from 1910-1939, but from 2000-2016! Case in point, only Pitt once again in spite of not having Top Ten Recruiting Classes since 1980s, just produced another Consensus All American in 2016, in Quadree Henderson!

When PSU, WVU and some Pitt Fans can't accept it even with Pitt at 8-4, compared to 10-3 and 11-2, that shows lack of character on them, and again lower themselves to Pitt Accomplishments of Autumn as well.

The Best Posters from all of Rivals left or been banned years ago on BWI and the Lair has benefited from them coming here to share to learn, as only the dregs and drunks wallow in their lowering of themselves as Posters or Fans of PSU.

Just look how nice and well educated and sharing the Northwestern Posters have been on both Boards and that was even with PnnyLiar posing under another nickname trashing them before he was banned again, as he is every week on the Lair?

I post here because the Lair have the Best Posters of Content on Rivals on Football as you prove with your Pitt's Cliff Notes on BB. I am proud of Pitt's Accomplishments of Autumn and accept and understand why some lower minded are envious and jealous of them, so they come here to post out their frustrations on Pitt's Lair Posters!
They have internet in West Virginia???
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