Whitehead Surgery, Out Rest of Year

any word on Moss?

Latest update said that Pitt is hopeful that Jordan can make the Bowl game. That's interesting, and encouraging.
Sometimes coaches use this type of notice to motivate the player through recovery. If he can make it back that soon great but that injury looked bad and he will need time for the bones to heal.
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Hendrix for the bowl game? What happened to again?
He may be eligible for a medical redshirt, which would give him an extra year. He sat out the transfer year, but never took a redshirt I believe. I am not sure of the rules on that.
He's not eligible for a medical redshirt. He's played in too many games.
He's talking about Hendrix, who only played a short bit against Nova in the fist game. I would hope he gets a medical RS especially since he had to sit out his transfer year already.

He doesn't qualify either, sitting out for a volunteer transfer would rule that out.
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He doesn't qualify either, sitting out for a volunteer transfer would rule that out.
-He can get a medical 6th year of eligibility if he went that route. I would say he's likely to get it since he played about 4 plays this entire season. The injuries to our defense is incredible at this point. At least the second string isn't all that far off from the starters, which is encouraging for next season. I like our team already going into next year.
He won't get a 6th year. He missed a year due to transfer. There's no chance the NCAA would grant a 6th year unless there was some other extenuating circumstance which I don't believe there is.