Whoa big coaching news today

I think he signed a deal for 4 years at only $6 million a year. I think Texas would pay considerably more, with more years. Billy D has made so much already and might prefer the pro game right now. College is somewhat of a circus.

Define "considerably more". Donovan's NBA salary would make him the third highest paid coach in the country behind Calipari and Coach K. Donovan's salary is roughly double what Texas paid Barnes and Smart. He clearly wants to be in the NBA and even if he decides to come back to college in a few years, he'll have his pick of programs that are better than Texas.
Define "considerably more". Donovan's NBA salary would make him the third highest paid coach in the country behind Calipari and Coach K. Donovan's salary is roughly double what Texas paid Barnes and Smart. He clearly wants to be in the NBA and even if he decides to come back to college in a few years, he'll have his pick of programs that are better than Texas.

$9 million for Donovan would be money well spent.

What programs do you consider a lot better? Because I don't think Donovan would find it any harder signing players at Texas than he would UNC, Duke, or anywhere else. At Texas, the expectations aren't quite as insane and he wouldn't be living under the shadow of any previous coaches.

Just saying they should kick the tires there first and gage interest. I don't think he would take it either, ...Still you never know. OKC pulled the rug out from under him in terms of personnel right after he took the job. He still had a nice run, but he's in another rebuilding situation in Chicago, and they don't look like a contender any time soon.

There was a time Nick Saban wanted to leave Alabama for Texas,,so you never know what relationships are like, or who is looking to make a move.
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