Who else has lost a parent on here?

So sorry for your loss, BP. This December will mark seven years without my father. I can attest that it doesn’t get any easier with time.

I can’t imagine both of my parents being gone, but I will say that my uncle (father’s brother) passed away this February and so I no longer have any family left on my father’s side. I’ve found that re-connecting with some of his distant cousins and college friends has allowed his spirit to live on; I even learned a few new stories in the process.

When you’ve had enough time to grieve, perhaps that’s one way to help ease the pain of their absence?
I lost my dad 15 years ago. Still miss him to this day. When you lose a parent it's like you've lost the rudder to your ship. Parents are literally the only people on the face of the earth who have been there for you from the moment of your birth. They are irreplaceable. I'm sure my perspective is heavily influenced by the fact that my dad literally was the best person I've ever known. He wasn't rich (by monetary standards) and he didn't have an exciting career, but our family always had a roof over our heads and food on the table. What my dad did give us was something that cannot be valued in monetary terms....he always gave us his time putting his own interests on the back burner. One example that always comes to mind is that my dad wanted us to experience things that he never could as a boy. One Christmas he bought me skis (wooden skis with leather straps for bindings and bamboo poles). He'd take me to the local park when it snowed and walk us to the top of a bunny hill. We'd ski down and he would run down the hill and pull us back up by the ski poles. We'd do that for hours. The human ski lift. The guy was amazing. The kids came first. Always.

I feel very sorry for people who either didn't have a father present or didn't have a father who paid attention to them. The impact of a good father lasts a lifetime.

My Dad entered the portal in 2010 and my Mom May 11 this year.Heard her hit the floor from a heart attack.Nothing I could do.
Lost Dad in 2004, he was only passed away at 80 while in home hospice with my wife and me in 2017, only months after my father in law least he made it to 91. It's not an easy thing to go through. God bless and comfort you and your family.
My condolences to you and your family.
I also have lost both parents, it's one of the three hardest days of my life. Both sides of the family were spread out across the Midwest so I didn't grow up around any other family, so when they both were gone the realization that I was now alone in the world was very difficult.
Advice is to enjoy all of those family members that remain as often as possible. Life is for the living, and the family (and close friends) that are still here with you help ease your pain of your loss.
Again, my condolences.
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Very sorry for your loss.

My dad passed several years ago and I still sometimes forget he’s not there to text or call to chat about a game or some accomplishment my kids (his grandchildren) made that I know he’d be interested in. I’m pretty confident he is still aware and watching from the other side.
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My Dad entered the portal in 2010 and my Mom May 11 this year.Heard her hit the floor from a heart attack.Nothing I could do.
My deepest condolences BP. And yes, I’m with you too. My wife and I lost 3 of our 4 parents before we hit 50. It hurts, but the Hardest part was telling the kids. I feel for them the most.
That's a helpless feeling. I lost both of my parents as a child, was then adopted and then lost my adopted father as a teen. In 2020 I suffered the worst loss when I found my son in his room, he had taken his life. I tried to revive him and couldn't. Then a year later I found my mother when I went to visit her one morning. She had passed away on her couch. So I know that feeling when you say there was nothing you could do.

Sorry for your losses. I know it's a part of life, but death just sucks!

After all of that loss, sometimes I feel like I'm not here anymore. Just a ghost floating around waiting.
My Dad entered the portal in 2010 and my Mom May 11 this year.Heard her hit the floor from a heart attack.Nothing I could do.
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That's a helpless feeling. I lost both of my parents as a child, was then adopted and then lost my adopted father as a teen. In 2020 I suffered the worst loss when I found my son in his room, he had taken his life. I tried to revive him and couldn't. Then a year later I found my mother when I went to visit her one morning. She had passed away on her couch. So I know that feeling when you say there was nothing you could do.

Sorry for your losses. I know it's a part of life, but death just sucks!

After all of that loss, sometimes I feel like I'm not here anymore. Just a ghost floating around waiting.
I can't possibly imagine what you've been through. Losing a parent is one thing, but it is supposed to happen. Losing a child, especially in that manner, is unthinkable. Very tragic. I'm very sorry for your loss and respect that you shared that here. Puts a lot of things in perspective in life.
My condolences for your loss. It is a very difficult time and it hurts. I also lost my father in 2010. He's the reason I'm on this Pitt rivals board today. He took me to my first Pitt game as a kid we saw USC vs Pitt at Pitt Stadium. I've been a Pitt fan and season ticket holder since.
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Thank you. Definitely the most painful thing I've ever experienced. But the death of anyone close is a terrible thing when that person was such a big part of your world.
I can't possibly imagine what you've been through. Losing a parent is one thing, but it is supposed to happen. Losing a child, especially in that manner, is unthinkable. Very tragic. I'm very sorry for your loss and respect that you shared that here. Puts a lot of things in perspective in life.
That's a helpless feeling. I lost both of my parents as a child, was then adopted and then lost my adopted father as a teen. In 2020 I suffered the worst loss when I found my son in his room, he had taken his life. I tried to revive him and couldn't. Then a year later I found my mother when I went to visit her one morning. She had passed away on her couch. So I know that feeling when you say there was nothing you could do.

Sorry for your losses. I know it's a part of life, but death just sucks!

After all of that loss, sometimes I feel like I'm not here anymore. Just a ghost floating around waiting.
My prayers are with you.

I can't think of a worse combination of events.
That's a helpless feeling. I lost both of my parents as a child, was then adopted and then lost my adopted father as a teen. In 2020 I suffered the worst loss when I found my son in his room, he had taken his life. I tried to revive him and couldn't. Then a year later I found my mother when I went to visit her one morning. She had passed away on her couch. So I know that feeling when you say there was nothing you could do.

Sorry for your losses. I know it's a part of life, but death just sucks!

After all of that loss, sometimes I feel like I'm not here anymore. Just a ghost floating around waiting.

Jesus, man. Hang in there.
First, condolences.

My grandparents, parents, all of my aunts and uncles, and my two siblings have passed. My holidays and holy days are spent with my wife and two kids which is fine, but lord knows I miss traditional family get-togethers. It sucks to be the last man standing.
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First, condolences.

My grandparents, parents, all of my aunts and uncles, and my two siblings have passed. My holidays and holy days are spent with my wife and two kids which is fine, but lord knows I miss traditional family get-togethers. It sucks to be the last man standing.
That is what kind of sucks about the trend of each generation having less and less kids. Eventually the extended family shrinks so much that family gatherings are 5 to 10 people when they used to be 25+. We live in an area that attracts a lot of transplants that don't want to travel "home" to see families or also have small extended families. So we celebrate some holidays with neighbors. Christmas Eve was my wife and 2 kids plus about 10 neighbors. Its not the same as the big family gatherings of yesteryear, but usually comes with a lot less drama. :)
My Dad entered the portal in 2010 and my Mom May 11 this year.Heard her hit the floor from a heart attack.Nothing I could do.
So sorry for the loss of your dear mother And father ..
I lost my dad way back in 1993 . I had just turned 30 and he at the young age of 60 .
He had just turned 60 November of the prior year . Wayyy too young .
Camel cigarettes and an unhealthy working atmosphere consumed him .

When my son had a successful career in high school and earned his football scholarship at Pitt , it broke my heart that Dear old Dad wasn't there to witness his success ... Such is life ...

Mum is still chugging though God bless her . She'll be 91 in August God willing .
I guess my point is to cherish what we have at the moment .. Honestly because , let's face it . There really is no tomorrow .... God Bless BP ..
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My Dad entered the portal in 2010 and my Mom May 11 this year.Heard her hit the floor from a heart attack.Nothing I could do.
So difficult — my condolences.

I was fortunate enough to have my mother live to 94 - she died in 2017. On the other hand, my dad, who was my best friend, died at 59. Miss them both but in very different ways.
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It's funny you should say that because what keeps me going is convincing myself that there are people that have it worse and trying to help them. But thank you for your prayers.
More people should have an attitude like yours. It would be a much better world to live in.

Thank you!
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Since you are in North Carolina, you may appreciate this. Sometimes things happen that make you think things happen for a reason and give you moments of healing. Especially at times you really need them like the holiday season which really sucks in my family, we totally dread them.
But my oldest son coaches football down in Hickory, NC. Last season they wore helmet stickers in memory of my son who passed away and for suicide awareness. The first night they wore them, they upset the number-one-ranked team in the state and then Hickory went on to go undefeated and win the 3A state football title. You talk about a family that needed something to help them during the holidays.
Every Friday, my wife and I would drive down to Hickory to see our son and watch the game. As the season went on we kept talking about how special it would be to see them go to the title game wearing the stickers for our youngest son with his older brother coaching on the sidelines. Then they made it to the title game at UNC and won. I can't begin to tell you how special that moment was when the game was over and they had won the state championship. It was the first happy Christmas we had since we lost our youngest son.

Sometimes in the darkest of times, God gives us a glimmer of light. When you see it, it gives you hope.

My prayers are with you.

I can't think of a worse combination of events.
That is what kind of sucks about the trend of each generation having less and less kids. Eventually the extended family shrinks so much that family gatherings are 5 to 10 people when they used to be 25+. We live in an area that attracts a lot of transplants that don't want to travel "home" to see families or also have small extended families. So we celebrate some holidays with neighbors. Christmas Eve was my wife and 2 kids plus about 10 neighbors. Its not the same as the big family gatherings of yesteryear, but usually comes with a lot less drama. :)
That's so true. My Dad in 1984, mom in 1997. They had 5 kids & 16 grandkds, now scattered all over the place. We only have 4 folks in Pgh. More in Philly.
I just keep hearing the God Awful crash when she hit the floor.

My Mom 79 and my Dad was 72 as well.
Too young. My heart goes out to you. This free board can be ridiculous and exhausting at times, but it's heartening to see the posters reaching out to share their own grief and attempt to lift you up in your time of sorrow and loss. Be strong my man.