Why do the Women get THE BETTER TIME SLOT?

Not really. But I got up at 6AM for work for 40 freaking years. And if a couple of times a year There was something on that lasted past 11Pm or midnight and I wanted to see it, I sucked it up and watched it then deal with it the next day. I didn't act like the networks should check with me before scheduling an event.
Don't you have opinions? If I want to see something, I'll suck it up and stay up. But am I not ALLOWED to prefer that they'd play it a different day or time? It's just an OPINION that I don't like that time slot, why does it bother you THAT I SAY IT?
You know how anyone with even an ounce of common sense knows that's ridiculously false? Because if CBS could gets TENS OF MILLIONS more fans watching the game at any other time, be it Sunday evening or 3 AM on a Tuesday, that's when the game would be played.

Do you really not understand that with all the money that they are paying that CBS (and Turner) want the games played when the most people will be watching?
I don't agree, you're ridiculously false, I know plenty of people that don't watch those games because they don't care to stay up on a work night where they need to get up early, but would if it was earlier or a different day.
Don't you have opinions? If I want to see something, I'll suck it up and stay up. But am I not ALLOWED to prefer that they'd play it a different day or time? It's just an OPINION that I don't like that time slot, why does it bother you THAT I SAY IT?
You asked a question. I answered it.
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I can't believe that none of you wouldn't prefer the game earlier than 9PM, and it's really funny how you can't admit it.
I can't believe that none of you wouldn't prefer the game earlier than 9PM, and it's really funny how you can't admit it.
Lots of people said in this thread that they’d prefer the game to have tipped off an hour or so earlier.
Lots of people said in this thread that they’d prefer the game to have tipped off an hour or so earlier.
Then I'm not necessarily wrong. Most people on these boards are sports diehards who will watch it whenever they are told to, But there are people that don't but would, given a better time slot.
I can't believe that none of you wouldn't prefer the game earlier than 9PM, and it's really funny how you can't admit it.
You realize, I hope, that the TV networks do not care whether people in Pittsburgh would prefer to have the game start earlier. They only care about which time slot is going to give them the largest national audience. And they have decided that 9 Eastern is that time.
The NCAA Women's Final was played Sunday 6PM, Men? Monday 9PM. The women have the better spot, like the Super Bowl time slot! The slot where everyone can watch at a reasonable hour and the game is over by 10PM. Monday at 9PM sucks, always has. I haven't watched the game for years, just because I have work in the morning and Pitt is never in it :) but I think I'll stay up this year, I want to see if Gonzaga goes unbeaten. But YES 100% Women's time slot > Men's time slot
Because this gives the men a day off.

Not everything is meant as a slight.
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I don't agree, you're ridiculously false, I know plenty of people that don't watch those games because they don't care to stay up on a work night where they need to get up early, but would if it was earlier or a different day.

I have to hand it to you. No one is more willing to put their ignorance on display and then double down on the stupid quite like you are. You should be proud of that.

But thinking that CBS is leaving potentially TENS OF MILLIONS of viewers out, viewers that would more than double their ratings, and therefore more than double their ad rates, and therefore make them truckloads of money, is even dumber than just about everything SMF has ever posted on this board.
I have to hand it to you. No one is more willing to put their ignorance on display and then double down on the stupid quite like you are. You should be proud of that.

But thinking that CBS is leaving potentially TENS OF MILLIONS of viewers out, viewers that would more than double their ratings, and therefore more than double their ad rates, and therefore make them truckloads of money, is even dumber than just about everything SMF has ever posted on this board.
Maybe its you that's stupid, maybe all the people you know are sports obsessed and will stay up all night for any championship game. I know a lot of people that would watch it, but don't because of the time slot. I'd prefer Stanley Cup Playoff games to use regular season OT rules. I never stay up for a SCP OT game because it might take all night. I'm sure I'm not the only one that turns those games off.
Maybe its you that's stupid

When you think something completely different that everyone else, including the people who literally have BILLIONS of dollars at stake, you might want to consider that it is possible, I mean sure, not likely, but just slightly possible, that everyone else, including the people with BILLIONS of dollars at stake, know just a little bit more than you do.
When you think something completely different that everyone else, including the people who literally have BILLIONS of dollars at stake, you might want to consider that it is possible, I mean sure, not likely, but just slightly possible, that everyone else, including the people with BILLIONS of dollars at stake, know just a little bit more than you do.
You don't have to "know more" to have an opinion that you like one time slot over another. And it's a fact that a lot of people don't stay up for those games on a work night. Maybe there are more people that wouldn't watch if it was Sunday at 6PM, I just don't know any.
You don't have to "know more" to have an opinion that you like one time slot over another. And it's a fact that a lot of people don't stay up for those games on a work night. Maybe there are more people that wouldn't watch if it was Sunday at 6PM, I just don't know any.
Nobody care what your preferred time slot is
Move on
When you think something completely different that everyone else, including the people who literally have BILLIONS of dollars at stake, you might want to consider that it is possible, I mean sure, not likely, but just slightly possible, that everyone else, including the people with BILLIONS of dollars at stake, know just a little bit more than you do.
Has he even considered that many fans on the West Coast might not watch the game if it began on Monday at 3 PM in the afternoon (Pacific Time) instead of at 6 PM (Pacific Time)?
Has he even considered that many fans on the West Coast might not watch the game if it began on Monday at 3 PM in the afternoon (Pacific Time) instead of at 6 PM (Pacific Time)?
OMG, Souf just called him "Jorts"!

I'm dead... 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Has he even considered that many fans on the West Coast might not watch the game if it began on Monday at 3 PM in the afternoon (Pacific Time) instead of at 6 PM (Pacific Time)?
Are the Pacific Time people more important? If we have to lose a segment of people why the ET people?
I'm not saying Monday at 6PM, I'm saying Sunday at 6PM like the Super Bowl.

Forget about what the Networks and the billionaires want, if you could make the decision, would you choose Sunday 6PM or Monday 9PM?
Nobody care what your preferred time slot is
Move on
Given the choice? if you could make the decision, would you choose Sunday 6PM or Monday 9PM? Just curious? So you prefer Monday with the tip coming like 9:20PM?
Given the choice? if you could make the decision, would you choose Sunday 6PM or Monday 9PM? Just curious? So you prefer Monday with the tip coming like 9:20PM?
Monday at 8 (Central time zone, baby!). I don’t like having stuff on my agenda on Sunday afternoons.
Not to me. the final is not always on Easter weekend. To me, Sunday evening is always a better time than late Monday night. If it was Monday at 6PM or even 7PM I'd be fine with it. But 9PM and with all the USELESS pregame GARBAGE that I don't care to hear or see, it doesn't even tip off until 9:20. There are plenty of people like me that would watch, but don't care enough to stay up late for it, same with the Football CG. Now if Pitt ever made it, they could start at 2AM and I'd stay up, But normally, I don't care that much, unless there's something interesting about it, like Gonzaga trying to go undefeated.
Obviously, the ad buyers think 4 hours of has-beens droning on about the 4 walk-ons on the Gonzaga bench, etc. is interesting. So they'll buy time that is cheaper than the ads on the game.
Capitalism at work. I watch NO talking head shows about any sport. Frequently record the actual game so I can watch it later w/o commercials.
It was
And my answer is still Monday
Ok, just a different opinion. I'd rather have Sunday or earlier Monday. My question never was "What is the best time to show the game that favors the TV networks?" It was only about what day or time do you as an individual like.
Ok, just a different opinion. I'd rather have Sunday or earlier Monday. My question never was "What is the best time to show the game that favors the TV networks?" It was only about what day or time do you as an individual like.
Your opinion as noted
Doesn’t matter
The networks like the final four on Saturday and title game on Monday
It’s why they scheduled it that way
The networks like the final four on Saturday and title game on Monday
It’s why they scheduled it that way

Which gets to the real question. It's not "do you prefer the Championship game on Sunday or Monday?", it's "do you prefer the Final Four/Championship to be played on Friday/Sunday or Saturday/Monday?"

Personally I prefer Saturday/Monday. And it's pretty obvious that the television networks and the advertisers do too.